
Mister Moneybags by Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland

kattreadss's review against another edition

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Absolutely lovely

So sweet, interesting and great to read. Love every character and their rolls. Every struggle was even more difficult until they reach to the end. Something unexpected happened and I loved it!

caseroo7's review against another edition

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I absolutely love both Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland. As individual authors they are amazing, but put them together and the books you get are truly special! Both of these authors are auto-buys for me, and ones I recommend to everyone that reads romance. You really can't go wrong with their books, and Mister Moneybags was everything I had hoped it would be and more!

Bianca has just landed an important interview but on the way she gets stranded in an elevator with a hot guy. They hit it off, but she needs to focus on her work and not Jay. But when she gets to her interview and finds out that the CEO she is supposed to be interviewing has blown her off she ends up spending time with Jay instead. Dex knows that he needs to come clean about not being Jay but really being the CEO she was set to interview, but soon one lie turns into more as he sets out to show her that he isn't at all like she had him pegged. But when the truth comes out and things get more complicated than either of them ever expected, can they possibly find a way to get through it together without everything ripping them apart?

I loved these two so much. These two were so sexy together and the chemistry was off the charts hot! They were also so sweet and supportive of one another. I loved that while they might have started out with so much hidden between them, that they vowed to always be honest with each other from the moment that everything was revealed. It wasn't always easy, but the fact that they were able to hold to that was refreshing and I loved it! My heart broke for these two at times and yet it soared at others. This was definitely emotional, but I was filled with hope and love for these characters and their undeniable connection.

Overall, I loved this book and couldn't put it down. This is definitely one of my favorites from these two amazing authors, though if you ask which ones are my favorite I will probably tell you all of them. I know that sounds cliché, but it is honestly true. No one is able to write and deliver such a captivating and emotional romance while keeping it sexy, sweet and funny like Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland. Their stories are ones I always look forward to and devour as soon as I get my hands on them. I can't recommend their books, or Mister Moneybags enough! This book is a must read for romance fans, especially if you love the contemporary genre.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

ameserole's review against another edition

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I love my audible romance package!

Mister Moneybags sounds like a lifetime or hallmark kind of movie. In it, you will meet Dex and Bianca. It all started with an elevator going out.. and I feel like I've been down this road in other books?? Could just be me though - I guess??

Anyways, Bianca has an interview with Mr. Moneybags, aka Dex. However, Dex is in there just listening to her talk shit about him.. without telling her he is actually him. He comes up with a fake name and pretends to be two different people with her. It completely backfires on him because she's starting to develop feelings for both guys. Well, until the day that she realizes they are the same guy.

There's some drama in this book but the chemistry between these two was so good. I loved listening to the audio so much. I kind of wish this was a series because I would totally dive into the next book!

Overall, loved the book and I definitely need to dive into more books by these two authors.

ladiinay's review against another edition

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Painful :/

Just ... no.
This was painful to read and even more painful to finish. It started with one plot, that I enjoyed. The first half of the book was really entertaining, then it turned terrible. The rest of the plot revolved around lies, secrets, and forgiveness. That's all fine and everything but so many twists in this book ruined it for me. it's like the authors couldn't decide where to take this story and just said, "Eff it, we'll throw all of them in there!" :/ It got to be so much I lost count and eventually no longer cared. After the last one I literally said aloud, "Are you kidding me??" Read a little bit further and then started to skip through the rest of it.

I'm giving it 3 Stars, and that's because I enjoyed the first half of this and the original storyline.

tyrkysoveknihy's review against another edition

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3,5 ⭐

Nějak nevím, co si o pár věcech myslet, ale jsou to spoilery. Bylo to vtipný, ale některý věci byly prostě... ehm, ehm... a ne nemluvím o tom, co je už v anotaci.

-E N G L I S H -
I don´t know how I feel about certain things but that´s spoilery. It was just bit too much for me to swallow and I don´t mean the thing that is in the synopsis.

gabbysreading's review against another edition

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The dynamic duo of Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward can not be stopped. OH MY GOD!! I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!!!

hedonicbooks's review against another edition

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This was all kinds of stupid, but since I bought it, I had to read it. Oh, man.

simplyxkate's review against another edition

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I was really enjoying this book up until about the 75% mark. Then it quickly entered "wtf, ew, no" territory and it ruined the characters completely. I struggled to finish it after that.

oxuria's review against another edition

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O Vi Keeland i Penelope Ward jest głośno od pewnego czasu dzięki ich własnym – pisanym oddzielnie – powieściom, ale i wspólnym projektom. Jednym z takich jest właśnie „Milioner i bogini”. Równocześnie była ona moją pierwszą lekturą, która sygnowana jest ich nazwiskami i szczerze przyznam, że nie spodziewałam się wiele oprócz zwykłego guilty pleasure, a zostałam delikatnie zaskoczona!

Po pierwsze, sama historia Dextera i Bianci może nie jest oryginalna, bo z łatwością można znaleźć wiele podobieństw do innych romansów, ale została ujęta w taki przyjemny w odbiorze dla Czytelnika sposób, że nie da się nie polubić tej książki! Zdziwił mnie fakt, iż nie była przepełniona scenami erotycznymi, które teraz zawarte są w takim gatunku czasem co parę stron – jeśli więc nie lubicie przesytu takimi treściami, w przypadku „Milionera i bogini” możecie być spokojni.

Przez większość historii główna bohaterka nie wie sama do końca, co się wokół niej dzieje, wodzona jest za nos na przemian przez Jay'a i Dexa – najśmieszniejsze sytuacje wynikają z niezdecydowania Truitta, który za wszelką cenę nie chce wyjawić swojej tajemnicy. Kiedy rozwiązany został już jeden problem, powstały następne, jednak nie stopniowo – posypały się jak z rękawa. Wtedy zaczęło robić się trochę bardziej schematycznie i nieprawdopodobnie – za dużo spadło na bohaterów w jednej chwili, by mogli zachowywać się rozsądnie, stąd ten mój sceptycyzm pod sam koniec. Nie mam tego jednak za złe autorkom, bo nie wymagałam od nich idealnego odbicia rzeczywistości. Wy też nie wymagajcie!

Najważniejsze dla mnie jest to, że książka spełniła swoją funkcję – dała chwilę wytchnienia od ciężkich lektur, które teraz doczytuję i pozwoliła zapomnieć choć na moment o otaczającej mnie codzienności i tym, co czeka mnie już w maju. Znawcom dorobku pisarskiego autorek śmiało polecam, ponieważ sama po historii „Milionera i bogini” przekonałam się do ich twórczości i z pewnością sięgnę jeszcze po więcej.

scvallese1's review against another edition

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What a fun read! I really enjoyed the main characters- Bianca and Dee. They were fun, and had great chemistry. You couldn't help but hope that they got their HEA.

For some reason, I'm always surprised when I enjoy one of Vi Keeland or Penelope Ward's books. I'm not sure why, because I have absolutely loved every one. Mister Moneybags is a great addition! I definitely recommend!