
The Repossession Mambo by Eric Garcia

eacolgan's review against another edition

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i really enjoyed this book. i love main characters who are unapologetic assholes, and the narrator is definitely one of those. and while he's still basically an unapologetic asshole at the end of the book, it's a different sort entirely. he's learned to love someone who actually deserves it, and he values life-- others' lives-- far more. but the transformation isn't done in a saccharine or sappy way, and i'm definitely left wondering if all is really as well and settled as it seems. i'm looking forward to seeing the movie, but i don't think it'll be as satisfying as the book.

heathercatherineo's review against another edition

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Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. The story structure is chopped up into distinct pieces, brilliantly reflecting the way the protagonist views life in general. And yet, Garcia manages to string them together in a way that makes the whole novel flow and captivate your attention. The premise of the story is intriguing and highly original, which is really refreshing, and the bits of dark humor scattered throughout are entertaining. Sometimes the dialogue felt a bit like stereotypical cop-type talk, but it fit with the story so it worked. It's a novel rich with content as well as character, and I highly recommend it. I'm glad I read the novel before I go watch the movie.

bloodravenlib's review against another edition

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This book is a must-read for various reasons. For one, if you like the paranoia element in works by Philip K. Dick and Alfred Bester, then you will probably like this one as well. I would say it falls somewhat in the dystopian genre (the protagonist narrating in first person can be seen as a bit similar to Winston Smith), so if you like that, this work will appeal to you as well. Next, and this is a big reason why I tell this people to read this book: it is one hell of a commentary on why we need a good universal health care system that cares for everyone. This novel basically shows the worse case scenario for managed and for profit care systems. In a way, it does for health care and for financial extremism (think the recession is bad now, imagine it worse if those bankers so on are not regulated at all) what The Handmaid's Tale does for religious fundamentalism taking over the country. Plus, the book itself is a pretty good thrill ride.

This is a world where any organ or body part can be replaced...for a price. Can't afford it? No problem. The Credit Union will be happy to work with you on financing. However, can't pay the loan? They send their Bio-Repo men to get their assets back by any means necessary. You bleed to death during the repossession? Too bad. You should have read the fine print and paid your loan. Rate of the loan too high? Looks like usury? Hey, what's that when you get a new kidney or liver instead of having to die waiting for a transplant? Sure, this is a future dystopian scenario, but are we really that far away from it. What really keeps us from selling organs in an open market? We already do have artificial hearts? Who is to say those won't get better and better over time? And why not other organs? And as health care costs keep spiraling out of control to the point where only the ultra-rich can get it, how long before some entrepreneurs come along and offer financing? How much different is that from, say, a rent-to-own joint or any other shady loan operations now? The beauty and strength of this book is that the future it portrays is all too plausible. Therein lies the true terror of it.

I won't spoil the ending, but I did have mixed feelings about it, which is why I did not go for the 5 stars. But the ending will leave you thinking. And as I said, it is a pretty engaging book overall. Definitely recommend it.

lbcecil's review against another edition

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It takes a while to get into the book and a while to stay interested but once you finish, you'll be glad you persisted!

kaisu's review against another edition

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Das Buch hat seinen ganz eigenen Stil, aber er passt zur Geschichte. Wer softe SciFi mag, ist hier genau richtig.

Die Verfilmung ist in meinen Augen gelungen. Wenige Details sind verschieden und lediglich das Ende ist komplett anders. Ich mag beide Versionen.

spookygirl's review against another edition

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It was okay. Not a MUST READ, but more of a if you have time, it won't hurt...

nkmeyers's review against another edition

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Liked this story, its narrator and its conclusion more than I ever expected I would! This one is worth turning the pages for! Wonderfully structured.

ladydisdain's review

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Just watch Repo! if you need to scratch the organ repossession itch. Hell, even the film adaptation understood that the sheer melodrama of the concept needs a musical number to hold it together. I tried to batter my way in at least 10 times, but it's yet another author who never intended me to read his book and didn't think that opening with an erection probably was going to create a barrier for potential readers. 