
A World Apart by Carole Cummings

sickofgames2013's review

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I love this series!! As soon as I saw the form to sign up for this book I immediately did so. I've been thinking about this world and these character ever since I finished the first book. These characters just completely captivate me, and hold my attention until the very end. This book in particular was even more action packed than the first one! Full of battles, growth, learning how to wield their powers, and how to lead when you aren't ready to.

There honestly isn't much I can say without giving away spoilers so I'm going to stick to the basics of what I liked. I loved the way this book along with the first one was written. It's written in such a believable and detailed way that it's like an action movie! At least, thays how my brain works. I loved how everything was explained, from Nathan's comparisons of what his powers feel like, to Cam's scientific break down of all the different parallel universes, and how each version of the self are connected in one way or another. I found that so interesting to learn about and it was written in a way that it was easily understandable and it gave us more of an understanding of all these different 'types' of Nathan and Cam.

I don't think I would classify this as a romance story, while it is there, it's more of.. a undertone. It's there, but not the main focus of the story. Which honestly is something I enjoy about this world! I don't think these books would be as effective if it was all about the mc's and nothing else. Their relationship is definitely there and it adds so much to their bond along with the overall story it helps them work better as a team. I also like how this book has no spice, I love that! I adore how these authors wrote two characters who love each other and are I a relationship, and how the spicy element isn't the focus, the core relationship is what's important and I really enjoyed it!

The side characters all added something to the story, and helped progress the plot. Overall a really terrific story, and I'm curious if there's going to be more books set in this world.