carolynsbookshelf's review against another edition

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hopeful informative reflective slow-paced


_ifitsthelastthingido's review against another edition

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I fully respect the skeptics, however, having experienced emotional release via the Emotion Code myself I believe it to be a useful tool. I enjoyed reading the book — you learn about the background, ways to release emotion, and useful applications of the method. As with any tool, it may simply not help everyone (or the effects are far more subtle than people expect?) but it’s still an interesting lens to consider.

macloutier's review against another edition

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hopeful informative inspiring slow-paced


chrisannee's review against another edition

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2nd read because I wondered if Maté, etc would have changed my viewpoint.

By this time, having read Gabor Maté and other more traceable writers with similar theses, I should be less skeptical. But the tone and the barrage of stories as evidence make it seem like a commercial instead of a "self help" (maybe?) book.

readingizbiz's review against another edition

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reflective slow-paced


I felt like a used car salesman was selling me this book. This is so “white man co-opted other peoples work and put it together as his own” coded. Every minute was a nightmare. I do not doubt other therapeutic approaches work and was a firm believer that the body holds on to emotions before reading this, but MY GOLY this was torture. Book is 75% stories from his patients. The little bit he does talk about the actual “emotion code” is stuff you can better learn from other sources. I’m not doubting this has been useful for others in helping them, and yet the “scientific” explanations he gives for why this approach works just felt incomplete and like there is room for so many other interpretations. 

kelzz_belzz's review against another edition

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This book is wild. The idea that I can tap into my subconscious so easily and relieve chronic pain with a magnet is too much for me. Additionally the premise that this method only works if you are a “true believer” has deep religious tones and makes me even more of a skeptic. Sure a positive attitude and intention for healing can help a person feel better but lacking those qualities, being a skeptic, should not keep any valid medical practice from actually working.
The book is riddled with wild testimonials like “I released trapped emotions in Jane and two weeks later the tumor in her breast was gone! Was this because of the work releasing trapped emotions? We’ll never know because Jane was also undergoing chemo”. Wild. Truly.

pretty_little_adrianna's review against another edition

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Very hoax-y. To summarize the good points, our body is mostly empty space on an atomic level and we exist in a constant state of energy. Our energy not only effects us, but also everything around us. Both living and non living things run off this energy, but living things have more power. There is anecdotal evidence towards muscle testing as a key to your subconscious, however it’s not really accepted by the scientific community so do with that what you will. The main way of testing on yourself is if you lean forward it’s a yes, backwards it’s a no (standing with feet shoulder width apart). The main way on someone else is by pushing gently on their arm raised to the side of their body parallel to the ground. Strong muscle/resistance is yes, weak resistance is no. You can also use a swinging pendant up and down for yes and side to side for no. These are just ways your body will move on a subconscious level so you can hear what it has to say. Magnets seem to be the “cure” for trapped emotions as it disrupts the energy from your body. Use them on your forehead and down the back of your head, following the meridians that Chinese acupuncturists use. The methodology behind all the specific emotions seems like bogus to me. You could pin half of the “emotions” on any negative event and say it fits, I wouldn’t call most of them actual emotions. He talks about holding trauma from your own life as well at from your ancestors and I just don’t see this method addressing all of that. Most of the book was made up of testimonials and stories of clients which I mostly skipped after the first chapter. Like yes that’s cool, but I think the placebo effect is probably the most effective factor at play in all of these and I already know that works, I don’t need to be sold on it. I skipped the end mostly so I don’t know if he tried to actually sell you on something or if he REALLY just wanted you to believe him, but in my opinion every time the point was reiterated by someone’s miracle the emotion code lost more credibility as a real resource. I’m off to go look up more about magnets though so that’s something.

theemeraldcity's review against another edition

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Helps with physical pain but nutrition also needs to be adressed! But it works 100%, i did in on myself and felt it, a practitioner did it on me via proxy and I felt it. It. Works.

empressrashida's review against another edition

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I only read the first couple of chapters, realized it was a gimmick. I should of realized it when I saw who wrote the forward. Examples are all the same just gender and name changes. "Tests" conducted are not explained and very vague. It reminds me of a white washed version of breaking the Chakras. Smh.

cassil623's review against another edition

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Awful. Bullshit science