
Saving Max by Antoinette van Heugten

stothemelliot's review

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Includes outdated views on autism. The MC seems like a kid featured in a boomer comic. Terrible restraint practiced on a nonverbal kid who's referred to as a "damaged, fractured child" on page 33

The term "special needs" is written way too many times. MC's mother is abelist AF at some points

It's a product of its time, not my kinda thing. Didn't care for the plot

rebar351's review

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This book was completely out of my comfort zone but I got it to learn a few things about mental health and autism and I enjoyed defending Jacob so this was recommended to me. This book messed me up and the ending was gory and horrible! I’m pretty shaken and need to read something else so I’m turning to my girl Cassandra Clare!

ralbert89's review

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I picked up this book on a whim after reading the plot summary here on GoodReads. As a fan of Jodi Picoult's books, I was expecting something along the lines of her novel "House Rules", which is one of my favourite books. The plot centres on a mother whose son with Asperger's Syndrome is accused of murdering another patient in a psychiatric facility. The mother, Danielle, goes to great lengths to prove that her son is innocent.

Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed with Saving Max. Although the story itself is interesting, I found the writing left a lot to be desired. The tense that the book is written in comes across as awkward (ie. "Danielle sits across from him" as opposed to the more typical "Danielle sat across from him"). Although this seems like a very minor inconvenience, I found it off-putting at first and it took about half of the book to adapt to it.

I was also unlucky to have accidentally seem a significant spoiler online when I was partway through the book, which ruined some of plot for me. Even knowing what was going to happen, I was still interested to see how things played out. The second half of the book was much more engaging to me, especially once the legal aspects were introduced.

However, this also brings me to one of my biggest issues with the story as a whole. I found that I was often frustrated by Danielle's actions, and especially by the limited character development. To me, none of the characters seemed fully formed and instead seemed quite two-dimensional. What often makes stories like this succeed is the depth of the characters, and a "show, don't tell" approach. Unfortunately, for me the book fell quite flat in this area. Character development that could have occurred by allowing characters to interact with one another instead took the form of direct statements informing the reader of how the person is.

I found much of the plot was driven by coincidences or otherwise conveneint plot devices. This was especially frustrating when it came to the legal aspects of the case, as it seemed very unrealistic and inaccurate. What could have been an excellent thriller/mystery of how to accumulate evidence turned into a mediocre case of a woman trying to take justice into her own hands.

As a final note, as someone who works with individuals with ASD, I was not impressed with the characterization of autism in this book. Aside from conveniently explaining his computer skills, there did not seem to be any reason for Max to be identified as having Asperger's Syndrome. It did nothing for the plot, and was mentioned only in passing at the beginning and quickly abandoned.

Overall, it was an interesting story that suffered due to the style of writing. As the story progresses, it becomes more and more engaging (and less frustrating) however it did not quite live up to my expectations.

elvenavari's review

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There are not enough positive words in the English language to describe this book. It was amazing, fast paced and shocking. A truly excellent read.

debs_shelves's review

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This book had a great premise, but it was an odd telling. Danielle was a bit extreme, although as a mom I guess I could see her manic feelings about her son. Definitely didn't go where I thought it would!

jonid's review

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I liked the book. It has a faced paced plot. The maincharacter is described as a high powered attorney but it strained credibility when she did so many illegal things in the name of loving and believing in her son's innocence. It also asks the reader to beleive that (spoiler alert) her one night stand becomes her son't attorney but they keep thier relationship completely professnioal during the entire elga process.

jazymine's review

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One of my favorite books. I love the twists and turns it takes

jpool79's review

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I actually couldn't finish this book because I was never able to get drawn in. I think it was the gratuitous use of adjectives. Forgive me but how many times can you use the word claret to describe various things in one book.

torridgambit's review

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holy crap im never reading this book again! the ending made me nauseous but interesting read for sure

ilovelibros's review

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Loved it. It started out slow and the main character was annoying me. But the plot twists were good.