
Guardian's Grace by Rebecca Zanetti

trudyd's review

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I like a book with a little shock and awe. Guardian's Grace has a lot of shock and awe. It also has a big, big WOW moment having me counting down to Benny's book.

Grace is on a mission to find her past. It has been five years since Adare mated with her, bringing her out of a coma. Unfortunately her memories were left behind. Adare leaving her after the mating has created a problem as well. She is sick again. How can a key get sick?

Her stupidity is her downfall. Her determination risks her life. Her lack of knowledge has her going in too many directions. Her stubbornness keeps her from love. Hopefully she will get her act together and Adare will let walls down so they can find happiness. Luckily for this reader there was a lot happening along the way.

eg_m's review

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I really like Adar in the other dark protector books and enjoyed the overall storyline, but Grace annoyed me. She's supposedly a brilliant photographer who can see what others cannot, but she keeps missing the most blatant information.

keeneam's review

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received this book as an early review from NetGallery
I have been waiting forever for this book... and it was worth it. I love that it started as a time jump, because whatever is going to happen with Hope has to been when she is an adult. I live the Grace stood up to Adare throughout this book and the others in the series, but I did think she made a few stupid decisions, but overall she was a likable character. The ending when the realized the loved each other seemed a little abrupt, but it worked. I liked the sneaked peak about Benny towards the end as well.

kim_brockway_gatehouse's review

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I really enjoyed this book! You can read my full review on my blog, Flora's Musings

What did I like about Guardian’s Grace?
I haven’t read many books by Rebecca Zanetti but I find her writing style very easy to read. As I’ve only read one other Dark Protectors’ book, I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I became engaged into the world of vampires, demons, Fae and the various hybrid variations.

I was impressed with our heroine, Grace, from the very first chapter.
I connect to a story more when the lead female character is intelligent, resilient, self-reliant and has plenty of gumption. Grace proved herself time and time again to be a great protagonist! But it’s not just the heroine who has to win me over in a paranormal romance. The hero has too as well. Adare, our hero, was a work-in-progress. My modern sensibilities baulked many a time at his caveman mentality and antics. However, by the end of the book he became totally deserving of Grace in my eyes.

The conflict, action and various threats in this tale felt non-stop which kept me on the edge of my seat.
I enjoyed that the plot in Guardian’s Grace isn’t just focused on our main romantic couple. It’s got a few threads weaving through it. Some were resolved in this book while others were left to continue through the series. It kept me guessing. What would happen next?

Was there anything I didn’t like?
OK, so obviously I really enjoyed this book. However, there were niggles, hence the drop to a 4-star rating.

Firstly, I had a few qualms with the world-building. I often felt a bit lost reading Guardian’s Grace. For example, I couldn’t picture some of the settings and the family connections had me scratching my head. Rebecca weaves certain re-cap information into this book. However, this is a complex world with multiple species. Plus, there are a huge number of characters! As with all long-running series, a lot has happened.

deanapotter's review

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4.5 Stars

Full review to come

tessisreading2's review

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These books are so ridiculously plotty that it is getting difficult to track what is going on; I miss the Realm Enforcers series, which threw in a bunch more humor and gave its heroes actual characterization rather than turning them all into Brooding Badass #1-12. Or 1-17 as the case may be. The fast-forward for several years was smart, but Adare's crankiness feels fairly superficial, Grace is an idiot (
Spoileranyone who's read one of these books saw the issue with her "friends" coming, but honestly "supernatural evil folks are after you, maybe don't trust someone you don't remember who claims to have been your BFF?" shouldn't be hard to figure out
), and the Seven aren't much better (
Spoileragain, Jacqueline's betrayal was fairly obvious - and should have been even more so to a group that contains tech wizards, military wizards, and probably wizard wizards; no one even tested the explosives? come on!
). Hope reads like a kid in some respects and like a teenager in others, although at the very least her love triangle is a lot more ambiguous than her mother's was. Basically this book, like the last few, feels pretty phoned in. That's not going to stop me reading, mind. Just worth noting.

a_perennial_reader's review

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I was very interested in Adare and Grace's story, from whatever I had read about them in the previous parts.
And this did live up to my expectations for them but at the same time, it didn't.

Grace, who has been out of coma for a few years now, is trying to find out what exactly happened on the night she was attacked. Adare, being Adare, is busy with his duties of being a 'Seven' and ignoring Grace. Their paths cross again by chance and there are new and terrible developments that have placed their lives in grave danger. And what is the solution to avoid this danger - mating, and this time, it would be a proper one. Grace is trying to take her life in her own hands and not make herself dependent on others, especially Adare. Adare is done with giving space to Grace and he wants to keep her safe and protected at all times, even if that means that he has to put his own life in danger. Both of them want each other, but both think that the other only wants to be them out of the sense of honor or obligation. This I feel is a very very typical trope particular to this series, in books after Vampire's Faith especially. That is why I was disappointed with the romance because it really felt more of the same. Something similar has been done between couples in this same series a lot of times now.

Adare and Grace's story started in a very unusual manner in Vampire's Faith, but sadly, I felt that its's continuation was not unique. It was the same thing again, where the guy is being all alpha male and caveman and wants to protect his mate and keep her safe while he goes out on dangerous missions. The woman is actually out of her depth and needs the guy's protection, but is not ready to accept it and hence does stupid things to show her supposed independence.

There was one thing that was done differently, which I actually really liked and that was that both Grace and Adare have serious discussions and conversations with each other about their relationship and commitments and priorities and if they are ready to mold themselves to suit each other's needs. This was not something that was done between the couples that came before these two and I really liked the open conversations.
There was an element of sweetness between these two, it was not all steamy and sexy. There was an intricate trust between these two that I liked.

Many other things happen in this book as well, other than Grace and Adare's romance. Things are getting messier between the Seven and the Realm. There are a lot of political problems and tensions. We see Hope, who is now a teenager and she is dealing with different kinds of problems and situations. There are a lot of new and dangerous developments in the Kurjan nation. Plotwise, this book has created a strong buildup for the events that might happen in the next book. The ending was a solid one, though again, a bit expected.

I was very much in love with Benny in this book. He is absolutely crazy but so sweet at the same time! I think his story is going to be the next one in the series and I must say, I am very very interested in his story because Benny deserves everyone's love!

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for providing this eARC. The above words reflect my honest opinion.

leabookjoy's review

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French & English reviews

Un tome que j'attendais avec impatience et que j'ai beaucoup apprécié lire =D

Étrangement, l'intrigue principale était très légère et pas révolutionnaire / excitante MAIS j'ai beaucoup aimé les personnages (tellement adorables tous les deux <3) et surtout il y a d'énormes avancées dans le fil rouge de la série et concernant des personnages secondaires clés : je pense notamment à Pax qui est enfin "sauvé" (en vrai, comment ils n'ont pas pu se rendre compte plus tôt de ce qui se passait ??), on voit enfin les enfants de Nick et Simone (trop choupi <3), la position de plus en plus compliquée des Sept (pauvre Dage qui se retrouve coincé entre sa famille et ses responsabilités ...) et bien sûr l'immense avancée concernant les Kurjans (OMG maintenant ils
Spoilerpeuvent sortir en plein jour
??? Ca va tout changer !!)

Bref, un tome léger et sexy qui se dévore rapidement tout comme le reste de la série <3 J'ai hâte d'avoir l'histoire avec Benny =D


A book that I was looking forward to and that I really enjoyed reading =D

Strangely, the main plot was very light and not revolutionary / exciting BUT I really liked the characters (so adorable both of them <3) and especially there are huge advances in the main thread of the series and concerning key secondary characters : I am thinking in particular of Pax who is finally "saved" (how could they not have realized sooner what was happening ??), we finally see the children of Nick and Simone (too cute <3), the increasingly complicated position of the Seven (poor Dage who finds himself stuck between his family and his responsibilities ...) and of course the huge progress concerning the Kurjans (OMG now they can
Spoilergo out during the day
??? That will change everything !!)

In short, a light and sexy book that is quickly devoured just like the rest of the series <3 I can't wait to have the story with Benny =D

hookedbythatbook's review

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-- Read this review, and others on my blog at --

Adare has given Grace her freedom for the last five years since the mating that saved her life and brought her out of her coma. But Grace inadvertently gave herself away to the enemy when she contacted a fraudulent vampire online. Now they are thrown together again in close quarters, while Grace is trying to piece together what happened in the months leading up to her coma, and Adare is trying to keep her safe and out of trouble. These two have an unconventional start to their relationship. Adare mated with her to bring her out of the coma, and thus saving her life. Grace is attracted to him, and he obviously wants her just as much.

The action was very well done, with plenty of suspense built in. There was an unexpected twist at the end. I was really immersed in the story and felt a bit cheated when it ended. There is still a lot that has to be resolved between the Seven and the Realm, and with their enemies. The Kurjans and Cysts have also grown in power and abilities, and that makes things a bit more interesting.

Adare and Grace are two great characters, especially Grace, and there is still some mystery surrounding her role as a Key. Their romance was okay. It didn’t have quite the same thrill to it as some of the earlier pairings did. And I think, right now, I’m more interested in seeing where this is all going and how it’s going to end. I loved seeing all the old, beloved characters playing important roles in this book.

Thank you to Kensington Books and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

tirmer's review

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