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gabrielle713's review against another edition
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? N/A
- Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
It was as if she’d been at the mercy of tumultuous waves, knocking her into a daze as they pushed and pulled her in different directions until, luckily, she Landon a place she loved
Graphic: Emotional abuse and Gaslighting
Moderate: Alcoholism, Sexism, Toxic relationship, and Grief
Minor: Suicidal thoughts
renpuspita's review against another edition
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? It's complicated
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
Welcome to Hyunam-dong Bookshop atau Selamat Datang di Toko Buku Hyunam-dong adalah K-Lit ketiga yang gue baca. Selama ini belum ada K-Lit yang gue rate lebih dari 3,5 dan apa ini artinya gue lebih cocok sama J-lit? Baca Hyunam-dong Bookshop sedikit banyak mengingatkan gue pada School Nurse Ahn-Eunyong tapi lebih pada timeline yang non linear. Eniwei, timeline non linear buku ini cuma awal - awal saja karena selanjutnya timelinenya mulai rapi. Meski tokoh utamanya adalah Yeong-ju (yang typo di blurb bukunya jadi Young Joo, tapi Hyunam-dong Bookshop ga cuma menceritakan tentang dia saja. Ada Min-joon, barista dengan krisis aktualisasi diri terkait pekerjaan, Min-cheol, si anak SMA yang galau mau lanjut kuliah atau ngga dan ibunya yang akhirnya tahu juga siapa namanya selain Ibu Min-Cheol yaitu Hee-Ju. Ada juga Jimmy, pemilik Goat Bean yang juga kawan Yeong-ju dan bermasalah dengan suaminya. Jung-seo, seorang wanita muda yang hobi bermeditasi sambil merajut untuk mengatur emosi dan amarahnya. Kemudian ada penulis Hyun Seung-woo yang ahli dalam membuat kalimat baik yang nantinya perlahan akan dekat juga sama Yeong-ju.
Gue paham kenapa buku ini bisa jadi comfort book bagi beberapa orang, tapi terus terang gue ga merasakan hal itu. Beberapa hal yang dibahas di buku ini cukup menggelitik utamanya terkait dengan burn out akibat pekerjaan atau bagaimana menghadapi orang serta lingkungan yang toxic. Kekurangannya menurut gue karena ada beberapa bab yang jadi kurang fokus dan terlalu filosofis untuk gue. Bab - bab favorit gue tentunya tentang bagaiman Yeong-ju menjalankan bisnis toko bukunya. Banyak hal - hal menarik yang bisa gue amati dan bisa dijadikan masukan terkait dengan kelancaran dalam berbisnis toko buku tanpa terlalu banyak bahasa bisnis. Gue merasa Yeong-ju juga cukup idealis seperti keputusannya untuk tidak menjual buku best seller dengan harapan buku yang ada di toko bukunya lebih bervariasi. Tidak cuma dari segi buku, karena Hyunam-dong Bookshop ini juga sekalian cafe, maka ada beberapa bahasan tentang kopi dan jenis - jenisnya. Buku dan kopi, emang kombinasi yang ga pernah salah meski gue aslinya ga suka minum kopi, hehehe. Acara - acara yang dilakukan Yeong-ju di toko buku juga menarik, misalkan ada acara klub buku atau bedah buku bersama penulisnya. Yeong-ju juga aktif dalam sosial media, suatu hal yang gue rasa cukup unik mengingat semua sosmed dia handle sendiri. Suatu hal yang luar biasa dan gue salut dengan kerajinan Yeong-ju dalam menjalankan bisnis bukunya. Gue juga suka sama personal developmentnya Yeong-ju, dimana awalnya dia kelihatan kayak baik - baik saja tapi ternyata masa lalunya cukup pelik sampai jadi pemantik dia punya toko buku.
Kekurangannya, mungkin seperti yang gue utarakan di awal, apa karena terjemahannya? Beberapa transisi antara dialog dan narasi kurang mulus. Pun karena diceritakan dari sudut pandang orang ketiga serba tahu, kurang terasa emosi beberapa tokohnya, kecuali untuk Yeong-ju atau Min-joon. Gue juga kurang paham sama penamaan orang Korea sehingga sering salah kira gender tokohnya, dimana gue kira Jimmy itu awalnya cowok tapi ternyata aslinya tuh cewek! Beberapa bagian buku ini emang kayak berasa buku motivasi untuk kehidupan sampai gue merasa ini apa buku self-development tapi dalam bentuk fiksi, lel. Meski begitu, bagian yang gue suka saat interview Yeong-ju dengan salah satu penulis dimana wajar saja kalau tidak mengingat buku yang kita baca tapi setidaknya isi buku itu merasuk ke tubuh jadi diingat oleh tubuh. Nah, intinya ga usah galau kalau habis baca buku ga ingat apa - apa gaes, itu wajar aja.
Bukan buku yang akan gue baca dua kali, tapi menurut gue kalau kamu suka buku tentang toko buku yang juga bahas dinamika tokoh - tokohnya maka Welcome to Hyunam-dong Bookshop bisa dicoba. Apalagi kalau butuh self-healing utamanya yang ada hubungannya sama burn out entah itu karena pekerjaan atau malah hubungan yang kurang mulus dengan sesama manusia misalnya.
Graphic: Toxic relationship and Alcohol
Moderate: Emotional abuse and Gaslighting
sophiesmallhands's review against another edition
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
Minor: Ableism, Emotional abuse, Misogyny, Suicidal thoughts, Toxic relationship, Gaslighting, and Alcohol
druwu's review
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
Minor: Emotional abuse
cnannery19's review against another edition
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
Moderate: Cursing, Emotional abuse, Infidelity, and Toxic relationship
kaneebli's review against another edition
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
Graphic: Emotional abuse, Toxic relationship, and Gaslighting
Moderate: Mental illness and Alcohol
Minor: Suicidal thoughts
yvo_about_books's review against another edition
"I think it’s more comfortable to live a life that you want instead of a life that would not disappoint them. Of course, it’s a pity that the closest people to you are the ones disappointed in you. But there’s no way to live your whole life according to your parents’ wishes."
WARNING: it's unpopular opinion time again!!
On paper, Welcome To The Hyunam-Dong Bookshop should have been a great fit for me. I love bookish stories, and the fact that this story is mainly set inside a bookshop and offers lots of bookish references alone should have been able to convince me. I was looking forward to more insight in Seoul life and how the bookshop influenced the characters in play... But somehow this story fell flat for me instead. I've seen this type of stories called 'healing fiction', and it might just be that this particular genre simply isn't for me. It might also be that my fickle reading mood has decided to show its face again, although it has been behaving lately... Either way, I ended up struggling considerably, and I actually contemplated DNFing more than once. There is no real plot to speak of, and no storyline to follow. Welcome To The Hyunam-Dong Bookshop reads more like a rambling journey with no clear path nor end goal, and to make things worse the pace is extremely slow. There were parts that were very repetitive, and as a result the story dragged considerably. I also felt like I never really got to know the main characters at all... I actually caught myself skimreading more than once and I kept stopping to do other things instead, which is never a good sign. I can't deny that I do like the idea behind this story and what it is trying to do, but the execution just wasn't a right fit for me. It's a shame, because I was really looking forward to this one! That said, don't give up on my account as most people do seem to enjoy their time with Welcome To The Hyunam-Dong Bookshop.
Graphic: Emotional abuse, Mental illness, Panic attacks/disorders, Sexism, Suicidal thoughts, Toxic relationship, Grief, Gaslighting, Toxic friendship, and Alcohol
gillthequill's review
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? No
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
Minor: Emotional abuse, Panic attacks/disorders, Sexism, and Toxic relationship