a_h_haga's review

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2.5/5 stars

Usually, I'd review each story as I go, but I had some GR bugs, and so I discovered that there's really no point to reviewing the ones by Hunter herself. They were well written and I really liked getting these snapshots into the history of her Rogue Mage world.
The other stories, though, should get a thought/comment, as they were VERY mixed.


While this one was a little slow, it was well written and kept me interested.
I do wish the ending wasn't so open, though, and that we got to know what Grog actually could



This one didn't feel like it fit into the world of Rogue Mage at all, but more like a "based on" fanfic where the fan think they're better than the author.
I liked elements of it, though, like the tattoos and the general enviournment. Didn't care for much else.
Writing was ok, but felt unfinished.



This story felt like it fit into the Rogue Mage-universe. It was clear the author had done their research.
The story was interesting, but the writing was... Choppy. The author claimed to be a fan of the Oxford comma, but I don't think there were 50 commas all together, not to mention any British ones.
The writing drew the story down a star.
Liked the end result.


MONSTER-Spike Y. Jones

This was a very slow read. Yes, it was clear the author had done his research on the world, but after the first few pages, the rest was just repetition on repetition.
Not to mention how... Unreal, it all felt. It was one of those stories that felt like it cheated somehow.
And I found the language messy


ASHES AND DUST-Diana Pharaoh Francis

So... I did like this, but the language was really messy and full of mistakes, and it was another case of "I can do your idea better than you". At least it felt that way.



The more I think about this, the less sense it makes. It basicly takes the OA's notes and say I wanna make it cooler" and then do that, not considering the lore of the world they're writing in.

DEFIANCE-Christina Stiles

Hey, this was actually a good one! While there were some OP/fanfic elements, the story felt like it could be part of the official Rogue Mage-world.
I also liked how it tied in with the original story, and all the little hints of HOW it did so.
Also well written.



Uhm, what did I just read? I guess it was supposed to be a satiric play on TV networks and human hubris, but it all just felt... Pointless. Ok language tho


METTILWYND-Tamsin L. Silver

This one was really well written and I enjoyed the story a lot. Female pirates and warriors, mages and friendship. Just my kind of story.
It was also really interestibng seeing this world from somewhere else than the US, and if I wasn't curious about Africa before, I am now!
Kinda sad that I'll probably never get answers.



This story was not for me. The writing was blocky and messy, the story was boring, and the character rather cliche.


So, as you see, a really mixed bag of stories and quality. I will be reading [b:Tribulations|33637183|Tribulations (Rogue Mage Anthology #2)|Spike Y. Jones|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1483061928l/33637183._SX50_.jpg|54484867], but I don't have high expectations.
And I'm honestly unsure if this is an anthology that was made better or worse by the fact that I know the original world. Because I know it and its lore, I see all the ways these different authors mess with the original, and that ruined a lot of them for me. Probably the reason I don't enjoy fanfiction...

laurla's review

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-i wasnt interested in the rogue mage WORLD, i wanted stories about the rogue mage herself. i wanted stories about THORN. this was disappointing and not what i wanted at all. there was only one story about Thorn.

-people keep asking the author for more books about Thorn and she says that she put out this anthology and the second one, 'tribulations', and there wasnt enough interest. so she's not writing more. well OF COURSE there wasnt enough interest. THIS... its not what the fans wanted! we dont want disjointed stories about the rogue mage world written by other authors! we want more Thorn, written by faith hunter.

-i've never read an anthology about one authors series/world, written by OTHER freaking authors.

-the rest of this anthology was confusing and disjointed.

"lay still, it'll only hurt forever."

"they didnt tell you because they feared being my target themselves. its the way people behave. they're sorry, but they'd prefer you suffer instead of them."

"we're about to try something that could very well get us-"
"killed? must be a day that ends in Y."

-introduction - spike y jones and faith hunter (5 pages)
-prologue: stone walls a prison makes - faith hunter (7 pages)
-the honeymoon is over - faith hunter (5 pages)
-finding the way - misty massey (46 pages)
-set in stone - faith hunter (7 pages)
-wind blown - faith hunter (8 pages)
-tnt - faith hunter (5 pages)
-epenas epiphany - lou j berger (46 pages)
-the price of power - ken schrader (54 pages)
-day one - faith hunter (6 pages)
-monster - spike y jones (57 pages)
-wheels in motion - faith hunter (7 pages)
-bait - faith hunter (6 pages)
-ashes and dust - diane pharoah frances (56 pages)
-storm songs - faith hunter (7 pages)
-defiance - christina stiles (59 pages)
-the stars were right - spike y jones (10 pages)
-alone - faith hunter (55 pages) - how THORN came into her powers and was smuggled out the enclave. to me, this was the ONLY story in this collection that i was interested in.
-mettilwynd - tamsin silver (72 pages)
-sons - faith hunter (9 pages)
-requiem of the sea - melissa mcarthur (48 pages)
-the best laid plans - faith hunter (7 pages) (short blurb about how audric meets rupert, thorn is in the background)