
The Mistaken Billionaire by Lexxie Couper

deanapotter's review

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4.5 Stars!

If ever there was the perfect time and place for what could be the most epic act of revenge………. Then things like attraction, chemistry, intrigue, passion and a conscience go and get in the way. Who would have guessed that your worst enemy is the one you crave the most.

From a thought of revenge, to a crazy but interesting proposition to an unexpected need Lexxie Couper’s The Mistaken Billionaire is a fun, feisty and so hot read. I loved the chemistry and tension that Mila and Thomas play with and dance around. Mila is feisty and determined. I loved her dedication. Thomas is too used to getting what he want. Seeing his feather get ruffled was a fun treat. The two push each other in way no other can. Thomas and Mila complement each other in the best ways. They are truly a fun couple.

The Mistaken Billionaire is fast moving, well written story with some awesome witty banter. Lexxie Couper gives reader some charismatic fun and interesting characters. Looking for a good book for your day at the beach, check out The Mistaken Billionaire!

Review copy provided by the author.

tamyinor's review against another edition

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Love this 2nd book in the Muse Series.

Great story & a bit of angst but not too much. Love Hero & Heroine!!! Love that Thomas got his muse back & found his HEA!

Well written & wonderful story!!

Can't wait for the next book...will it be Sebastian's story or ?!?!

deannasworld's review against another edition

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Actual rating: 4.5 stars

Lexxie Couper has taken the mistaken identity trope and turned it on its head. There are so many surprises and plot twists in this story that it will keep you turning the pages to find out what happens next.

Let me be honest here, the mistaken identity / deception trope is one my of least favorites, right next to the revenge trope, both of which Ms Couper has flung at me and I've tentatively decided to read because ... well, it's Lexxie Couper and she has a tendency of subverting a trope in such a way that even someone like me will enjoy it. And enjoy it I did.

I already loved Thomas from reading The Stubborn Billionaire. I loved his easy-going ways and his smart ass comments, but I also loved that he was a genuinely nice guy who cared about his friend (you'll have to read Stubborn to find out what I mean!). I loved Thomas even more here and my heart hurt for him when he hurt. It's really hard to talk about Thomas without talking about Mila because both of their lives and their pasts are so intertwined.

Thomas and Mila have a history even though Thomas doesn't know it, and I hurt for him every time he didn't know who Mila was and what was going to happen to him. Even at the end, when there are broad brush strokes painting him a certain way, I was on his side because I knew what he suffered. It made me happy when Mila's impression of him was drastically changed and he wasn't the villain she thought him to be.

"That word again. That vulnerability. She swallowed, her throat thick. Thomas St. Clair, bastard, selfish billionaire author was not meant to be vulnerable. He was meant to be, well, a selfish, rich bastard."

I knew what Mila suffered too but I was much less sympathetic towards her. She had many opportunities to come clean to Thomas and deal with the consequences but she never did. She got caught up in the moment. She got caught up in Thomas. But at the same time she was too proud, too ambitious, too rigid, too unforgiving. I get she was hurt in the past but she also comes across as kind of petty and mean to me at the same time, plus she is holding onto the deception for whatever her reasons.

"... my heart is an untrustworthy piece of shit.” “Oh, sis.” Josie came around to the armchair and squeezed in beside her, wrapping her in a tight hug. “Your heart is far from that. You just don’t tend to listen to it that often, so focused as you are, on working and getting the job done better than anyone else. You’ve always listened to your head, and sometimes your head doesn’t know what’s best for you."

I have a really, really hard time with deception of any sort in stories and it's never okay to me but Ms Couper set it up brilliantly and continued to reveal different aspects of both Thomas and Mila's past and intertwining them into the present in seamlessly. You really didn't know where one started and the other ended.

Both Thomas and Mila had things they needed to learn about themselves and they both had some growing up to do but I hated that Thomas suffered for it. And mean person that I am, I didn't think Mila suffered enough. I felt very little sympathy for her.

Congratulations Ms Couper. I think you've outdone yourself. You've taken one of my most hated tropes and made me fall in love with your characters with the twists, turns and surprises you put into the plot of the story.

Deanna's World

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thebookdisciple's review

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Enemies who have never met? A muse with a secret? The Mistaken Billionaire is the story of an author with writers block and a woman whose life he ruined years ago.

Thomas St. Clair skyrocketed to literary fame early in his life. Mila wanted to be a reporter for the New York Times more than anything. Writing an article about St. Clair was going to be her ticket. Except, he never met with her, gave her any info, or participated in the interview in any way. So, she became and investigator and found the info to write a less than flattering article. After its publication, Thomas threatened to sue NYT if they didn't fire her. Mila is now a teacher and while she is passionate about what she does, she does still harbor a lot of resentment towards Thomas. Their chance meeting sets off a chain of events that neither can seem to stop!

Thomas falls in love at first sight with Mila. Her presence cures his writers block, and as he gets to know her, he is genuinely captivated by her. She challenges him and she can hold her own with his massive ego. He knows she is 'the one' but is willing to do anything just to keep her around him, including paying her for her time. Mila is desperate for money to help her students, and deep down, she still wants revenge on Thomas. As they get to know each other more, Mila is slowly being crushed by the weight of the secret she kept from Thomas because she has feelings for him.

I enjoyed the story and thought it was a nice balance between witty and light hearted. It is predictable for sure, but in a story like this, I don't think that is necessary tragic. I found Thomas a bit narcissistic (okay, a lot narcissistic) which made me struggle to really like him. I actually sided with Mila a great deal and while she didn't tell him her secret right away, I didn't find that to be a HORRIBLE character flaw or anything. He was really horrible to her when he torched her career because she hurt his feelings. Nothing she wrote in the article was slanderous or libidenous so she didn't break the law, only hurt his feelings. So, I struggled with Thomas for a lot of the book. He is charming for sure, and that is probably what save him in my book.

If you like a bit of enemies to lovers, artist/muse, and secret identity tropes, The Mistaken Billionaire will be right up your literary alley!


  • POV: 3rd

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: mistaken identity, enemies to lovers

  • Triggers: none

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone

  • Cliffhanger: 

  • HEA: 

Sweet Rivalry by K. Bromberg, Its me Again Baby by Katie Reus, Her Wish by Sophie H Morgan...then you will probably like The Mistaken Billionaire!

The Mistaken Billionaire

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See full review on The Book Disciple