
Savor You by Emily Snow

devansbooklife's review against another edition

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I think Emily Snow is a very talented writer and really look forward to reading more from her. However, I felt extremely lost throughout this book. I didn't understand the history behing Wyatt and Kylie or why there was such heartache and desperation. I felt that Kylie was over reactive with some of her feelings because it seems she never actually asked Wyatt to be really committed. So how could she have been so hurt when she never clearly stated her demands. Maybe I just didn't fully comprehend the story. I really felt that there could have been more explanation behind Wyatt and Kylie.

stacymk84's review against another edition

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DNF- I like second chance stories but not this one

jetenold's review against another edition

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I can't decide if i really liked this one, or if it was more of just an ok read. It is about the death of a relationship, but also the saving of one and i think the up and down just really got to me and not in a necessarily good way. Maybe i was just not in the right mind frame when reading it so will have to give it another chance at a far later date.

Read it in the Bad boys of summer anthology.

stumpfed's review against another edition

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Ok, I'm officially in love with Wyatt....add his fine ass to "the list"!

cc_84's review against another edition

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3.5 stars!!!

I loved Devoured and All Over You and I was really looking forward to getting to know that spunky Kylie a little more. I didn't feel like I got quite the same Kylie; granted the interactions we saw in Devoured were mainly between her and Lucas and needless to say the way you interact with your brother is WAY different from the way you interact with someone you know more intimately ;) So that difference in Kylie's personality I can get past and somewhat understand.

I also felt a little confused in parts, waiting and waiting to get answers; answers eventually came but at times it felt like it took forever to get there.

I wish I would have a more of their past and what happened between them in all those years; I think I would have been able to connect more with their relationship.

All in all, it was well worth the read and I look forward to more from Emily Snow and the YTS gang :)

lovehollyxx's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

Savor You is a spin off from Emily Snow's Devoured series, which I absolutely loved!! I mean, what's not to love about sexy rock star Lucas Wolfe and his band Your Toxic Sequel? So when I heard that a book about Lucas' younger Sister and PA Kylie, and his guitarist Wyatt was to be released, my expectations were high. But that's probably where I went wrong. Because I was left feeling kind of let down by Kylie's story. Don't get me wrong, I still thought it was good, but I didn't love it and I truly hate to say that because I think Emily Snow is a fantastic writer.

Kylie and Wyatt have had a crazy on-off relationship for 7 years. It's intense and toxic which is never a good mix but no matter how many times they get burned, they keep going back for more. Just as Kylie finally decides to kick the habit and end things with Wyatt for good, he has other ideas. He turns up at the end of her vacation and asks for a few days to try and prove to her why they should give it one last try, by taking her to places that had memories for them, so she could remember why they fell in the first place. Their relationship wasn't exactly stable, but I loved Wyatt for doing this despite the fact that most of their past encounters were tinged with sadness, they still meant something to him.

There were quite a few aspects of the story that I enjoyed. We find out the meaning behind Kylie's many tattoos which really made me feel for her and I found myself hoping she didn't get any more for this reason. The name "Brenna" popped up quite a few times and I really wanted to find out who this girl was and how she came between Kylie and Wyatt at some point in their past, and when her identity is revealed I was seriously surprised and I loved it!! We get to Lucas again and I still loved him just as much as in Devoured and what made me love him even more is that at the end of Savor You, we get to see Lucas' POV from the end of Devoured and it is awesome!

Two characters that really stood out for me in this book were Kylie's BFF Heidi, and YTS band mate Cal. I loved these two so much! They really bounced off each other and left me wanting more, so I was really happy when Emily told me that depending on what the fans wanted, she has plans to do books in this series for Cal and Heidi, and Sinjin and a mystery lady. So if you read this book, make sure you tell her how much you loved the secondary characters, and fingers crossed, we will get more.

Overall I found myself wishing for more energy to Savor You, but to be honest, I don't think Kylie and Wyatt's story could be told any other way. It wasn't all happy, hearts and flowers. It was tough. It was intense. It was broken. But it was theirs. Unfortunately it just wasn't for me. I still love the Author's writing and I will continue to buy future books from her including this series. I am still very much a fan of Emily Snow and I look forward to reading what she brings out next.

caffeineandbookreviews's review against another edition

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I loved it! For those of you who have read Devoured this is a spinoff and not a followup to it and it's written on the same timeline as Devoured but from Kylie's point of view.

Sweet little fucked up Kylie... In Devoured we get snippets of who she is but never really what she's about, in Savour You we follow her when she heads of New Orleans for a "holiday" so that her brother can try and get closer to his red head. We learn all about her messed up history with Wyatt, their toxic relationship over the past few years and that Kylie isn't really the bitch we come to think of her as.

It's also a frigging fantastic way to recap on Devoured without having to reread it before Consumed is released as well, I know I personally read so many books that often by the time a sequel is released I have to skin over the first book again to get a bit of a reminder, this way I got to add a new book to my read list and I got a recap as a bonus!

enchantressofbooks's review against another edition

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We met both Wyatt and Kylie in the "Devoured" series. Kylie caught my attention from the very beginning and I KNEW there was more to the story and I was hoping Emily, the author would share it with us.

Wow! Wyatt and Kylie have been through a LOT! We knew there was drama but what that specifically was or entailed we didn't know. This was a quick read and one that I didn't want to put down. I will admit, that there were times when I was thinking "Really?" as some of the drama could have been avoided by having a conversation and discussing the matter. Another thought we may have was the "Why". Why continue to put herself through the emotional roller coaster. We know that as much as we may love someone, sometimes, love just isn't enough. Yet, these two continued to gravitate towards each other. This went on for not days, or months, but YEARS. At which point do you say "enough, this isn't healthy" and decide to call it quits and move on. If she were my friend, I'd be smacking her across the head, giving her a hug and then pass her a spoon since we knew we'd be staying up chatting the matter over ice cream. Oh and if HE was my friend? The most disapproving look and the shaking of my head. Sometimes, things like that affect a guy more than punching him in the guy and yelling "you stupid idiot!". Can you tell, I've done something like this before? Yeah, those conversations were never fun. However, when you make that decision of "Yes, we're going to be together and we definitely need to work some things out, but this is what we're doing and sticking to it!" does arrive you hope they both make the same level of commitment.

There are a few things that are left unexplained, like Kylie's cutting. I also wished we got to 'see'/learn a little more about their history. How they got together and what happened that drove them apart as well even some of those 22 events that caused Kylie to get those tattoos. As this is a series, I do hope some of these questions get answered in the upcoming books.

By the way, LOVING the new cover over the original!

Overall all a great read filled with great bantering, angst, drama, emotions and yes, steaminess!

This and other reviews available at Viviana, Enchantress of Books

colescorner's review against another edition

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A Rockstar Romance between Wyatt McCrae and Kylie. In their on again off again romance, Kylie has said this last impromptu trip with Wyatt is their last chance. Their goodbye. But when Wyatt finally opens up and tells her how he really feels she is torn. Torn between her love for him and the fear of being hurt again.
In the end, words of wisdom from her mother sends her to him.

tam08081983's review

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Loved it all. With the way it ends though, I'm curious as to what happens in the next book in the Savor Us series.