carolinetalton's review

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Overall, I really liked only maybe 3 or 4 of the stories in this book. The rest were pretty average and there were a couple that I couldn't wait to be finished with. However, I did really love reading about all of these different fairy tales, and I admire the creativity of all of the authors that contributed. solid 3 star average.

gilwen's review

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En bref: Un recueil aux dominantes young adult et au ton sombre mais par ailleurs parfaitement équilibré. On y retrouve une grande variété d'univers et de conceptions de la réécriture. A des textes fidèles aux contes d'origines succèdent des adaptations souvent très intelligentes. Et en plus d'être prenants, beaucoup des textes rassemblés ici sont assez touchants. Une jolie petite anthologie dans laquelle il est agréable de piocher.

Mon avis détaille

drakonreads's review

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Note: I don't usually read short stories.
The stories are interesting to various degrees.

The Key, 3.5/5
is interesting but doesn't seem to have anything to do with the title.

Figment, 3/5
is not my favorite. I feel sorry for Figment, the guy has an odd idea of his morals.

The Twelfth Girl, 3/5
also not my favorite mostly because I don't consider partying your life away to be a fun way to life.

The Raven Princess, 5/5
liked the take on the whole damsel in distress story. It vaguely reminds me of the 12 ravens story, but as a concept. I liked the more traditional folk style of the story.

Thinner Than Water, 4/5
boy was I surprised by this one. I liked the Roman feel to it but the ending sure is different from the version the Grimms recorded.

Before the Rose Bloomed, A Retelling of the Snow Queen, 4/5
The story wasn't too different from the original but I liked the back story the author added to the beginning. Not sure what to think of the format though.

Beast/Beast, 4.5/5
It kind of surprised me at the end. It is one of two beauty and the beast stories in the book. Generally I'm a sucker for a good Beauty and the Beast story (can't say there is many well done ones) but this one tries not to end in Stockholm syndrome.

The Brothers Piggett, 3/5
Three little pigs, not my favorite story. Interesting ending though, nice message: if you let it happen then you are part of the problem.

Untethered, 2/5
Nice twist, but no meaning/point behind the story. The only thing it has going for it is the plot twist.

Better, 3.5/5
Interesting, reminding me of Pinocchio but not. The better robot (though she's not really a robot) story. The story, though has a bad misconception of mind-uploading (though I am hoping that that's not how she did it) Dead is dead is dead. A copy is only a copy until it is added on to, then it is something new.

Light It Up, 3.5/5
Hansel and Gretel, doesn't have the same feel when they aren't kids. Less supernatural and more realistic modern retelling.

Sharper Than A Serpent's Tongue, 3.5/5
Oh boy was this one taken out of context (pretty sure this is the retelling of Mother Holle or Frau Holle). I situation is different than in the version rewritten by the Grimms and makes the story seem illogical. The story in the Grimm Fairy Tales is about being kind and lending a helping hand but this story turns it into not being a door mat (which makes the punishment of the sister more frustrating). Read the original Frau Holle story to understand the change in the story.

A Real Boy, 4/5
Annoyed with this slightly. As a story I like it, but on a more factual level I'm slightly cringing. I like the whole robotics, futuristic world that was constructed. I'm only annoyed with the idea of the AI and how it's supposed to be "like a human." AI can simulate human behavior and understanding but acting and being are two different things. I found the message at the end really cute: you can be as intelligent as you want but you cant avoid feelings.

Skin Trade, 3.5/5
This one was creepy and the romance in this one was oddly placed.

Beauty and the Chad, 4.5/5
This one surprised me. It was cute and funny.

The Pink: A Grimm Story, 4/5
This is the retelling of The Pink Flower, there were some considerable changes compared to the story in the Grimm's book. The story in this book is more focused on the son later and doesn't follow the mother's adventure (which not mentioned in this version, which isn't a bad thing in the slightest). It's interesting, liked the traditional style of the story.

Sell Out, 3.5/5
I'm not sure if the author based this on the "true loves kiss" and making it an ability. Idea is interesting but the ending is weird. Just because she is an artist doesn't mean she still isn't a jerk (I don't really understand what how that was supposed to mean anything).

leaflibrary's review

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I love fairy tales. I really love updated fairy tales. These stories are fantasy, sci-fi, horror, dystopia, romance. Some authors cast more memorable spells than others, but every story gave me something to wonder at and think about. I would have loved if the original fairy tale for each had been referenced somewhere - just a "based on 'x'" type of thing. Some origin stories were easy to spot, while others were obscure. One or two I'm still not sure about. And there are still so many myths and folk tales out there, waiting to be reinterpreted and retold. Time to collect for Grim II!

heatherreadsbooks's review

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Grim is an anthology of fairytale retellings, with an odd twist. As with all anthologies, some really stand out once you've finished and others seem to just fade in your memory.

The Key by Rachel Hawkins is first up and, personally, a stand out. Possibly because I was unsure of what to expect and this reassured me, but I fell hook, line and sinker into the story, even though it was fleeting. Figment, a reworking of Puss In Boots, was... interesting, but ultimately just okay. I don't know how I expected it to end, but the need for an epilogue, and then the content of said epilogue, knocked the story down a few.

The Twelfth Girl didn't really capture interest, and The Raven Princess was very predictable. Thinner Than Water is the hardest hitting content-wise, with darker personal issues playing a driving force. The verse of Before The Rose Bloomed made it a challenge to read and keep interest.

It's kind of a sandwich of good and 'meh' to an extent. From Beast/Beast and The Brothers Piggett (cute, that it's a hat tip to the Three Little Pigs) are both good, where Untethered - though not having much familiarity to another tale personally - was more captivated. The last few explore more sci-fi territory, and raise their own questions. Sell Out gives a male perspective to the Snow White retelling, which - at the very least - makes it different.

Grim is good. They're all retellings in their own form, some sticking far too closely to the original where others dared to be a little different. Some work, others don't. Some hook you in for a brief time, where others simply feel short without interest.

I keep flitting between a 3 & 4. I think I have to lean towards the lower, simply because only a few really grabbed me. Same issue as always with anthologies! But a very cool book if you're into fairytale twists.

myth's review

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I'm going to be honest with you, I bought this (after staring agonizingly at it for a week or so) completely for the Sarah Rees Brennan short story, and that is what I'm basing the rating on. Give me a Beast (sorry, a Chad) with fluid sexuality and a genderfluid (probably) Beauty any day!

ellieroth's review

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Este libro lo leí hace un buen tiempo, no sé por qué no traje la reseña antes. Creo que es el hecho que sean varias historias cortas muy disparejas lo que me hace difícil darle una valoración y opinión global.

Algunas de las escritoras que aparecen en la lista ya había leído, caso de Julie Kagawa y Rachel Hawkins. Y luego otras que tenía pensado nunca leer como (y únicamente): Amanda Hocking. Ok, no sé por qué nunca me ha caído bien la señora Hocking, y sus libros no me han interesado mucho, se me hacen muy clichés. Y esta antología solo confirmó mis sospechas, la historia corta de Hocking es tan presuntuosa, no, en serio, me imagino al editor leyendo el material de los otros escritores y llegar al de Hocking...

Pero esa solo soy yo siendo un poco hater xD

Grim tiene muy buenas historias cortas. Mis favoritas:

• Beauty and The Chad de Sarah Rees-Brennan: me reí un montón, está sí es un buen retelling de La Bella y la Bestia. Buenísimo.
• Figment de Jeri Smith-Ready: #Crying
• Thinner than water de Saundra Mitchell: Una de las mejores del libro. Oscuro, retorcido. Justo lo que el libro buscaba. Quiero leer más de Saundra.
• The Brothers Piggett de Julie Kagawa: Me gustó mucho la adaptación que se hizo
• Untethered de Sonia Gensler: ♥

Les voy a ser sincera y estos son solo algunos que me acuerdo xD Mi cuaderno me está ayudando, pero fui muy tacaña con los comentarios ahí.

Grim me ha gustado, como les digo tiene algunas historias que no me engancharon a su lectora, otros como el de Sarah Ress supieron darme mucho en pocas páginas. Es una poco complicado reseñar una antología.