gianni_francis's review

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Six conversion stories by six authors ranging from a businessman daredevil turned Catholic priest, to an ex-convict that felt the presence of God walking around the prison yard one day, to a man extremely confused by his sexual attraction to men after fathering four children.

The men in these stories lived fast lives. It does not matter how fast one moves, no one can outrace God.

All of these stories have in common the pilgrimage to Medjugorje, the newest location for the sighting of an apparition of the Blessed Mother. Each story has the main character experience the Blessed Mother in Medjugorje--in the case of the convict, a priest went in his stead--and has a life altering experience in which they devote their lives to God in the aftermath. They wouldn't have traveled to Medjugorje in the first place if they were on the fence about their faith. It's too remote for whimsical traveling. Nor is faith so easily obtained by traveling to the ends of the earth for the glimpse of an apparition. No, grace must be earned through faith and works, and seeing an apparition might motivate a person to change their lives, but that will always be easier said than done, as the stories prove.

In this way, Medjugorje feels like a character in itself, and the book feels like a sales pitch to vacation in this remote village in Bosnia-Herzegovina, see some cool apparitions, maybe start living life differently, preparing for death before the last minute when its too late...

The Catholic Church "does not hurry" when pronouncing an apparition as authentic when it is continuing to occur. Despite what some may think, the Church isn't going anywhere.