
Arlo Finch in the Valley of Fire by John August

mehsi's review against another edition

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Meet Arlo Finch, his world is about to go topsy-turvy when he finds out that magic is real... and that someone is after him.

I have been trying to write a review for 6 days, but it just isn't working. May also have to do that I am sick as hell, and just want to sleep all day. I still want to give my thoughts on this book so I will write a good/not so good review.

-The scout stuff. Man, I wish my scout days were this awesome, I would have been way more enthusiastic about it. Magic, learning all sorts of epic unknown knots, sled racing, learning all about the woods and what is in it. Sign me up! And then there are all sorts of levels and with each one you get more epicness. *dreams*
-The town and the surrounding area. It sounds like a wonderful spot, I am not sure if I can hold it out there long, I didn't read about any bookstores or libraries, but if it had both those with a good stock, sure, sign me up to live there. Though, I would also like some internet. For my blog. To keep up with my friends and family. The woods are a slightly bit creepy, but I can live with that. It is a shame I am an adult and apparently adults seem to forget about the epic stuff happening in the area, but I just hope that I can still see things.
-The mystery. There is a ton of mystery, because someone is after Arlo. He is also seeing his patrol leader's missing (or is she) cousin and she talks to him and warns him. It makes me very curious as to what is up with Arlo. Why is he so special? What kind of powers does he have?
-I just love the new kids in town trope. Seeing the kids adapt to a life in the midst of nothing with weird things happening nearby is great fun. At first you see them struggle and they are angry for having moved so far away (especially Arlo's sister had that), but then you see them make friends, discover something special in this new space.
-The scary/exciting/OMG things that happen. You won't be bored as soon as the story takes off. It will keep you on your toes the whole way in, you will be right next to Arlo, as eager as he is with finding out what is going on.
-Arlo's new friends. They were just so sweet and I loved how they and Arlo clicked together. They quickly formed an amazing bond and I was smiling that Arlo found new friendship so fast.
-The fact that these kids in the town think that it is like this everywhere. While in fact Arlo has no clue on what they are talking about for about 99% of the time. :P
-Arlo. He will also make an appearance in the next part. I quite loved seeing him grow. From a new kid who is unsure about how things work and how to deal with this new situation to someone is getting stronger and more sure about things. He was brave, he never quit, and he made sure his friends and family were safe and OK.
-The cover is just amazeballs.
-The whole deal with Arlo's dad. I was saddened that he wasn't able to be with his family, but I am happy that they had a chance to at least talk to him each week. It made me feel very happy and warm inside each time they opened that laptop and had a good chat. Talking about anything and everything. I do hope that Arlo's dad is able to come back one day.

Not so good:
-A very slow start. It took me quite a bit to get into the book, but once I did I was totally immersed in the story.
-Arlo. Arlo was also fun, as you can see in the good part of the review. But at times he was just so dumb. He is 12 years old, but at times he acts more like an 8 year old. He didn't know some very basic and common things, he thought his sister was possessed when she started dating, and some other things. I was just shaking my head and wondering if Arlo was missing something in his head.

I still have questions, what connects Arlo with Rielle (their eyes at least, but there is more)? What happened to the yellow team on the scouts? What is hiding in the woods? Will Arlo be able to do more magic? Learn more magic? Will his dad come home? What is up with his uncle? I will be getting book 2 soon, I need it in my life.

This was a really fun, magical, amazing story and I would recommend it to all.

Review first posted at

beachesandreads's review against another edition

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Absolutely loved Arlo Finch in the Valley of Fire! This book grabbed my interest from the very first pages! If you love a good mystery...with a touch of the supernatural...then this is the book for you. It was a fast paced book that kept my attention the entire time! I had trouble putting it down because I kept wanting to find out what was going to happen next.

This book was included in one of our monthly Owl Crate Jr boxes and I am so glad that it was. I will definitely be re-reading this one to my kids since I read it alone the first time. I know that they will love the adventure and magic that is contained inside the pages of this book.

John August is an amazing storyteller...I felt like I was right along side Arlo. I can't wait for the next book to come out!

ninebookishlives's review against another edition

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librarydancer's review against another edition

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The book held some promise, but went in a totally different direction than I expected. Ended up being a mush of Harry Potter and Ranger's Apprentice.

May be of especial interest to Boy & Girl Scouts.

spaanhede's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging dark emotional funny inspiring mysterious reflective sad tense medium-paced


maya_b's review against another edition

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adventurous lighthearted mysterious fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


Ich habe zuerst den zweiten Band gelesen, den ich so gut fand, dass ich unbedingt auch Band eins lesen musste, um zu sehen, wie sehr er tatsächlich dem entspricht, was ich mir vorgestellt habe, und leider war es nicht ganz so sehr das, mit dem ich gerechnet hatte, aber trotzdem verdammt gut. Die Charaktere haben mir hier zum Beispiel sogar besser gefallen , irgendwie wurde ich mit ihnen schneller warm, und gerade Arlo ist einfach ein unglaublich sympathischer Hauptcharakter, dessen Gedanken ich wirklich gerne folge und bei dem ich richtig gerne dabei bin, aber leider waren meine Erwartungen fürchte ich doch ein wenig hoch. Viele Dinge, die ich vom zweiten Band her erwartet hätte (zum Beispiel Figuren, die eine Rolle spielen, oder ein paar mehr Antworten) blieben leider aus oder waren eher kurz vorhanden, andere Dinge haben sich aber durchaus geklärt und haben auch schon früher auf spätere Ereignisse vorgegriffen, was ich wirklich super finde. Man merkt auf jeden Fall, dass mit Band eins bereits klar war, wohin die Reise gehen würde (oder auf jeden Fall bilde ich mir das ein), und Band zwei wirkt nicht wir "es sollte einfach noch weiter gehen", sondern tatsächlich wie eine von Anfang an geplante Fortsetzung, was mir sehr gut gefällt.
Im Vergleich zu Band 2 hat mich leider auch das Abenteuer nicht so richtig mitgenommen, das war in Band 2 einfach noch mal sehr viel spannender, aber die tollen Figuren und das Setting konnten mich trotzdem wieder  überzeugen, und ich bin froh, dass ich dazu kam, auch den ersten Band jetzt zu lesen (und auch, dass ich Band 3 in den nächsten Tagen voraussichtlich auch lesen kann, denn ich mag die Bücher wirklich gerne).

willrefuge's review against another edition

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4.5 / 5 ✪

Arlo Finch is 12. After his father fled to China, his family moved around a lot, passing between cities like the trees in a forest. Eventually, they made their way to Pine Mountain. But Pine Mountain isn’t like any of the rest. Indeed, it’s not a city at all—the town doesn’t appear on most maps, there’s little to no cell service, and trees vastly outnumber the residents. That said, this quaint little hamlet might just be the break that Arlo and his family need. The new start that they deserve.

Arlo, despite having an old man’s name, is an immediately relatable character—at least to me. I share some of his worrying, his anxiety, his love for adventure, open spaces and nature. After one day of moving to Pine Mountain, Arlo knows he’s going to love it there, as long as the world doesn’t try to kill him very much. And the world obliges. His uncle doesn’t immediately change into a bear and kill them. A rockslide doesn’t destroy the house, trapping them all inside. A mountain lion doesn’t unlock the front door, sneak upstairs, and attack Arlo. At least, it hasn’t yet.

For his part, Arlo does his best to avoid everyone and remain aloof and friendless. He does a lousy job at it, however, as within a week he already has a pair of friends and a new hobby to consume all of his non-homework time: Rangers.

Rangers is sort of like Scouts, albeit a Scouts dipped in magic and sweetened by the supernatural. You see, Pine Mountain (among other places) is home to the mysterious Long Wood, a transition point between our world and many others. Due to its isolation and locale in the mountains of Colorado, Pine Mountain sits right on the doorstep of the Long Wood, a place where the veil is thinnest, where someone can stumble right through and end up—anywhere. Rangers shares its knowledge of the inhabitants and ways of the Long Wood, so that its members might survive it. Rangers is built around “the Wonder”—the supernatural thread that connects our world to the Long Wood. Due to its locale, there is quite a lot of Wonder in Pine Mountain.

But there is more to the Long Wood than magic and mystery. Before long, Arlo has worn out his welcome in Pine Mountain—and the world goes back to trying to kill him. Actively, this time. For there is something different about Arlo Finch, something that the Long Wood may awaken, if he survives long enough to see it.

Arlo Finch turned out to be just what I needed.

In a month (well, a second month) where I’ve been dealing with health and illness, reading anything has proven difficult. Focusing on anything an impossible challenge. My stomach has been bothering me constantly. Nauseous most of the time. Had little enough sleep and no energy besides. My thoughts have been fractured, making writing anything coherent a challenge. Arlo Finch was light enough that I didn’t have to focus all my energy on it, but possessive of an entertaining and immersive story that kept me consistently involved. John August did a magnificent job on this one, a YA that toes the line between an immersive, detailed mystery and a light fantasy adventure. James Patrick Cronin was an exceptional narrator, effortlessly bringing Arlo’s story to life.

It wasn’t perfect, but near enough that my nitpicking will wear little upon it. A few points consistently bothered me, probably because I’m an adult, waaay over analyzing a kid’s book. But whatever. The first is that August clearly doesn’t live in the area he’s trying to recapture. There’s nothing wrong with that—I realize that residing in a place and recreating it are not the same thing. Furthermore, I doubt that Brandon Sanderson actually lives in the Cosmere, like, all the time. It’s just that August’s rendition of the place doesn’t really fit. The town has actual buildings. It has THREE full Ranger troops. It actually has SOME cell service. And mountain lions, though it’s too high for them. As someone who lives in a nowhere adjacent locale, my worldview and his butted heads. I guess I’m complaining that August didn’t do enough research, or didn’t make his setting believable, but hey—kid’s book, it’s probably fine,.

It’s the story itself that makes In the Valley of Fire a must-read. The story, and Arlo himself.

It’s an adventure that embodies the Ranger’s Vow: loyal, brave, kind and true. It’s entertaining. It’s fun. Though the plot mostly follows the Rangers, the story revolves around Arlo himself. Him, and his life. His idiosyncrasies. His heterochomia iridum—his two different colored eyes. His personality, his journey. If Arlo was a superhero—or if that’s what he’s to become—then this is his origin story.


Arlo Finch in the Valley of Fire is a lovely adventure reminiscent of Gravity Falls and Percy Jackson. A light but immersive YA tale, filled with excitement and steeped in mystery, this tells the tale of Arlo’s origin story, his move to Pine Mountain, and his first involvement in Rangers. Everything that comes before—it all started here. Arlo is quite the lead; full of character, strong yet with all the flaws borne of youth, humanity. I loved the audiobook: raced through it in 2-3 days, then moved on to #2 and did the same. It’s short, light, fun—a great YA adventure. And exactly what I needed.

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review against another edition

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Ik denk niet dat ik dit boek ooit zelf gekocht zou hebben als ik het in een boekwinkel had zien liggen. De korte flaptekst sprak me niet bijzonder aan en ook de cover is niet meteen mijn ding. Maar, het boek zat in een boekbox en ik zag dat heel veel bekenden het aan het lezen waren, dus ik dacht: Ik lees hem gewoon even weg, dan is hij van de TBR af.

En lekker weglezen, dat deed het boek zonder twijfel. Het taalgebruik is ongelooflijk prettig, de vertelstijl ook en het verhaal kent een heel mooi tempo. Het wordt nergens echt traag en gaat nergens echt vervelen, maar het verandert ook niet opeens in een stroomversnelling die je bijna meesleurt, zodat je nauwelijks nog kan volgen wat er gebeurt.

Ook de karakters zijn precies leuk genoeg om mij geboeid te houden. Er zijn van die hele kleine dingen die de karakters uniek en anders maken en die nooit echt benoemd worden, maar wel heel erg getoond worden. Het verhaal focust vooral op Arlo zelf, waardoor de bijfiguren er soms wat bekaaid vanaf komen, maar het is een deel één van een serie, dus wat niet is, kan nog komen.

Hopelijk geldt dat ook voor het plot en de magie. In dit eerste deel worden een aantal hele toffe dingen aangestipt en er worden hier en daar wat tipjes van de sluier opgetild. Maar, voor mij was het eigenlijk net niet genoeg. Ik had graag in dit eerste deel al iets meer van de magie en de andere werelden gezien en al iets meer van het mysterie ontrafelt willen zien. Het voelt alsof iemand me meegenomen heeft naar het strand en ik alleen mijn voeten maar in het water mag zetten.

Dus, zo na het eerste deel blijf ik een beetje op mijn honger zitten, maar ik ga er eigenlijk vanuit dat die honger een beetje gestild gaat worden in het volgende deel. Tja, dan moeten we die toch maar op de verlanglijst gaan zetten, he?

hellolasse's review against another edition

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justlily's review against another edition

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The only review that actually matters but can't be listed because I don't want to lie to my algorithm: My 9 and 12 year old both gave this 5 stars. Awesome for a read a loud at bedtime book as the chapters are all fairly short. We started the second one right away!