
Hourglass by Myra McEntire

apparatinglibrarian's review

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I didn't finish the book. It wasn't bad, it was especially good. I just need to get done with Lost Lake and I have Hourglass on my iPad ready to read whenever. I will come back and read it, but I can't balance two books at once apparently. :(

andrez's review

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In the beginning, I was quite pissed. Then, it got better gradually and the end was fantastic

daisy87's review

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Sometimes you read a book and then you kick yourself for not reading it sooner because it's just that good and people have been telling you how awesome it is. Hourglass falls right into that category!

I was really excited to start Hourglass and then I noticed how many of my friends on Goodreads had given it high ratings and the excitement kicked up a notch! I LOVE starting a book that my friends have loved cause it usually means I will at least enjoy it very much as well. Though I did kind of worry about getting my hopes up only to be disappointed by the actual novel.

But I shouldn't have worried, Myra McEntire's writing gripped me from page 1 and it never once faltered for me throughout the whole novel! I adore the voice she gave Emerson and anyone that can manage to fit in a Gone With the Wind reference on the first page is a winner to me! I loved that I felt like I was right there experiencing everything along with Emerson!

Emerson was such a compelling main character! She's been through a lot and it's made her put up a wall so she won't get hurt again. I loved seeing how she grows as a character and learns to let people in. Also, I love that she can kick some butt! I loved the chemistry she had with Michael. And Kaleb.

To be honest, I'm partial to Kaleb, he's just *sigh*. That's it. I don't have words for it. He's that *sigh*-worthy.

I loved learning everything about Emerson's ability right along with her and was fascinated by all of it! There were laugh out loud funny moments and the tension between Michael and Em brought tears to my eyes, it was amazing! Also, there's a whole set of other characters for me to love, especially Kaleb! *sigh* He's narrating Timepiece, the second book in the series, so I just know I'll love that as well.

I've completely fallen in love with Myra McEntire's writing and recommend Hourglass for anyone who likes a good YA paranormal romance, to me it ranks among the best in the genre!

My rating: 5 stars

rmtroyer93's review

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lulugv's review

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Siento como si estuviera leyendo X-Men versiĆ³n Chick lit.....
La primera mitad del libro estuvo aburrido a morir, las ultimas 50 paginas fueron lo mejor porque la historia tuvo varios giros, pero no se si realmente siga la saga. Realmente es desesperante que tengan que pasar mas de 100 paginas para que pase algo interesante

thegreyestghost's review

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Review to come!

alittlebrittoffun's review

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I was so impressed with this book. It was completely unique and had such a great take on all the supernatural themes that have been infused in YA literature lately. When reading about it I thought it would be just a simple ghost story but it definitely was anything but. I highly recommend it and can't wait for the next one to come out in 2012!

rachelmariepie's review

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THIS BOOK IS AMAZING. I am in love with it. Seriously. If I was a book, I would definitely be proposing to Hourglass right this minute. This book is that amazing.

Myra McEntire's writing is just beautiful. This is one of those times that I just want to swim around in all her words because I love them so much. (What? Is that weird? I don't think so.) I want to hang onto every word, every sentence. By the end of the book, I was just dying for more.

The plot seems simple. Time travel. Lots of people create things about time travel. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But I was completely blown away by the way time travel was presented in this book. It was original and surprising and captivating. The world Myra McEntire created is so unique and wonderful and thorough. It's not hard to imagine that everything in this book is real; that time travel really exists.

The main character, Emerson, is awesome. She might be tiny and unassuming, but don't underestimate her, because she can kick your ass. She's really funny and sarcastic and extremely realistic. There were so many times in this book where she would say or do something, and I was just like, "Oh, that's exactly what I would do in that situation!" Emerson is tough, but also vulnerable. She's shy and quiet, but also bold and daring. Her personality is a lot like a regular teenager's: it's not always predictable. I feel like Emerson is a character I can really relate to.

And okay, I can't hold it in any longer. MICHAEL. FREAKING. WEAVER. I love him a lot. I spent like, ninety percent of this book swooning over him. I mean, of course there were a few moments when I wanted to throw the book at the wall because Michael was being stupid/mean/frustrating/confusing/teenageboyish. But that just makes him even more amazing, because he has flaws too.

Michael and Emerson's relationship is a crazy roller coaster that is confusing and weird and surprising and insane and unpredictable, and I love every minute of it. They're not really all insta-love and romantic. They have a lot of banter and joking and tension and sarcasm going on in all their conversations, which I absolutely love. They are one of the best couples ever, in my opinion.

Oh man. This ramble is getting really long. I could talk about this book for days. But I must end it soonish, so I will say one last thing: the supporting characters in this book are all awesome. Emerson's family and friends play important roles in her life. They are not just chilling on the sidelines waiting with a funny one-liner every now and then. They are a huge part of the story, and it's really refreshing to read about non-romantic but still loving relationships.

Also: Kaleb!!! <3. I mean, I am totally in love with Michael, of course. But I love Kaleb IN ADDITION TO Michael. WHEN CAN I READ TIMEPIECE?!

I swoon over Michael some more at

_alys_'s review

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GGAHHH! so good!
I loved all the characters, especially Kaleb who just made me chuckle!
I'm definitely going to read the next book as soon as possible!

bookmaddie's review

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I really LOVED the main character of this book, Emerson. She made me laugh many times as I read.