
A Pale Horse by Charles Todd

bucherca49's review

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The plot could have been tightened a bit. The ending seems to drag. The voice of Hamish is getting tiresome by #10 in the series. I wonder if there will be some change in Ian's psychological condition in the next 20-odd volumes (i.e., that the voice of Hamish diminishes and even disappears). I like the series primarily because of the historical context, so I was glad to learn about Porton Down in this volume. Also appreciate it when the book locates events in actual places (e.g., Fountains Abbey).

justasking27's review against another edition

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oooh a lovely historical mystery, with a hauntingly beautiful setting. Inspector Rutledge, please marry me.

jaswanson22's review

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audiobook, looking for a good series, not this one

plantbirdwoman's review against another edition

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A man who is of interest to the British War Office has disappeared. He is a chemist whose work during World War I was so secret that the War Office withholds information about what he did or even his real name. But they want someone to go and try to find what has happened to him. Scotland Yard sends Inspector Ian Rutledge.

It's not the first time his superiors have sent him on what appears to be a "mission impossible" since he returned to his job just over a year ago after having suffered shell shock during the war and being hospitalized after it. In spite of the demons that haunt him and the constant presence in his head of Hamish, the Scottish soldier whom he executed at the front for failure to obey orders, Rutledge is a very good investigator and in spite of the ill will of his supervisor, Superintendent Bowles, he's been able to solve every case that has been assigned to him. This one, though, begins to look like it may be unsolvable.

Rutledge heads out to Berkshire, to a group of cottages standing in the shadow of a great white horse cut into the chalk hillside, where the missing man lived. He discovers a group of inhabitants who are outcasts, all of whom are hiding from something in their past. In that, the man who went by the name of Partridge fit right in.

Rutledge learns that Partridge had a habit of wandering off from time to time and so no one has really missed him or worried about him, but then the inhabitants of these cottages don't really interact with or take an interest in each other, so why would they worry?

At length, Rutledge learns that the body of a man wrapped in a cloak with his face covered by a gas mask has been found in the ruins of Yorkshire's Fountain Abbey, and he goes to investigate. He comes to suspect that the body may be that of the missing man, but how did he wind up in Yorkshire, far afield from his cottage in Berkshire? There is no easy explanation.

The local policeman in charge has convinced himself, for his own selfish reasons of revenge, that the dead man is one who, years before, had accidentally scarred the face of a local woman while he was in a drunken stupor. He wants to believe that the woman's husband, the local schoolmaster who was a conscientious objector during the war, has killed this man. The policeman's motives are based in the fact that he once wanted to marry the woman who was scarred and she turned him down in favor of the schoolmaster. This angle of the plot never was really resolved to my satisfaction. It was just sort of left hanging when Rutledge's investigation veered off into another avenue. It was one of my few complaints about the book.

Rutledge's investigation eventually leads him to an estate called Partridge Fields which had been the home of a family named Parkinson. It seems that Parkinson was the true name of the missing man. His wife was long dead, a suicide, but there were two daughters; however, these daughters are not easy to locate and once located, they are so filled with hatred of their father that they are uncooperative in discovering the truth.

In fact, that's another of my complaints about the book. Everyone in these villages, from the occupants to the local police, is always uncooperative and downright obstructive with Rutledge's investigations. He seems like such a caring and competent man that it is a mystery to me why everyone seems so obstreperous and deceptive in his presence.

Ah, well, nothing can really obstruct him for long. We know that, in the end, Rutledge will solve another case and will again receive no appreciation of that fact from the execrable Superintendent Bowles. What will it ever take to finally have his brilliance recognized?

wendystewartfox's review against another edition

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4.5 stars, I like what we are learning about Routledge's personal story line

nickertz's review against another edition

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Lots of running around to find out who the dead guy is. Lots of running around to get anyone to admit to it. Lots a running around to find the other killer. In the end - the killer makes a run for it and all is solved. Ho hum.

emtobiasz's review against another edition

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I've had several patrons suggest the Inspector Ian Rutledge novels to me, since I read the Maisie Dobbs books and love that time setting between the two world wars in England. I've been listening to my mysteries on audio lately, so I gave this one a try, even though I had tried one of the Bess Crawford series and found it pretty lackluster. A Pale Horse was all right-- I wasn't terribly impressed, but neither was I disappointed. The mystery was convoluted enough that I probably should have been reading (and paying closer attention) instead of listening with half an ear, so I'm sure I missed some things.

clarehitchens's review

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I liked this one well enough, but I found the resolution of the mystery unsatisfying. I usually like to have at least some clue where the author is going, but this seemed to come out of the blue and wrapped things up in the last few pages of the book. But aside from that, I enjoy these characters and their continuing story -- the mysteries are secondary to me.

northstar's review

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Better than average mystery even if the historical lessons are a bit heavy handed. Great series.

lipat's review

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Very good to spend time with Ian and Hamish again. Hamish seems to have gotten more threatening though?