
Magical Temptations by Jaliza A. Burwell

gypsydawn's review

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I am really enjoying watching Laila’s story unfold, along with the maturity in which she - and all those involved - tackle the confusing question of dating and relationships. One thing though, was NO ONE surprised as to what she IS? No one? It was said, confronted, and.... bam.... accepted. No shock, no awe. The only one who really reacts is Laila, and we only know that because it’s from her POV!

zealous_bibliophile's review

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Ok first of all the is a 2.5 for me, but we can't do half stars and I just couldn't give it a three. Burwell has such a good idea with this series but it was incredibly disappointing to see her jam square peg scenes into the round hole story without stopping to see if it made any sense. Everything from here on is a spoiler.
First you have the FMC being sent out into the field on an assignment, but it is totally normal for a scientist who only does lab work to have to do field work and then act like it is her butt to the client and this is just the same old same old b.s. you put up with from clients. That made no sense. There should have been more push back from her and her boss/guys. The dragon should have showed up insisting she was there (because they did need her) her boss said no, the boss and the guys start arguing with the dragon and then the FMC taking the job to keep the piece.
Second even if they needed her for her abilities ir made zero sense that she, with literally no field experience, was put in charge to lead the expedition. She should not have been the one calling the shots and running the show. Also, if you are going on a spelunking expedition you wear specialized clothing and equipment not your old gross clothes because you "might" get dirty. While we are on the whole spelunking portion of this 1) continuity matters. If she sets down her bag and then teleport out of a room without picking it back up she can't just have the bag again, and 2) you have to make sure the story makes sense. If they are charging through to catch someone who can't be more than a few hours ahead they are sure stopping to rest a LOY, and if it is almost impossible for this TEAM od elite persons to make it to the final prize you have to explain how a team of two made it and how the single guy thought he was going to be able to get back out again.
Three, there was absolutely no reason the FMC to remain at the camp when they were back out. Their contracted job was over. She was free to go. She shouldn't have just caved and said I'll be there. This was a missed opportunity for her to say no, storm off towards her tent, and then have a touching, vulnerable moment with the dragon where he tells her someone he cares about has been cursed and he needs this fair to have it lifted.
Fourth, you have got to be kidding me, an elf was on sight to make them all formal clothes so they can go out dress in gowns with heels and suits in the middle.of the forest and out of no where be like yeah we talked and we all want to date you, it's cool right? Oh and let's go skinny dipping now. That is one of the worst harem creation scenes I have read, and I've read a lot. It was so out of place in the story both with the formal dinner in the middle.of the woods and that the FMC was barely just thinking of these guys as friends but now she is claiming them for life? Come on!
Fifth, and then there are children living at this TEMPORARY encampment to recover an arecholcial artifact that is also a weapon of mass destruct who wouldn't bring their kid to that! Oh wait, literally everyone. It was just dropped in so FMC could have her speech about innocent people getting caught in the middle of two sides fighting. You can't just drop things into a story where they have no place.being to make a scene you want to have happen happen. At least set it uo that the native tribe was all with you and mention seeing the children and moms BEFORE they go underground spelunking so that you don't have this forced awkward scene.
I really enjoyed the first book and the first half of this book was ok but the second half just really wasn't professionally done and needs some serious reworking.

nikkieliz13's review

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Rating: 3.5 Stars

The romantic development in the last quarter of the book was abrupt and a bit unbelievable. That aside, this was an enjoyable continuation to the series.

amalthea44's review

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adventurous medium-paced


jscarpa14's review

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First I'm pretty sure she grew an inch between books. Next it skeeves me out the way everyone keeps emphasizing her age. Based on description the youngest of the 7 men pursuing her is in his mid to late 20s and the oldest has an age measured in centuries but there's this constant reminder that she's 19. My daughter is 19 and I would not be okay with a man pushing 30 pursuing her. Also this girl has way too much history and way too much past to be 19. It doesn't fit at all with the character created.

Next its becoming clear that Shanton is meant to be part of this business and I don't like him. I don't feel like she's being a brat by choosing not to be around people. The man regularly exploited her throughout this book and called her a brat if she tried to resist. He used her as a bargaining chip. That's not sexy and I'm not sure I'll be comfortable continuing with the series if he's part of the mix. Also he's not the only one that I felt went the wrong side of harsh. Additionally the protective often comes across as overbearing, controlling and almost parent like. None of that is cool from a potential partner.

I liked the first book much better than this one and while it's been spelled out who she's going to end up with I'm not sure I'm interested in continuing with the series.

lthornsl's review

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adventurous emotional mysterious slow-paced


newfriendjen's review

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I’m enjoying watching the story play out! It’s interesting to see how Laila faces challenges all while remaining oblivious to the feelings of the men around her. I can’t wait to see where her story leads!

tiffiny's review

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This series has so much potential but there is just too many small things adding up that are ruining it. My review for the first book was so optimistic. I love the idea of a slow burn and was looking forward to relationships that build up naturally. I thought I was getting that with this series but, this book has proven me wrong. Everything is going in a nice orderly, natural way when all of a sudden the author decides to drop the dreaded "we all talked about this without you and have decided we all want a relationship with you". I abhor it when authors do that. So there goes the slow burn part and any hopes of a believable relationship progression.

My next beef is with the small details. Pretty sure the FMC was 5'7" in the last book but now she's 5'8". Then we have some serious character interactions and scenarios that make no sense. First, we have the dragon guy act like a complete ass to the FMC telling her to stop making everything about her when the situation definitely called for her to have some right to a breakdown. He's a total fuckface to her but then when she goes to leave he's all charming like "Thanks for the date" and she gets embarrassed and shit? Like, are we NOT going to address the fact he was actually out of line with her? While the group was going through the gauntlet there was a part where they needed both magic and energy to move the maze piece or w/e and he stood there expecting her to use both. She even states that it looked like he expected her to have use of both...and that tells us that he suspected she was this Elementalist or w/e....but guess what? That never gets addressed. Information is just dropped randomly but never picked back up again.

I liked the excitement of the story and the idea of the gauntlet was great but there were just too many things not explained and other things that didn't any sense. I'm going to continue to the next book and hope for an improvement but this one was seriously disappointing.

hkoneko's review

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Still a great book. We get to understand Laila a bit more and get some insight into her mysterious background. This book is a little Indiana Jones, magic style. Which is fun and exciting. Overall great book!

talknerdybookblog's review

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I really don’t appreciate control freak MCs.