
Shade by Jamie Begley

diloretobeth89's review against another edition

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Loved it

This is Shade before everyone knew him. His life held heartbreak. this is his life before the last rjders. Have tissues.

christine757's review against another edition

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I haven't enjoyed a series as well but this one in a long time. I love that it had all sorts of drama and every person was well written. It made you feel you write their in the action. I hope the other two books come out soon.

yvette863's review against another edition

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I just want to start off by saying I have loved every single one of these books. I normally steer clear from book series that have this amount of books but I seriously can't put them down! Every time I think I have found the hottest guy, bam! Another one comes along!!

This has to be my favourite book by far out of them all. I'll admit that Lily annoyed me in the last shade book, I know she had a terrible past but the constant running away and panicking made her look weak and flaky. Reading about her through Shades eyes changed my mind on that. She is the perfect match for him.

I don't want to give too much away but this book sort of goes through the books before it. Shades experience through those events. Watching club members get with their women etc. You learn more about Shade, his role in the club and that he was a bit of a manwhore but oh mah gawd! He is my favourite Rider. The end of this book was amazing if really sad and I did shed a tear. I can't wait to read the rest of the series!!

lynn_the_greyhound_mum's review against another edition

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At the beginning of the book I thought Shade was a bit of an arse by half way through I was falling in love with. Totally gone for him by the end.

Amazingly good story for me the best one so far. Even though it did make cry at the end.

samanthajayne_x's review against another edition

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So I started this by reading Razer’s Ride, Viper’s Run and Knox’s stand and Sex Piston, Teased, Tainted, Shade’s Fall, King, Cash’s Fight, Fat Louise, Riot and now Shade. I would highly reccommend reading it in the order I have just put above because the series is so much better that way! You get all sides and it is just fantastic!

This will contain spoilers.


So as you know we’ve already had a Shade and Lily book and that was brilliant and this one was just as good! This book spans from the moment Shade saw Lily to being old and dead and this book hit me in the bloody feels all the way through. I mean although we see everything happen in this world up to that point in Shade’s point of view. I was there for it. I loved it. We got to see so much more of Shade’s personality and oh my god it did not bloody disappoint.

I love his and Evie’s friendship. We saw some of it in Evie’s book but damn this book really showed it and oh my god. The lengths that these two go for each other and the bond they have with each other makes my heart melt. I only wish I had a friend as good as these two. I also love that Evie is more than willing to annoy Shade in front of Lily no matter the consequences. Also that no matter how much time passes Shade will always be there for Evie.

I love reading things from Shade’s point of view and revisiting everything that has happened since book 1, like it’s very interesting to see his perspective and how he for the most part is always involved setting things in motion or protecting the brothers. Shade’s loyalty is nothing that anyone can fault.

I love Lucky. That will never change. I also liked that we had a few extra scenes between him and Shade.

Shade legit is the only person that could piss someone off and then ask said person for a favour.

I love Penni. Penni is a golden egg in all of these books she is hilarious and so funny. I really can’t wait for Penni’s book because it’s going to be a good one. I also love her and Shade’s relationship, that he can manipulate his sister but she also can catch onto it pretty fast with him. I love how she loves to wind him up as well but also knows when to listen to him.

I love how Shade notices everything when it comes to Lily.

I find it hilarious that Shade just watches the other brothers for enjoyment and that he does also makes bets at the other brothers’ expense for example when we’re re-seeing Knox’s book, Shade makes a bet whether the squirrel lived or not. Then they send Evie to get Knox drunk and find out the truth. I just love that despite them all knowing Shade they still can get pulled into his traps and then uses stuff to his advantage.

Oh god Shade seeing Lily in hospital broke my heart, I don’t remember it being quite so emotional in the original book damn that scene broke me. Especially because then Beth goes and gives Shade her blessing to date Lily and it was perfect. Then to really hit the feels when Shade is in the hospital waiting for Lily to wake up. He has to listen to her suffer as she has nightmares about her past and god damn that was heartbreaking and I love that all he wanted to do was take Lily in his arms and protect her.

I really love the new stuff that we have added in on their story it adds so much to all the other characters in the book.

I really like how soft Shade can be yet he hides it from everyone especially because for those he likes he is willing to go to the end of the earth for them.

I love how Lily is jealous about sharing everything with the others. She so cute, also that it took Shade a little bit to catch on is also slightly amusing. But I also love that as soon as he clicks on he realises what Lily really means and I just love their relationship so much.

The wedding is perfect, there was nothing more perfect for Shade and Lily and I love it.

“Last Riders. We ride.”

I love Shade giving Lucky shit about Willa, it’s so funny how he’s championing for them to get together. I also love Lucky and Willa.

Fat Louise babysitting baby John is so adorable, also the fact in a storm when a tree fell and broke Shade and Lily’s house she was willing to still protect baby John with everything she had. I love that little bond there.

Wow the shock of Paul Beth’s daddy being alive. But damn the men is sick as fuck but also the shock when Lily shoots Brooke like damn…. The shock! But also I loved that whole scene Beth wanting to protect Lily from being hurt.

Epilogue 1 & 2 was extremely cute and I was there and ready for that. What I wasn’t ready for is Epilogue 3. WHO INVITED YOU? Like it broke my heart, it just wasn’t needed having them die together I mean that was cute. But you know epilogue 3 wasn’t needed! I could have just been happy without it.

crisly's review against another edition

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This one always makes me cry

liljem's review against another edition

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Holy shit.... That is all.

tammywaggs's review against another edition

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Mixed feelings

I hated the beginning of this book lol. I read the other books , I don't want or need a recap! But the last 200 pages of this book I loved. So I gave it a 3.

samnicholls12's review against another edition

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The ending to this book was heartbreakingly perfect. I loved reading Shade and Lily's story from Shade's POV. It filled in a few blanks, and had tied all the previous books together.
I loved the long range epilogue and I'm not sure I'm ever going to get over those last words.

marlena_czyta's review against another edition

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Nawet nie wiem jak mam to ocenić, po zastanawianiu się nad tym przez cały dzień nadal nie wiem...
Moim zdaniem totalnie zbędny tom i zmarnowanie kupy czasu, bo ta obszerność mnie po prostu pozamiatała.

takie 2.5 - pomyślę jeszcze ile to będzie gwiazdek - czy 2 czy 3.