
Steel Ball Run Bunko Vol. 5 by Hirohiko Araki

redhairedashreads's review

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4 stars - It was really good

This volume we finally get to see the physical reveal of Johnny’s stand and learn the true purpose of the Steel Ball Run race. This volume jumped back and forth a lot between the past and present. We learn more about Gyro’s country, his father, his life and more about the child he wants to save. Gyros’ whole history and upbringing is very interesting and unique. I really like that we are getting to know more about him and his reasons for joining this race. 

A lot happens during the race in this volume. Johnny and Gyro fight against racer F. V. Stroheim, they fight another stand user named Pork Pie Hat Kid (what a name), the true reason why this race is happening, and we see Johnny’s stand finally manifests. Johnny’s stand Tusk was a really cute little guy and I can’t wait to see what else Johnny can do with him. Also I was not expecting the true reason for this race and who is pulling the strings Mr. Stephen Steel (the race creator and benefactor). 

I am really enjoying this crazy story especially since it keeps me guessing as to wth will happen next. 
