
Proof of Lies by Diana Rodriguez Wallach

kenjisgf's review

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for me this book was around 3-4 stars , the book gave off major yr5 primary self vibes , this is the type of book I'd read as a kid and praise it like no end

the book got a little confusing towards the end , i do feel like the idea was reallyy good but then the execution was meh

ankysbookbubble's review against another edition

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Proof of Lies was an engaging, suspenseful read. The fact that it was a YA Suspense made it all the more fun for me!

I loved all the mystery about Anastasia's parents, but I hated the fact that it wasn't revealed in this book. I really hope it is in the sequel!

As for the characters, Anastasia was a really relatable character. The way her feelings for her sister switched because of the circumstances totally made sense. She wasn't a devout, neither did she hate her sister. Marcus was a sweet character too, and kinda seemed too good to be true. 

The storyline was flawless, and I loved all the sleuthing Anastasia and Markus did together. 

Overall, Proof of Lies was an engaging and fun read!

noolna's review against another edition

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This was sooooo boring. Nothing really happened in the first 18 chapters, so I skimmed it mostly and then read the last two chapters. You spot the big "twist" from a mile away, and it's not even shocking. Surprised that I didn't DNF tbh.

tereesio's review against another edition

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This book was an absolute page-turner! I loved reading about the mystery unfolding while also visiting several Italian cities along the way. I can't wait to see what happens to Anastasia in the next book!

ps_a22's review against another edition

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For some reason, I delayed reading this book. Despite the fact that the novel was a crime/mystery, which is my favourite genre, I was hesitant to read it. I think the gloomy cover discouraged me. But I couldn't out it down the moment I started reading.
First of all, this novel has a fantastic plot. Nowhere in the novel could I predict what was going to happen and when something was revealed, I could easily see evidence of it in previous chapters. The plotline was immaculately planned and made the book extraordinarily better.

Secondly, the characters in the novel were very distinct and unique. They were all very well-developed and possessed their own unique voice. Anastasia, Marcus, Keira and Charlotte were al lovely characters and I can't wait to read more of their adventure, or more specifically, misadventures.

All in all, it was a very good book and I really enjoyed reading it.

weecha22's review against another edition

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Out today!! Don't miss it! Perfect for fans of Ally Carter.

Advance Praise:
“Gripping and full of heart.” —Alyson Noel, #1 NY Times bestselling author of The Immortals Series

"Fast-paced, romantic, and endlessly intriguing." —Alisa Valdes, bestselling author of The Dirty Girls Social Club

yvo_about_books's review against another edition

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Finished reading: February 23rd 2018

"People don't become powerful without having secrets."

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by Netgalley and Entangled Teen in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***


I have stumbled across this series recently after I was invited to join the blog tour for the sequel. I love myself a good spy thriller and I was immediately intrigued by the premise of Proof Of Lies. An international setting, conspiracy theories... Can it get any better than that? This is definitely my kind of story and decided to dive into the first book straight away. I confess it took me a little while, but as soon as the story changed setting I was completely hooked. Where the story starts out a little slow despite everything that happens, the second half was that fully made my heart race. Partly because it was set in Italy and the descriptions of the different places were very well done, but also because of the non stop action and plot twists as Anastasia is trying to find her sister. The first part set in the US did serve very well as an introduction and base line which the rest of the plot stands on. Another thing I really liked (probably the philologist in me speaking here) were the introduction of (mainly) Spanish phrases into the text. I did detect some spelling mistakes, but it's always tricky when it comes to foreign languages in texts. The mention of local food was another nice touch, although I do have to say that even though I'm Dutch I had never heard of 'spekdik' before. Might just be me though... As for the characters, I kind of have a weak spot for Marcus, probably because he's from Madrid and I spent some time there studying abroad. And I agree with Anastasia: I do love a Spanish accent. Talking about Anastasia though, I think she is the main reason I couldn't rate this story higher than I did. Instead of feeling sorry and rooting for her, I found myself rather annoyed by her dramatic, whiny and dramaqueen attitude. I can understand feeling low after all that happened, but she really took it to extremes... The constant 'I can't have anything positive happening to me while my sister is gone' and 'I shouldn't be flirting for the same reason' and the crying in general really were too much for me. And as for the romance... The romance itself wasn't as bad, but Anastasia's attitude towards it was. One moment she was all over him, then the next she's all cold and distant because it's not fair to her sister... What about the other person in the equation? Ugh. The writing really flows though and makes it easy to keep turning those pages. And while I had my guesses, the plot twists and conspiracy theory elements are well executed and mostly managed to surprise me. Also, that ending! I will definitely be looking forward to the sequel to find out what happens next. In short, this YA spy thriller is fast-paced and entertaining and perfect for fans of the Embassy Row and The Conspiracy Of Us series.


Anastasia Phoenix has been moving all around the globe ever since she was little, her scientist parents being transferred multiple times over the years and taking their two daughters with them. Their latest home in Boston became a lot more permanent when both parents die in a car crash, and Anastasia's older sister Keira is left to take care of both of them. But now Keira has disappeared and the police presume her dead... The only one who believes she is still alive is Anastasia, and she is determined to find her. But that is easier said than done...


I have a weak spot for both an international setting and the whole spy/conspiracy theory element, so reading Proof Of Lies was an easy choice. Both these elements were what made this first book of a new series into a succesful and entertaining read for me. While I can't say I liked the main character, not only because she is over dramatic and whiny, but also because she is quite naive and doesn't seem to care about possible consequences of her actions, I somehow still very much enjoyed reading about her search for her sister. The non stop action and international setting in the second half definitely had a lot to do with that. I did wonder about the credibility of it all (A teenager in Europe without supervision?? Everything that happens to them in general??), but I guess at least the second part can be explained away by the conspiracy itself. All in all without doubt still a very entertaining read and I will be looking forward to read the sequel.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.

booksandpops4000's review against another edition

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This was such a fast pace mystery that had me hooked from page one. I loved the main character and how strong willed she was. I loved the complex plot and the various twists and turns that this story took. It was so hard to predict and I loved every second of it. I love Italy BEING the setting of this book so much and it made me feel like I was there. I had such a hard time putting his book down. I loved the crew that we were introduced to in this book and really can't wait to read book 2 :)

mariafri's review

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branpender12's review

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Anastasia has had a rough couple of years and things are not looking any better for her in the present. How would you cope with knowing that the last thing that you told your parents before they died a horrific death, was that you hated them? Or in what could have been the last moments of your only surviving family’s life, you were angry at her for bringing a stranger into your home and taking him to bed instead of spending Mother’s Day with you? Yeah staying in bed shutting out the world seems like an ideal way to pretend life can go on. That is exactly what Anastasia chose to do for most of the first half of Proof of Lies.
Growing up as a globe-trotting attachment in their parent’s shadow had lost all its glitz and glamour in fourteen-year-old Anastasia’s mind. She was tired of living out of boxes and having pretend friends in other Dresden scientist’s children. Just because they shared the gypsy lifestyle didn’t mean that they were kindred spirits. So, it wasn’t fair that her parents planned to uproot her life again and move to Canada of all places and only after three months in what supposed to be their forever home in Boston near the Dresden Headquarters. This potential move was the final straw that broke Anastasia’s proverbial back; especially since her sister was going to get to stay behind and have a normal college life! Anastasia couldn’t help that those three little words slipped out of her mouth for the first time ever, and since they were already out, that she might as well let them resonate in her parent’s mind. Right? Too bad once they are out, those words cause more pain to the person who said them than to the people they are meant to wound.
For three years Anastasia has been raised by her sister Keira and both share the resentment of their forced relationship. I cannot say that I loved either character and I found it hard to relate to the overtly bratty character that Anastasia was, is and seems will always be. She cannot understand the struggles that her sister has made to take care of them both and how much the death of their parents really impacts each of their lives. Keira seems to be the local tramp and only cares about getting her rocks off instead taking care of her sister. A sister that she blames for her spiraling life because hey a twenty-four-year-old shouldn't have to man up to their responsibilities right?
After the self-loathing chapters of the beginning where Anastasia shuts the world out are over, the story finally starts to pick up. Once she decides to follow any and every lead possible to find her missing sister, the plot really catches fire. Insert mysterious handsome, charming Marcus to throw everything Anastasia knows off kilter. With the help of Charlotte, the sister’s roommate and badass computer hacker, Marcus and Anastasia find clues to what happened to Keira before the police and head out to Rome.
Now, this is the part that I cannot really believe and seems to me that it is a bit farfetched. Yes, Anastasia’s passport has as many frequent flyer miles as Carmen Sandiego and Keira must be Waldo, so we need to figure out there in the World she is – but normal teenagers are not going globetrotting and get shot at. The underlying atmosphere of this book really gave me New Moon of the Twilight Saga vibes. From the harrowing motorcycle ride through the city to make Anastasia wake up from her misery to the last-minute trip to Italy to save a loved one and the dark mysterious boy that could be a threat to her. Good thing I really loved Twilight and could appreciate the undertones. I will not spoil what their adventure resolves because it was a fun read that I fully enjoyed and will tell you to hold on to every detail for book 2! Overall, it was an interesting start to this series that left me wondering what the author had in store next.
Just to keep track of the characters:
Anastasia is the MC and has had a crappy couple of years and now everything she has ever known is revealed to be a complete lie. The only person who really believes that her sister Keira is still alive and will do anything to save her. Even go to the ends of the Earth, err to Italy, to recover the truth.
Charlotte is best of friend Kiera, roommate to both girls, has her parents take responsibility for Anastasia to keep her out of foster care, and is also a badass hacker extraordinaire. Like seriously! I think that she has mentored under Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds! Uncovers a huge secret and clue to what happened to Keira.
Marcus is a fellow Dresden kid whose is a native of Madrid and love interest to Anastasia. Apparently, another globetrotting teenager who likes to drive recklessly on motorcycles and would give Edward Cullen a run for his money.
Keira is the missing sister and not so great role model for Anastasia. She tends to let Tom, Dick, and Harry in her bed anytime they call. Sometimes even their friend’s friends too. Blames Anastasia for every trouble in her life and resents her for having to go to nursing school instead of becoming a Doctor because I suppose she couldn’t afford to go to Med school or qualify for student loans? I didn’t care for her at all, as you can tell.
There are few others sprinkled in that are relevant to the storyline, but I will let you discover them on your own!
Wrap Up:
I really enjoyed reading this book overall and commend the author for going out on a limb to do something different than any other book I have ever read! Teenagers that give James Bond a run for his money and put Spy Kids to shame!
If you love a great action-packed and suspenseful mystery book of any genre you will also enjoy this book. I truly highly recommend it even though it is not my normal Death & Destruction type book, there was still lots of the flare that draws me into those books in this one! Just when you think everything was coming together, that only unraveled another piece to the even larger puzzle.