eng2's review against another edition

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challenging emotional hopeful informative inspiring reflective sad tense medium-paced


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beejoy's review

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challenging emotional hopeful informative inspiring reflective sad medium-paced


I read this book in two days. I underlined and flagged so many sections. I could not put it down. Stephanie Foo’s writing voice is stunning. I feel like I learned more about complex and trauma and healing from this book than I have from any Psych book or therapy. I already know I will come back to her words many, many times. 

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puffinread's review

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emotional hopeful informative reflective sad tense medium-paced


I loved this book. I learned so much about Foo’s experience with CPTSD and CPTSD in general. I loved the audio she included of her sessions with Dr. Ham, who is someone I would be honored to meet and, in the meantime, whose works I will be diving into. I am starting out my career as a therapist after graduating with my master’s in June of this year. Dr. Ham’s skill, Foo’s insights, and the self reflection reading this book elicited in me will, I hope, help me show up for my clients and for myself. I would recommend that anyone who experienced childhood abuse or neglect, as well as all health clinicians, read this book.

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nellethebelle's review against another edition

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dark emotional hopeful informative inspiring reflective tense medium-paced


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sdin94's review against another edition

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challenging emotional hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


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feistygriesty's review against another edition

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Both too far and too close to home. Personal bandwidth decision. 

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bambooboy's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional funny informative reflective sad tense medium-paced


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bella613's review against another edition

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emotional inspiring reflective medium-paced


Perfect example of why good memoirs are one of my favorite genres. 
This is incredible and I'd highly, highly recommend this book. Stephanie Foo is an incredible writer and storyteller, as well as a very self-aware person with amazing insight. She has done a lot of work in therapy and it shows. I loved listening to her read the audiobook herself. 

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mj_86's review against another edition

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reflective medium-paced


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energizerducky's review

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hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


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