
Flat-Out Matt by Jessica Park

andreathereader's review

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Flat-Out Matt is the companion novel to the best book ever, Flat-Out Love. It’s not a linear retelling of the story; it’s a few prequel chapters and a few of the chapters from Flat-Out Love, all told from Matt’s point of view. And though we are already familiar with the duplicate chapters, nothing feels repetitive because Matt sees things from a very different perspective than Julie.

Most of the characters from Flat-Out Love are back, and we even get to meet the elusive Finn. That part was sad, knowing what was coming, but it was nice to see the brother everyone was lost without. We learn more about Matt’s parents and their part in the Flat Finn fiasco, and we learn that Celeste was actually a pretty average kid before the events in Flat-Out Love. But most of all, we see the journey Matt took from being the brother in the shadows to the one who has to keep the family together, and all that cost him.

The writing was perfect, and you’d never know the books were written almost 2 years apart. It was just like stepping right back into that world. The same snarky dialogue was there and I still loved it. Unlike the first book, though, this one has sexy scenes. This was definitely not a book for the younger set. But don’t worry, the sex doesn’t replace the romance. There’s even more of that. *Swoon*.

I didn’t think it was possible, but I love Matt even more now than I did in the first book. I need a Matt in my life. Seriously. It’s been almost 2 months since I last marked a book as swoon-worthy and even longer since I declared a book a must read, but Flat-Out Matt is both. Read Flat-Out Love, then jump right into this one. You’ll thank me, I promise.

The sum up: The perfect companion novel.

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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This is how you do a follow-up, change of pov novella!! I love that the whole book wasn't retold but merely the major parts were told in Matt's pov. The added scenes with Finn and Celeste and the extended ending were perfect. My only complaint is that this leaves me craving more Matt...

mcurling14's review

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Julie learns the truth, Matt covers up, I loved it.

mari_epub's review

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A guy's POV in YA novels will be forever amusing to me.

dcmbrlghts's review

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FIRST READ: 09.01.2016 - 10.01.2016
SECOND READ: 18.07.2016 - 18.07.2016


Es hat mich nicht komplett so umgehauen wie der erste Teil. Trotzdem fand ich es wirklich richtig gut die, nun ja, wichtigsten Kapitel mal aus der Sicht von Matt zu lesen.

purrfectpages's review

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When I first read Flat-Out Love I was surprisingly blown away. It wasn't a best selling page turner, it was more like the little story that could. Everyone who read it fell in love with Matt, Julie and Celeste and their sweetly complicated relationship. I didn't expect to enjoy the story as much as I did, which only made the payoff all the sweeter.

So when I found out there was a sort of sequel to Flat-Out Love, I was super excited. But after reading Flat-Out Matt I will admit to being somewhat disappointed. I think this story would have been better if it offered us more about about where Matt, Julie and Celeste are after Flat-Out Love ends. Instead, author Jessica Park decides to retell aspects of the original story from a different point of view. To me this doesn't seem all that interesting, or frankly, all that necessary.

The only new material to speak of is a tacked on ending which adds some heat to the Matt and Julie relationship. I suppose fans asked for it or speculated on it, but it kind of seemed out of place for me. 50 Shades of Flat-Out this book is not, nor was it ever meant to be in my mind. Call me old-fashioned, but sometimes less is more. I also think that amount of heat didn't match the whole awkward first time experience, but I digress.

The only thing I wonder is if I'd feel slightly different about Flat-Out Matt had I read both books back to back or at least closer together. I gave the story three stars regardless just because I loved the original characters that much.

ailinnr's review

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Oh wow. I needed more on this character and his perspective so I could understand him more and honestly this book delivered, and I pretty much love him much more than I could have ever with the first book. I feel so sad and so happy for him at the same time and I'm just glad we get to read his pov on most of the story. This is exactly what I needed to love him.

trisha_thomas's review

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This was wonderful. To see all these moments from Matt's POV. It gives you such better insight into why he acted how he did.

BUT, probably my favorite part - Finn. I appreciated that little peak at him as well.

brendaclay's review

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A little companion novella to Flat-Out Love from Matt's perspective. Not a retelling of the entire book, just some key chapters!

michey2015's review

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It was so awesome getting to know more about Matt. Perfect supplement to the story!