
Forced Disappearance by Dana Marton

eesh25's review against another edition

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At first I gave this book four stars. But after some thought I realized that there were a bit too many things about it that didn't work for a 4 stars book. But I'm gonna start with how I generally feel about the book and the things I liked.

This book had an interesting premise and seemed different from the usual romance novels because it had more serious issues and I thought that there wouldn't be any overused plot points that are introduced to create "obstacles" in the happily ever after. It didn't work as well as I'd hoped but it did to some extent.

The writing was okay. It wasn't great but it wasn't one of those choppy badly written books. It did suffer from dullness, which happens all too often with book written in third person. More on the third person later.

The pace was good as well as the characters. I did have a few problems with the female protagonist, though.

Now for the negatives:

1. Third-person: A lot of authors seem to be under the impression that the only difference first and third person is changing an "I" to a "he/she". It is so much more than that. First person is more personalised and an unreliable narrator. For example, if there a line, "If I ever got my hands on that asshole...", it would work. But "If he ever got his hands on that asshole..." doesn't work at all. Why don't people get that?

Anyway, this was a major problem with this book. It wasn't as bad as many others but it was still bad.

2. Miranda: Miranda's character, in my opinion, wasn't as well developed. For one, her thinking she should be locked up for something she did which I won't spoil, I didn't buy it for a second. I would have understood her too feel shock or even guilt
Spoilershe ended a life, after all
. But the way she kind of regretted it and thought it was wrong and she should be punished for it, it didn't work. Not only was her thinking wrong but it also didn't fit her character. I think it was a half-assed attempt to give her character more depth. It was unnecessary.

Another thing was the strong-female-lead aspect. Her claustrophobia got more attention that him being tortured for weeks. I'm sorry, but if you want a strong female lead then treat her like one. Oh she has conbat skills! doesn't mean shit if she can't handle even the slightest bit of emotion.

Finally, not really about Miranda but related to her; I'm the kind of person who likes equality in a relationship. And for that, both need to equally want the relationship and be equally willing to fight for it. It shouldn't be a case of "Oh! he really loves me and wants to be with me so I'll agree. I'm too tired to argue anyway." which it was in this book. That is the recipe for a future, ugly break-up.

3. The Ending: I didn't like it. It was predictable and disappointing at the same time. Predictable in the sense that I knew that was going to happen, that he was gonna find her. And disappointing because the whole book Miranda was against the relationship for her own deluded reasons. I was hoping that in the end she would finally realize her mistake and do something about it. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

Overall, this could have been a good book because it's plot had a lot of potential. I'm very disappointed that it wasn't. Other people might like it more but this book wasn't that good for me. I wish I could say different.

liferhi_inspired's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

Forced Disappearance seemed to have it all... action, suspense, a second chance romance; all combined with a bit of steamy sex and mystery.

This story is written from the POV of both Glenn and Miranda. The book was well written, with a great storyline and smooth flowing dialogue.

This book kept me on my toes from the the first page until the last. Just when you think that Glenn and Miranda are safe, their world is flipped around and their back in danger. I found myself struggling to put this book down because I became so enthralled in the twists and turns of the story. I really enjoyed that Miranda's character was a bit of a mystery; and that her history was slowly revealed to us, allowing us to fully understand what led her to that point in her life. I was a bit disappointed that we were not allowed to feel more of the emotional loss that Miranda had experienced. While we were given opportunity to understand her losses, it was a bit watered down and I wasn't able to FEEL the losses emotionally. With that said, toward the end there was an AMAZINGLY emotional scene that did bring me to tears.

*I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions*

deannasworld's review against another edition

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Dana Marton writes a suspense-filled, action-packed romance in Forced Disappearance which will keep you turning the pages to find out what happens next.

The suspense in this book is exceptional. It's non-stop action from the very first line and it doesn't let up as we follow Glenn and Miranda through the jungles of Venezuela in order to see if they escape with their lives or not and the many trials and traps that befall them along the way. Ms Marton certainly knows how to amp up the tension and keep you at the edge of your seat.

However, this story is I would say more suspense than romance, even though the romance element is there. This is a second chance romance, so it's easier to focus on the suspense and not have to work as much to build the romance and relationship between Glenn and Miranda since they have a past. I have to applaud Ms Marton in how she handled this particular trope (not a favorite of mine) as it could easily have been full of negativity and recrimination, but she got most of the unpleasantness out of the way early and dealt with it in such a way that you could see both Glenn and Miranda were mature adults who have the ability to communicate. I love that. It also showed how strong a bond Glenn and Miranda had from their past and allowed their mutual caring and respect for each other shine through.

I adored Glenn in this story. He was strong, resilient and resourceful. Even though he was in a situation that was entirely out of his depth, he hung on and he survived. I truly admired his strength of character and his survival instincts because in his situation I would have folded like a house of cards, especially after reading what he had been through. He was also confident enough in himself where when he saw himself in situation where Miranda was clearly the one with superior skills and experience, he graciously allowed her to lead without an issue. And on top of that, with Miranda, he fought for her. He knew what he wanted and he pursued it with single-minded determination. You have to admire a man for that.

Miranda was a complex woman and I have rather mixed feelings about her. She had been through a tremendous amount of loss and was weighed down by an immense amount of guilt. In spite of that, she was dedicated to her job and she did it well. Like Glenn, she was strong, resourceful and brave, and she never gave up. However, I also felt she was a bit of a coward when it came to her personal life and her own emotions. Rather than feel and go after what she wanted in life, she took the easy route or rather she took the route she thought would be better for Glenn. I didn't feel that her self-sacrifice for Glenn's sake was warranted or justified considering what Glenn continually told her. I felt like she should have fought for what she had lost and been confident enough to look beyond the past and how she was treated then to the woman she has become today. I wanted her to fight for her life and her love with the same grit and determination she showed she fighting to save and rescue Glenn from Venezuela.

Overall, a great start to a series I am sure to enjoy. I'm looking forward to the next one.

Deanna's World

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booksuperpower's review against another edition

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Forced Disappearance by Dana Marton is a 2014 Montlake publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I love Dana Maton's Broslin Creek series and was super excited to read this new stand alone novel. It does not disappoint!!

When Miranda Soto starts her new job looking for Americans who have disappeared in other countries, the last person she expected to be looking for is Glenn Danning. She and Glenn, a successful engineer and from old money, were once nerdy brainy types who became lovers. But, some bad luck for Miranda caused her to leave Glenn and join the Army. In the intervening ten years, Miranda's luck has gone from bad to worse and she is now in the jungles of Venezuela looking for Glenn. What on earth was Glenn doing in Venezuela? Was it really a vacation like she was led to believe or did Glenn really have a business related motive for being there? Either way, Glenn is in a real bind when the Venezuela national guard kidnaps him, believing him to be a spy. Can Miranda free him and get them out of the country alive?

This is one fast paced thriller! The steamy, sticky jungle of Venezuela has nothing on the hot and sexy vibes bubbling up between Miranda and Glenn, even after ten years and a lot of water under the bridge. This novel is evening paced and suspenseful with action, drama and romance all added in with perfect timing. I loved how Glenn and Miranda work together. They are a perfect match even if it took a lot of convincing on Glenn's part to make Miranda realize they could make things work. Glenn's surprise for Miranda at the end of the book made me tear up. What a wonderful gesture! What a guy! Miranda deserves a little good luck after all she suffered and it looks like now she just might have a chance at happiness after all. So, all in all this book was a great read. The book started off with a suspenseful white knuckle edge and never once lost it's rhythm. And you will love Glenn's little sidekick too. This one is 5 stars.

prpltrtl946's review against another edition

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I found this book so awful I removed it from my shelves. The subject of rape was grossly mishandled, the sex scenes were explicit in the extreme, and the torture scenes were graphic. How is this a Romance? Disgusting!

isalaur's review against another edition

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Exciting, tease story

Great story with lots of action, suspense and tense moments. The romance melds nicely with the action/suspense story rather then detracting from it. The gradual reveals of Miranda's baggage is heartbreaking. The finale with the villain is cathartic though more detail on the fallout would have enhanced the story. It's skimmed over in a fairly unrealistic way given the players.

The HEA scenes are emotional and wonderful. Another winner from Marton.

readingpenguin's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars