
Skylark by Meagan Spooner

a_strix_named_strix's review against another edition

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I found Lark a bit hard to connect with until the 2/3rds mark. She was a bit irritating at points.

But, the dystopia was well-drawn, and the world made sense. I just wish there was a bit more here.

outoftheblue14's review against another edition

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I didn't finish this book. I read up to Chapter 10. I was very confused by the worldbuilding. It didn't sound terrible, but I was bored. If a book can't hold my attention for 10 chapters, I guess I'd better stop reading.

The cover is totally beautiful, though.

adelle_bookworm's review against another edition

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Rozhodně nejpodivnější dystopie, ale učarovala mi tolik, že ji nešlo odložit. Pět hvězd naprosto zaslouženě.

bluejaybooks's review against another edition

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Review: A blend of science fiction and fantasy, Skylark takes place in a future where everyone is born with a small amount of magic that is later “harvested” to power the city. The beginning of this story is confusing, and the middle was slow. So slow in fact, that I almost gave up on the book. Readers who are looking for a fast passed book should look elsewhere. The true genius of this book was in it’s ending. In the last third, I was able to clearly see how everything that had happened thus far had been building towards it. I just adore books where everything comes together at the end. As a result, if I was reviewing just the first two thirds of this book it would have a three rating, but if I was only reviewing the last third it would receive a four point five. So anyone struggling with this book should be sure to keep reading for the awesome ending.

The world building was done fairly well, although it was confusing at times. Lark wasn’t extremely aware of the world she lived in and readers had to find out facts about life outside the city wall with her. This led to many of Lark’s original assumptions being proven wrong. At the beginning the world seemed a little cliche (because of the dome city, the war that wiped out most of humanity, and the evaluation process that led to nothing good) but it moved away from that as the story progressed.

As for characters, Lark did get on my nerves sometimes (as in the whole of parts one and two), but her personality was what I would expect from someone in her situation. Which made her feel ultimately more realistic than annoying. The author did a great job of giving the general personalities of her side characters that were in the book for a relatively short number of pages. There were also some very interesting twists to character development. Some of which were predictable to the well read reader and some that were not.

There’s no way I’m going to spoil the ending for any future readers but I will say this: there was no cliffhanger. Some questions are left unanswered, it’s true, but there is little doubt that those questions will come to play later on in the trilogy. The reader is also left with a general sense that the book is a complete story but the reader was still left wondering what happens next which is my idea of a perfect ending.

Romance in this book was kept to a minimum. Every time I had a feeling that a relationship might develop something seemed to prevent it. However, I suspect that there may be more romance in future books. For a while it even looked like there might have been a love triangle but then Meagan Spooner took the story in a whole new direction. It was also nice how Lark eventually got upset when boys tried to keep her safe. (As illustrated by the quote below.) So if you are looking for a series that doesn’t revolve around romance but it is not entirely absent this might be a good read.

Quote: “I don’t want to be kept safe! I don’t want to have someone constantly trying to keep me from tripping on my own incompetence. I want to live in a world where I know the rules, where people are just people. Not one where they keep trying to eat me. That’s the reason I left the city in the first place. I don’t want to be kept, not by anyone.”

Rating/Recommendation: There were enough interesting elements in this book to give me the impression that Meagan Spooner is indeed a competent writer, however, because this book lagged so much in pacing that it took me over a month to finish I feel as though I can’t give it above a 3.5/5. Although, after that ending I really wanted to give it a four. I recommend this book to readers of YA who are tired of recurring romance cliche but are willing to read through the slow beginning and middle for the awe-inspiring conclusion.
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tbeaumont223's review against another edition

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I didn't see the twist at the end coming (I never do) and it broke my heart--I will definitely be eagerly awaiting the next book in the series!

katykelly's review against another edition

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Goodreads giveaway copy.

Um... This book is okay. Some good ideas - harvesting the magic from children to power the city, the shadow people, especially Nix. Lark is alright as narrator/heroine, a bit annoying at times, still not sure about her aversion to meat (?).

The magic element left me a little cold really, it's the kind of the thing that can explain any plot element you want to include, just a little too convenient.

Oran is a good element of the book and the twist is great. The ending proved a bit sudden and 'convenient' as I mentioned above. Don't think I'll read another in the series but there are plenty who are probably closer to the target market than me who will really enjoy this.

emasvingerova's review against another edition

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Protože tato kniha mě zaujala ještě předtím, než se mi dostala do ruky, byla jsem moc ráda že si ji mohu přečíst. Hodně mě na ní zaujala obálka, protože je skutečně úžasná a v nádherných barvách. Příběh sám na mě ovšem působil trochu jinak.
Zaprvé určitě obdivuji autorku za celkem bezchybné spojení fantastického světa víl, stínů, čarodějů a kouzel se světem dystopickým, světem budoucnosti. Bylo to zajímavé, už dlouho jsem fantasy nečetla, a takovéhle už vůbec ne. Byli jsme v budoucnosti, ale zároveň v takové malé pohádce. V knize se našlo i docela velké množství zvratů, při kterých se tajil dech.

Linda Ainsleyová šla ke kouzlobraní déle než ostatní děti. Nevěděla proč. A nakonec to zjištění, že má svou energií napájet celé město schované pod bublinou ji donutilo utéct, opustit svou rodinu, a za pomoci architekta Krise se vydat do divočiny a nezemřít.
Cestou se setkává s všelijakými tvory a bublinami, a také potkává Orena- kluka, který v divočině žije a který Lindu dovede do Železného lesa- na místo, kam ji poslala z města Obnovitelná, žena kterou měla Linda vystřídat v napájení města svou energií. Železo neočaruješ, říká se v železném lese. Zde se s Lindou Oren loučí a odchází. Dívka v lese nachází domov, a také zjišťuje něco málo o své minulosti a o své rodině. Šílená překvapení a strhující závěr knihy, kdy si nedokážete představit jak to vlastně celé skončí, vás zaručeně dostanou.

Kdybych měla hodnotit hvězdičkami Lindu, dala bych jí hvězdiček pět. Za celou knihu prošla docela dost velkým vývojem, z ustrašeného děvčátka v silnou osobnost. Měla jsem ji ráda po celou dobu, a její rozhodnutí mi přišla správná.
Její kamarádka z Železného lesa, Veronika, se mi také zamlouvala, obzvláště ke konci. Stála si za svým, ať se dělo co se dělo. Architekt Kris, který byl na počátku skutečně milý, a zamilovala jsem si ho, toho jsem na konci nesnášela, ale zároveň litovala, protože byl také podveden. Oren- to snad ani nemusím nic říkat. Milý kluk, co si nezalsoužil to, co se mu stalo. Stýskalo se mi po něm.
A pak je tu už jen Badyán, pohřešovaný bratr Lindy, se kterým chci vědět co se stalo, Dorian, vůdce lidí z Železného lesa, Glorietta, architekta, pěkně podlá, a nesmím zapomenout na Zinku! Ano, bzučilka Zinka. Nemůžu si pomoci, i když jsou bzučilky zlé, mají něco do sebe :)

Knížka mě bavila, to přiznávám. Jejím čtením jsem se zase o něco obohatila. Občas to sice bylo trošku nudné, třeba když Linda cestovala divočinou a jen přemýšlela, a nic jiného se nedělo, ale jinak- líbilo se mi to.
Určitě si to také přečtěte. Knihu bych ale doma mít nemusela, protože zas tolik jsem si ji nezamilovala :) Nicméně, dobře napsáno to je, a další díly si se zájmem přečtu :)

aradhnak's review against another edition

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!!!!!! I still have no words. I mean, I knew I loved Meagan's writing from before, but this was just such a fantastical read. I devoured it in less than a weekend and I'm sincerely hoping the library has a copy of book 2 that I won't have to wait for.

(full review on my blog when I have the words to properly express my adoration for the crafting of this world.)

bookishmadness's review against another edition

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What it's about: Lark's world is turned upside down when she finds out she is different from all the other people in her city and the Institute want to keep her locked up. She has to go outside the wall in search of others like her.

What I thought: This book was fantastic! Lark is sixteen years old when she finally gets chosen for Harvest. Despite all the teasing she has gotten, it's finally her turn to find out where she fits in. This Dystopian world, where everyone gets stripped of their Resource (or magic) before they hit their teenage years and get selected for a job they have for the rest of their life was so well created, it was sad we didn't get to see much of it. However outside the wall was so interesting, if it wasn't for the constant reminders of back inside the city, I think I might have forgotten all about it. Outside the Wall, it's dangerous. Despite being cannibals lurking around every corner, Lark experiences so much more than she ever would have in the city. All the characters were so well created, I couldn't help but fall in love with all of them - Except Caesar and Gloriette of course. I highly recommend this for all lovers of dystopian, magic, and fantastically written novels.

The good: The amazing twists towards the end absolutely shocked me, I totally didn't see them coming! Plus, I felt like I was constantly beside Lark, feeling what she felt.

The bad: I felt the start was slow for me, and my attention began to wane. I had to get through about 70 pages before my interest really picked up.

Rating: 4 bookstacks

jesslynh's review

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This was a goodie and re-reading it to refresh my memory before I start Book 2.