
Breaking My Heart by Aleya Michelle

beckyrendon's review

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Roxy lives life on the wild side. After years of being treated like a disposable person, she's getting tired of the party life. On a wild night out, she meets a shy guy and decides to play. Being aggressive after years of getting used, she comes on strong. Mr Shy Guy introduces himself as Kade. Its a rocky start but it seems like if she can just get past her insecurities, that they could have something amazing.

Until it seems that Roxy isn't the only one with issues, Kade is chasing demons too. Will it tear them apart or make them stronger?

Book received in exchange of an honest review. Reviewed on behalf of Once Upon An Alpha

caseroo7's review

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Breaking My Heart is the debut novel from Aleya Michelle, and is also the first book in her My Heart Trilogy. When I was given the opportunity to review this book, I thought that it was a standalone. I had no idea that this was actually book #1, and I was not expecting the book to have a huge cliffhanger. I can honestly tell you though that by the time that I had reached the end I was more than ready for this one to be done. I can honestly say that if I had known that we wouldn't be given an ending in this book, I would have DNF'd with this one. Unfortunately this wasn't at all what I had been expecting, and I was disappointed with this story.

Roxy is a 24 year old graphic designer. She is used to partying with her best friend Jemma and uses drugs to help escape her past. She has been hurt and betrayed before, and always expects the worst when it comes to men. When she first meets Kade she thinks that he is just like all the others, but decides to give him a shot. After making a few mistakes though, Roxy begins to realize that Kade is different from other guys out there. He is 23, he treats her well, and he is determined to be successful. Not only does he have a regular job, but he is also working on becoming a pro-surfer and spends a lot of his time training. But with so much demand on his time and with differences of opinion, Kade and Roxy's new relationship begins to hit some rough patches. Can they figure out a way to make a relationship work, and can Roxy get over her past and truly let Kade in?

I really liked Kade at the beginning of this story, and I honestly couldn't figure out what he saw in Roxy. The way that she treated him at the beginning was horrible, and frankly she acted like a total psycho. I didn't understand why he kept giving her chance after chance when he didn't even know her. But as the story progressed, I started to really dislike Kade. He had a total personality shift and I have no idea what happened to him. He started acting completely different and turned into a real jerk. He wasn't honest with Roxy and he started lashing out at her, and it just didn't make sense. Roxy was hard to like at first. She was used to sleeping around and not letting anyone close, and she used her past as an excuse to lose herself in drugs. She also treated Kade horribly at first and judged him pretty harshly without even really knowing him. She made a lot of assumptions and should have just talked to him before jumping to conclusions. But once she opened up to Kade and really gave him a chance, she started to really grow and change for the better. She realized that drugs were not good for her and that she needed to make a change. She cleaned up her life and started to see what a future could be like with a man that she loved. I will admit that Kade and Roxy did have chemistry, and at times they really did seem to work well as a couple together. But I also thought that a good portion of the time, they were both on completely different pages and seemed to not really take the other into consideration.

Besides the fact that the characters drove me nuts at times and the fact that they were extremely inconsistent, I also was really upset that it wasn't made known that this book was part of a series. I didn't have a clue until after I had already started reading this one and looked closely at the cover to see that it said book one. I also felt like this story had times that it was really confusing and would seem to jump around a bit, and I would be scrambling trying to figure out where we were and how we got there. The dialogue had a tendency to be repetitive, and frankly it was pretty ridiculous at times. I felt like this one was just really cheesy and there were so many times that I rolled my eyes over something that Kade or Roxy said. Especially some of the things that Kade said, because honestly I have never met a guy who would say some of the things he said. It just didn't ring true to his character, and was just too unrealistic. I also found it confusing that for the most part this was told from Roxy's POV, but that it would randomly switch over to Kade's POV for a chapter here and there. It was just really disorienting the way that it was done, and honestly when we got Kade's POV it usually just irritated me and made me dislike his character more. He seemed to turn into this complete douche when we got a look inside his thoughts. Overall, this book just wasn't for me. It wasn't what I was expecting, and honestly the only reason I finished was to see what happened. If I had known that it didn't end at the ending, I would have put this one down and quit. I think that this story could potentially be a good one, but I think that it needs quite a bit of work first. This one is written by an Australian author, and the terms of this book are definitely true to what they would say. It wasn't hard to figure out what the author was talking about, but I think that for the most part there are several words in this story that most people will not be familiar with. If you are looking for a trilogy that is about young and immature characters fumbling their way through first love while growing up and developing a relationship for the first time, you might give this one a shot.

**Review Copy Provided by Between the Sheets Promotions**

theprocrastinatingbookworm's review

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A beautiful heartbreaking book and an amazing debut novel by Aleya Michelle.

I loved the way the whole book flowed and even the characters. Loved the strong and independent Roxy - who I thought needed a slap sometimes - and sexy surfer, naive and cute lover boy, Kade.

My favourite part of the book was the ending. Call me a saidst, but I love it, haha.

Good debut and Aleys does have a promising future in the book world with her good novel.

4.5/5 hearts ❤️