
Revealing Ruby by Lavinia Kent

mandy_pandy's review

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This is a very hot little novella about Madame Rouge and a sailor that comes to her brothel. This is a very steamy historical novella and I really enjoyed it. I did read the first book in this series and enjoyed it but I think this novella could be read as a standalone if you are looking for a short, erotic, historical story. The downside is that it doesn't have a resolved ending and ends in a cliffhanger, which I was not expecting. I hope that we'll get more of this story in the next book in this series.

**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

jasmyn9's review

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As an erotic story, this was a pretty good one. There was plenty of chemistry between Ruby and Captain Price and lots of hot sex to go along with it. It was very well written and the historical setting really stood out in the story.

We get to see a little bit about the past of both Ruby and Captain Price, and his tattoo is truly something magical. I can't image how much it had to have hurt - but it seems to be well worth it. Ruby is fascinated with it and I think I would have been as well. Unfortunately, this was about the extent of learning about the characters and getting to know them. Even as a non-romance erotic novella, I still expect a little bit more story with the sex.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

nina1117's review

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Short but sweet erotic story. I have previously read and enjoyed Kent's Mastering the Marquess and was delighted when I found there was a story about Madam Rouge. Lavinia Kent has definitely made erotica more accessible to the historical romance reader and as someone who lives in the past, I appreciate it. I have found that most erotic novels tend to be contemporary so finding a series that fits my reading genre quirks most pleasing. And I actually quite enjoyed the cliffhanger ending. In this story it felt right. If Ruby and Derek ended up with a contrived happily ever after I probably would have thrown my Kindle at the wall. I'd pick it up right after and kiss it and apologize, but still. Lavinia Kent will definitely be one of my auto-buys from now on.

bodebeabay's review

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[b:Revealing Ruby|23511014|Revealing Ruby (Bound and Determined #1.5)|Lavinia Kent||43114293] (Bound and Determined #1.5) by [a:Lavinia Kent|2907092|Lavinia Kent|] is an Erotic Adult Historical Romance.
4.5 stars. I would have liked to seen a little bit more details about who Ruby (Emma Scanton) really is.
Very well written. The words and the story flow easily. It is definitely erotic and entertaining.
The scene between Geoffrey and the Countess that started the friction between them sets the timeline just before book #1. We get to see Ruby's thoughts and reaction to this scene.
You do get a good idea of who Ruby is as she is slowly revealed through her interactions with Captain Derek David Price. But a lot of questions about her still remain.
I have to admit, I am very intrigued and looking forward to reading Ruby's story in book #3 'Ravishing Ruby'.
What I find interesting is that I am reading a Historical Romance. I don't normally like them at all. I have read quite a few and always found the writing to be flowery and overblown. That is NOT the case with Lavinia Kent's books. She doesn't overdo the speech of the time nor exaggerate the virtue of the timeline. Her writing of the way things were is more authentic. This makes her characters more human and easy to connect to.
I highly recommend this book and series to ADULTS who love a great steamy romance no matter what the timeline!

nelsonseye's review

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Good for what it was. I quite liked Ruby.

avoraciousreader68's review

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*Book source ~ NetGalley

Madame Rouge, also known as Ruby, rules her house of pleasure with a firm hand. She makes sure her girls are safe, that everyone follows the rules and she never entertains the clients personally. All of that changes when American Captain Derek Price enters her establishment. Will Ruby break her own rules for the sexy Captain? Derek believes in no attachments, but Ruby is making him rethink his long held beliefs.

Oh. My. This is one well-written steamy historical! Nom nom nom! Derek and Ruby step off the page and bring heat to any room. The writing is wonderful and the plot is well-done despite the brevity of the story. My one and only complaint is the ending. I didn’t like it. It’s possible Ruby & Derek will be mentioned in future books, but I would have loved to see some resolution to their situation instead of being left hanging.

mslizalou's review

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Lavinia Kent is a new-to-me author. I was lucky enough to get a review copy of Revealing Ruby thanks to the publisher through NetGalley. Revealing Ruby is a novella length story and I have to say the back cover blurb totally had me hooked.

I really loved the strength of the character of Madam Rouge-Ruby. She not only runs one of the most discreet houses of pleasure in London, but is strong enough to stand up to any man or woman that comes into her establishment. I love how protective she is of the woman in her care, not only with their health but their safety as well.

The mutual attraction between Ruby and Derek Price is obvious from their very first face-to-face meeting. I loved there was finally a man who tempted Ruby to break her no customers rule. I absolutely loved how honest Ruby was in telling Price she had spied on him the first night he was in her house and had seen his dragon tattoo.

I knew Ruby dressed up to become Madame Rouge, but didn't realize to what extent she changed her appearance until she removed all signs of Ruby. I loved that while she looked so completely different, Derek was immediately able to recognize her by her eyes. I felt like once all the outside trappings were removed, Derek and Emma (Ruby's real name) were a perfect match for one another. I found their time together to be both sexy and sweet and didn't really want to see it end.