
Must Love Lycans by Michele Bardsley

cradlow's review

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mousegoddess's review

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So I actually checked this out thinking it was a different series that I'd read before. Oops. It was a fun read, but I felt confused by some dynamics that were probably explained in previous stories. Oh well, it was a fun read and I'll probably check this series out now XD
okay for Aayesha

classlicity's review

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I pulled this off the clearance shelf at Half Price because I thought "why not, I like werewolves."


It's not ever a great review to say the most cohesive part of this book was the sex scenes, but at least during those I understood what the heck was happening.

I'm pretty sure Bardlsey has never met a plot twist she didn't like. In fact, she liked them all so much she put ALL OF THEM into this single romance novel, like a cake recipe gone horribly wrong.

Dollop of super-traumatic backstory involving a serial killer. Essence of abusive childhood. Sprinkling of mysterious billionaire. Stir in a batch of quirky side characters -- can never have too many of those. Dash of meddling goddess. No, two meddling goddesses. Wait, better make it THREE meddling goddesses. Fold in a "surprise! you're adopted" in the middle. Can't forget the super soldier swat team. And of course, the McGuffin thrown in with just 50 pages left.

So much happened in this book I just was too exhausted to even care that the characters fell in love. What little "character" they had anyway.

With so much focus on moving the plot from Point A to Point I-don't-even-remember-anymore, it barely felt like I got to understand why the heck Kesley (heroine) was having such major moodswings and why Damien (hero) gave a damn about her, other than, of course, that whole werewolf destiny thing.

The most annoying thing about this book, though, was that it could've paused at 30 pages in and said "ok, we're gonna work with what we've got" and made an interesting, engaging novel.

I mean, "pyschotherapist is instantly attracted to her brooding patient who thinks he's a werewolf, and GUESS WHAT they're actually destined mates -- but only if he can convince her werewolves are real" actually sounds like a fun book to read!

Bardsley obviously loves fantasy and romance and tropes, and I can forgive that, but chill the eff out. Less is more.

Also she seems to think that jet lag is caused by physically being on a plane, and not by crossing multiple time zones. I can't get past that, and believe me, I've spent all day trying.

If I never read the phrase "sweet mamma jamma" again, it will be too soon.

jennc's review

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Eh....a weak entry in the series.

veronicachp's review

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After how very, incredibly much I hated "Because Your Vampire Said So" I was thisclose to just getting rid of all the books in this series without a second thought. But then I had a second thought. I loved these books when I was younger. I mean, adored them. Surely they couldn't all be /that/ bad? surely my taste wasn't /that/ bad?? In, perhaps, a desperate bid to prove to myself that I wasn't that terrible as a teenager, I grabbed one of the other books at random, and it happened to be this one. I was pleasantly surprised. I mean its still kinda bad, but it's like...pleasantly bad. Comfortably bad. The kind of bad I expect from a paranormal romance novel. I'm still getting rid of it, but not with the same amount of vitriol.

The main character, Kelsey, is kind of dumb but I enjoyed the male lead. Their relationship develops at a pretty reasonable gradual pace, which was nice, and they had a ridiculous amount of sex in the face of some pretty dire circumstances, which is expected. All in all, a fairly standard romance novel, solidly enjoyable, occasionally even a bit poignant. 3/5.