
Tweestrijd by Gail McHugh

hannas_heas47's review against another edition

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Cheating really blows in a book. Too much insecurity and stupidness, I can’t believe I made it through.

dpcorcoran's review against another edition

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I think I’m reading too much dark mafia romance because this was too tame for me. I am also so used to dual POV with the main characters so this being written in 3rd person was hard to read. I don’t really like that with romance books. I don’t think I’ll read the 2nd book, this book was cheesy and awkward. Gavin and Emily’s relationship seemed forced.

marion0022's review against another edition

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First off, Gavin is HOT...him and Olivia were the one and only things I really enjoyed about this book, I really loved Olivia's outspokenness and how she would yell at Emily for being an idiot.

I really did not like Emily's personality, I really wanted to PUNCH HER IN THE FACE. which really took away from my overall enjoyment of this book. Her and Dillon's relationship made me want to actually puke..the fact that she kept taking him back really pissed me off. Like just because she thought Gavin cheated on her doesnt mean she HAD to take Dillon back..she could of just been SINGLE and not get MARRIED. She really really annoyed me..there was a chapter where you find out she forgave DIllon for pushing her and calling her a whore and she was going to marry him even though she was in love with Gavin where I literally skipped over sentences because I was getting so mad at her!

After I finished and started the second book, there was a quote from the author about the book being dedicated to all the girls out there who felt like they didnt have a voice and so on and so forth. So now I kind of understand that the author made her like that on purpose, to show what some women are going through in real life so I kind of felt like an Ass for being so mad at Emily...but I still cant rate the book more than 3 starts just because of how made and annoyed I was getting because of Emily's personality and her got me so mad!

But Gavin was really hot, I loved everything about him..he is the reason I wont give this book less than 3 stars because I really enjoyed his character and his personality. Also the scenes between him and Emily were awesome.

So yeah! Im hoping other people felt this way about Emily so that I dont feel like a complete ass

freakren's review against another edition

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Dialogue felt a little forced, but the story was good.

msruh1979's review against another edition

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Angsty, frustrating, but so good.

shassler82's review against another edition

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*** Bottle Caps

“Here's to bottle caps,the Yankees, and 'birds', and most of all"...he paused and lowered his voice to a whisper.." and,most of all to a beautiful girl named Molly who refuses to believe the man-the man who loves her more than she'll ever know”

I seem to be the odd girl out here. The story was just OK for me. I wanted to love it, I really did but mostly found myself highly frustrated. And not in a "hot -n- bothered" kind of way.

Emily moves to New York to be near her boyfriend Dillon after her mother dies of Cancer. She is living with her college roommate and soon lands a job as a waitress. A food delivery with a side of fate leads her to Gavin Blake. Gavin, suffering from love at first site, makes no attempt to hide his interest in Emily. A night on the town with her boyfriend Dillon and a run in with Gavin will reveal that he is a friend of Dillon's. This in no way detours Gavin from his pursuit of Emily.... great friend right?

Soon Emily discovers that Dillon is not as he seems, he's actually a douchebag and a cheat. Enter sweet and charming Gavin. A love triangle ensues. Emily is torn. Having enough of Dillon's BS, Emily calls it quits and sleeps with Gavin. Everything is happy in Emily/Gavin land for a whole night until an ex shows up at Gavin's apartment and Emily is led to believe that he is no different than Dillon.

Dillon crawls back begging for forgiveness after Emily feels she has been scorned by Gavin. Emily has a decision to make and is driving everyone, especially me, crazy with her indecision as to what it is she really wants. Emily will need to decide if she wants to pursue a life with now fiance, douchebag Dillon or take a chance on Gavin who makes her feel everything she should feel.

Cliffhanger alert! We will need to wait for Pulse (Collide #2) to see what choice Emily will make.

hillzaz's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars

I have a love/hate relationship with this book. Where to begin.....
Lets start with what I loved. I love a good 3-way, I mean, love triangle. This book has that going for it. Also, Gavin's pretty delicious. The plot/story line was good.

Now what I hated. The characters did not COMMUNICATE! AT ALL! Emily as a heroine is too wishy washy. She can turn a blind eye with Dillon, but Gavin, who treats her well, doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. Makes sense, right?

Knowing myself, I will read the next book. Lets hope Emily learns to se her words.

emdarby's review against another edition

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This book was decent from a plot perspective but just waaaayyyy too long. And complete over use of adjectives and metaphors.

heather_reads23's review against another edition

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5 wonderful stars! Amazing! loved it. just hate to wait for the second book :-(

bestofjess's review against another edition

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Ummmm.... Pulse... now....please!

Update 7/25/13

So now that I have time to actually sit and write this review I will try not to bore you with it.

I really enjoyed this book for different reasons. I liked that it was emotional and raw. I liked that the emotions were not always good because I feel like sometimes authors want to please their readers instead of just making them feel. I felt this book. I felt the pain and the obligation that Emily felt towards Dillon. I hated her for it but I felt it and that is what makes a good book.

I was so torn up while reading that when it ended I felt alone. I was so angry and terrified of the outcome that I needed to get my hands on the next book.

I am so glad I waited until Pulse came out before I read this one because I think my husband would have had me committed.