
Warped by Maurissa Guibord

astoryuntold's review

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Awww I loved Warped!It's such a cutsie novel with a unique and intriguing story.

I know that a lot of people aren't exactly fans of flash-backs and the constant jumping between timelines, but I don't mind at all. In fact, I like it when I can see what happened in the past with my own "eyes" instead of reading about it being narrated by a character in the book. So I really enjoyed both the present and the epic past (horses, maidens, castles, witches-you know the drill!)
which due to Guibord's light and very vivid writing, is not at all confusing, like where am I now? how did I come to be here? and all that.

I liked both Tessa and Will's characters. Tessa, well you can't BUT like her. She is so nice and funny and pretty much has every quality you can think of. Will is so seriously medieval, sometimes in the point of snorting, other times you find yourself being smitten with him without even realising it.
Gray Lily, the villain, was fantastic! That's how a villain in a fairy tale should be like. Sca-ry! She kinda reminded me of Mother Gothel, Rapunzel's mother in a way. Creepy and completely obsessed with eternal youth and beauty.

I haven't read any books on Norse Mythology so I didn't know their version of the Fates, called the Norns. I only knew Fates through Greek Mythology (duh) and I thought that was it. Even though both myths have the same basic story, 3 women who decide humans' fate, there are also a lot of differences between them, so it was interesting to read about another take on this well-known lore.

I really enjoyed Warped and I absolutely recommend it to readers who want to be amazed by something different and unique in YA. Full of action, romance and magic, Warped will definitely keep you up all night!
Unfortunately, there isn't any news about a sequel yet. The main story ends without a hint of one, but the epilogue...not so much ;)

kurenai's review

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This is on the younger of the YA spectrum and while well-enough written it feels like a cookie-cutter YA time-travel-romance-fantasy book. I'm only about 1/3 of the way in but am not invested enough in anything to bother continuing. Dropped.

rakesrogues's review

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Review Overview:

Charming, fairy tale-like read
Will de Chaucy will have you swooning

Time travel, unicorns, magic, and a hot British guy. This book has it all.WARPED is a light, charming read that will take you through a fantastical adventure through time.

WARPED is based on the Norse myth of the Norn, the three women who control the destinies of men and women (yes, I checked this out on Wikipedia). Prior knowledge of the myth is unnecessary since Guibord pretty much explains who they are and what they do throughout the whole book. I had never heard of the Norn prior to reading WARPED and I have to admit that I found the concept of Fate intriguing.

Is the plot predictable? Well, kinda. But because it reads like a fairy tale, the archetypes are laid out and we can easily tell the Good vs. the Bad. I knew when Something Bad is about to happen so I was able to brace myself at the opportune moments for the worst. Despite the use of fairy tale archetypes, I don’t mean to say that WARPED is predictable to the point that it is boring. On the contrary, Guibord’s writing leaves you on the edge of your seat. The chapters are very short which left me hanging at the end of each one. I found that I couldn’t just set a one-chapter limit whenever I decided to pick up the book, and before I knew it, I had read five. The pacing is so easy to get into, I found it very difficult to put it down.

And do I need to mention hot British guy one more time? Yes, I do. In WARPED, hot British guy takes the form of William de Chaucy, a 16th-century nobleman who is undeniably charming. He is without a doubt my favorite character in the book.

Just a warning, the majority of the book does occur in present day though there is dabble in time travel.

WARPED was a great, quick, and delightful read that will have you swooning at the charms of Will de Chaucy. I would definitely recommend this to those who love romance, time travel, unicorns, and hot British guys.

prationality's review

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Prelim Review: From the first time I read about this book I knew I wanted it. I've always been fascinated by stories with unicorns a this one had the added dash of history to it so all the better!

Full Review to be posted at Poisoned Rationality

qa9's review

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I liked the story but the climax kind of failed as a climax. It just ended. There wasn't enough emotion in the climax scene for me.
The end was cute and I enjoyed the story. I would have enjoyed it even more if the climax had actually been a good climax.