
Book of Magic by Andrew Karre, John Peel

jljaina's review

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This book is in two parts. It starts off briefly on the world of Dondar. A world of Unicorns!! But yet again, no one trusts magicians. Or in this case, any human which magicians being worse. Although I have to wonder, is Pixel human? Or just humanoid? Hmm.. But the shadows from the first book are back and play a darker role than ever before. Oracle was my favorite in this book. I was interesting to have the truth revealed in the second half and how the teens reacted to what they learn. I wanted more from the villians in this one. I am seeing a trend for weak villians. And when I say that I dont' mean in power but their very character creation seems to be lacking . Only flaw I can find.

shadrachanki's review

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The pacing in this book is better than the first two books as far as consistency goes, but I continue to have issues with various worldbuilding elements and consistency there.