
The Prey by Andrew Fukuda

beckylej's review against another edition

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When we left Gene, Sissy, and the other survivors, they'd made their way to a boat and were trekking up the river in hopes of eluding the ravenous vampires that were pursuing them. THE PREY picks up right where THE HUNT left off.

After their narrow escape from the Heper Institute, Gene, Sissy, and the others now fight for survival on the river. It's their only hope in remaining safe from the vampires that hunt them. With just a few notes from the Scientist to guide them, they believe the river will take them to safety. What they find at the end is beyond their wildest dreams. A solitary settlement located within the mountains seems almost too good to be true. Food is plentiful and the people within the fortress walls have no fear of the vampires outside. But Sissy and Gene quickly realize that there's something very strange in this little village: there are almost no men or boys and the women live by a strict set of rules set by the Elders in charge. And what of Gene's father, the Scientist? For Gene and Sissy, this longed for salvation may be just as dangerous as the life they've just escaped.

THE HUNT was one of the most original twists on the vampire trend that I've seen in ages. The blend of post apocalyptic/dystopian setting and the last of humanity fighting to survive - with Gene passing himself off as a vampire - made the book a tense and unique read. It's hard to imagine that Fukuda could top that, but he almost does with THE PREY.

The tension and suspense that made The Hunt such a quickly paced read, is still there in THE PREY. Plus there are so many new questions: what's Gene's dad up to? What's up with the settlement? What awaits Gene and the others beyond this newfound village? What's up with Ashley June (who you may recall was left behind at the Institute)? And so much more!

Some of the issues that come up in THE PREY are really dark. It's common in an end of the world setting to see this sort of pessimistic downfall of humanity theme, so I wasn't surprised, but Fukuda's presentation of these issues is still shocking and thoughtful. It's a pretty emotional read, to be totally honest - one that left me breathless with anticipation (cheesy as that sounds) and fearful of the fate of the characters. There is a slight tinge of hopefulness in spite of all that seems so hopeless by the time you get to the end of the book. Overall, THE PREY is an incredible follow up to THE HUNT.

I have to say I am really loving this series. It's a perfect cross over for both teen and adult readers. Beware, readers, there's also a cliffhanger ending here in THE PREY. I think Fukuda must be laughing somewhere imagining all of us ansty as hell to get our hands on the next book!

erika_kate's review against another edition

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I have so many feelings associated with this book, it is definitely my favorite one in the series. It's more fast paced and action driven than the first book and as a reader you find yourself discovering a whole new world within Andrew Fukuda's dystopian one. You find that there is a massive conspiracy beneath everything and start to peace all the puzzles together.

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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What a great book! Loved it, couldn't wait to read it, and can't wait for the last book!

okramsey's review against another edition

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This was an AMAZING series! My first reaction to the Hunt (first in the trilogy) was "hooray! The real vampires are back!" They don't gently suck blood from their victims or befriend humans...they rip them apart. The descriptions of characters who are in the sun too long are wonderful...I can almost see and smell them. But the plot twists! I really did not see most of them coming and they were so original. I could rave about this series for a long time but I hate spoilers.....This series needs to jump to the top of your vampire,horror list.

brokebybooks's review against another edition

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I won a copy of both books, The Hunt and The Prey through a giveaway on The Reading Date.

CW: Rape, Abuse

Sadly, this book did not live up to The Hunt. It wasn't horrific, suspenseful, or tense. It wasn't unique and fell back on the standard world building. The characters are now so-so at best. It sunk to bringing another insta-love romance was forced and created a love triangle to exceed the YA trope and trends quota. What really dragged the book down and made these factors worse was just how long they spend in The Refuge. It's pointless. Cutting it short would've solved or at least helped rather than making it feel stretched so far it broke with a contrived plot and stupid characters running around like headless chickens.

I'll be continuing to finish the series off but man, this book really suffers from the latest YA schticks and suffers from middle book syndrome. I'm hopeful but resigned to The Trap. **Crosses fingers**

-Sissy is ridiculously good with the daggers. Like unbelievably, Mary Sue-ish.
Spoiler Her 180 about leaving? Pissed me off when it happened. Should've just caught them while in The Village or when they didn't have a chance but to go back so they didn't have to have that stupid moment. Same with Gene. Felt like it had to happen to force the bond between the two and make the surprise appearances shocking.

-Gene...**sigh** Did you have to go all brooding emo romance interest? I liked you better has a fake vamp. And your brain worked better then too. At least you have Sissy to save the day for you.

-The Boys: Dear fucking god, what is wrong with you? How do you just brush off all your life experiences and act so dumb? Okay, Ben is young and did stupid shit before, he's exempt. The rest of the lot? Meh. And it's so convenient how shit like Ben's little legs only come up to amp the tension. At one point they're literally dead weight. They feel more like plot devices than people. Oh, and the message about tribalism, and never leaving someone behind.

-Vamps: Still liking them. Their resourceful and a real threat; Their contraptions are pretty cool. I'm wondering what's going on back in their metropolis. Not their fault it was obvious
Spoilerthe main human cast was making it out by the skin of their teeth and being melodramatic. But what is with Ashley June into a vamp? That better have a fucking purpose and not more stupid, useless teen drama. Again, showing up earlier would've helped.

-There wasn't as much tension and suspense as The Hunt. The kids were slow to pick up obvious signs and clues, and it was just a bunch of useless running around. The Village could've been cut short for a tighter, more reasonable book. Staying that long makes it very grating and obvious as an M. Night Shyamalan movie.

-I asked for world building and I got it. Can't say much and it's hard to judge since other issues brought it down. If it just rolled through instead of dragging it out like it was the biggest surprising twist every that the kids are understandably not getting...I mean it's not the worst or stupid. It's just not that...unique or special. Building it up to be something it's not, just makes it come off worse.

-Didn't like the budding new romance. It felt forced with no spark. They're better off friends or siblings. Plus the love triangle. Oh god, come the fuck on! Useless stupid uncompelling shit. And both boys don't fucking get it...
Spoiler One of them “avails themselves to the girls” in the village. These girls are branded prisoners in a breeder farm. They are brainwashed, unable to say no and rewarded for being pregnant. Sounds like fucking rape. Or at the very least, really fucking creepy and skeevy. But the guys argue over it as a jealous act harming their girl, Sissy and don't think the implications through. (pg. 144 and 183 respectively)

Plus, Ashley fucking June!

lubokrah's review against another edition

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nebudem to zbytočne komentovať... druhá polka bola o niečo , fakt len o mallililililinký kúsok lepšia

amylandranch's review against another edition

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The second in the series, with just as much action and blood and guts as the first one. However, add in a creepy mountain village and it is right up there on the icky la la scale. Gene and the hepers he escaped with find their way to a hidden community. The scientist (and Gene's father) left a map that led them there. Once there, they realize things aren't as they seem. Will they be able to solve the mystery before the hunt finds them again? I would recommend this book for 8th grade and up. It has a lot of violence and this book has some sexual undertones in it (having to do with the village girls and what is happening to them). I got a bit squeamish in parts. Fans of paranormal vampire books will like it, but it is nothing like Twilight.

sultanah's review against another edition

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Here's the thing—once i finished reading the first book in the series i felt no compelling need to write a review, and the moment i finished its sequel, i knew why.

With this series, you dont realize how much is off about the first book until you read the second. And that in itself is a flaw, especially with dystopian series.
The kind of information you'd want to know being introduced to a new world is only given, in this case, in the SECOND book of the series rather than the first. I'd hate to spoil it for you, but anyone reading this series would know exactly what i mean. But that's the problem, no one would bother continuing it if their primary questions weren't answered to begin with..

All that aside, Andrew Fukuda's way with words is remarkable; every single word charmed me, never once failing to lure me into the pits of the spine-chilling world described in the series. Barely any character description is given, but when it is, it's like poetry amidst chaos, heaven in hell. I relished it.

ellesha_syke's review

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hazellie's review against another edition

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I didn't like this as much as the first book in the series. It was pretty boring and long-winded at some parts, but it's still a good story and I kinda still wanna know what happens next.