
The Crazy Things Girls Do for Love by Dyan Sheldon

anjaliagarwal01's review against another edition

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This wasn't bad but I think teenagers would enjoy this book more. I read this two years after I graduated high school so it was really hard for me to connect to the characters. Usually I don't mind high school contemporary/romance stories but not so much this one. It did have good character development though.

mypalsophia's review against another edition

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This book was a re-interpretation of mean girls; petty drama and every girl in love with one boy who looks like a K-pop star. While I can say that a few girls were relatable, the whole story was just sloppy and hard to get through.

aneemezreads's review against another edition

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The Crazy Things Girls Do For Love....
Come to think of it is actually true... This happens to everyone, every girl. I'll be honest with you even me. I do it all the time. Trying to be someone we are not just to get some guy-we think we are totally in love with- to notice us and to prove how much we are destined to be together!!!

Three different girls from very different clicks strive their way to get this one gorgeous new boy in school. The most popular and the most coolest girl in school, Sicilee and Maya never thought they had to become GREEN to impress a guy when all the boys in school wants them. While Waneeda-the invisible girl-tries as hard as everyone else, trying to be as much as visible she can.
But the mystery lies... Who will win??? Sicilee, Maya or Waneeda?

"Everything is fair in Love and War - And this is LOVE"!!

There is only one word for this book : Amazing!!!

hibanotized's review against another edition

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its good refreshing book, its just that i can't relate to any girl, maybe just waneeda, she just seemed so broken ..

thechaoshour's review against another edition

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This is a terrible cover. There's nothing good about it. The only reason I bought it was because it was on the 3 for $10 shelf. It got lucky.

Initial Thoughts

I thought this was going to be a cutesy romance book about a bunch of teenagers. That's what the summary made me believe and that's what the cover looked like. I didn't like the characters at the start because they're all really annoying and they're all trying to impress the new guy. The book took and unexpected turn though.

My New BFF

I eventually came to admire Sicilee the most. She was doing all these things to impress this one guy and ended up actually enjoying what she was doing. I felt like I was proud of her for being less of a snobby teenager and actually focussing on something. It was kind of cute.

My Crush

No crush in this book. It's not the kind of book where you develop a crush because there were several guys being focussed on.

Writing Style

The writing was really light and fluffy. You could tell the author did a lot of research for this book and I actually learned a few things. I was actually pretty impressed with how it turned out.

Closing Thoughts

You start off thinking this is going to be a cutesy romance but it develops into an intense book about how to help the environment. I thought it was a fun twist and I enjoyed seeing the characters become passionate in that field. I really enjoyed how things turned out in the end too. There were a lot of good morals for any younger teenagers that read this. It wasn't a favourite but I was pleasantly surprised! It's kind of a feel good young adult book. It want something to surprise you and make you feel happy afterwards, this is the book for you.

chrissymcbooknerd's review against another edition

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If I had to describe THE CRAZY THINGS GIRLS DO FOR LOVE in just one word, I can't help but choose CUTE as my primary definer. I mean, really, it was just SO cute! And, okay, fun and adorable too.

Basically, this is the story of three girls from three different cliques who all go nuts over the same guy. Sicilee is the popular fashionista, Maya is the quirky artsy gal, and Waneeda is pretty much the social outcast. When attractive, charismatic Cody moves to town, all three girls instantly think he's gorgeous and seek to find a way to gain his attention.

Cody takes charge of the school environmental club, announcing that he was notorious in his old school for convincing classmates to adapt a green way of life. After hearing Cody incessantly sing his own praises about his quest to save the world, the three girls decide there is no better way to get the guy than to give in and join the environmental club.

At first, Sicilee and Maya battle one another to see who can be more environmentally conscious. Sicilee vows to walk to school every day, despite the fact that it's snowing and more than a mile or two from her home. Maya dresses herself in plastic bottles, standing outside the local super market to educate customers on going green. The girls compete to be the best at the vegan life, giving up leather shoes, non organic foods, and even electricity at some points of the story.

As the environmental club gains popularity in the school, and the girls get more militant on their save-the-world campaign, they slowly start to realize that Cody is a lot more talk than action. Is a wishy washy boy who loves himself so much more than others really worth three girls going crazy?

THE CRAZY THINGS DO FOR LOVE is written from a 3rd person present tense point of view that swaps between Sicilee, Maya, and Waneeda in alternating chapters. I really do enjoy novels written in the present tense, although I think it can be a tricky thing to finesse. Even as the perspectives change, the author weaves the girls together, allowing the reader to see some partial scenes from opposite perspectives as the girls interact with one another.

The only one thing that really drove me crazy were the irritating little phrases that Maya and Sicilee tended to repeat over and over again, nearly every time they dialogued with another character. With Sicilee it was different variations of "Sweet Mary!" while Maya's retort of choice was "Gott im Hiemmel!" I've never in my life met a teenager who spoke that way, and after a while it really just felt tedious.

While the lead female characters do tend to be walking stereotypes to the core, the story still manages to be cute, fun, and entertaining. I mean, nobody reads this type of book to feel smart and literary. So, for what it seeks out to do it seems to be pretty successful. I'd recommend this to any fans of young adult literature, just start this one with the expectations that it's definitely a fluff read.

izisreading's review against another edition

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Actual rating: 2.5

I've had this book for years! Glad I read it. There were hilarious bits.

shalinisinha's review against another edition

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I have had this book since 9th grade but never got around to reading it. I only read this now because I desperately needed something to take my mind off of college. And I am pretty surprised at the fun I had reading this. So, guess I am gonna trade some of my classics for some good ol' chick-lit now :D

swordsandsweets's review against another edition

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Been a LONG time since I read it, but I remember this as hilarious and informative.

*Christmas 2010 present*

fernthepanda's review against another edition

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I did not make it very far into disc 1, but this book is just not grabbing me at all. So I am moving along!