
Against the Wall by Jill Sorenson

ingypingy2000's review

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Kinda cute, kinda sweet, a lot of drama... Still haven't decided if the book worked or not. Wasn't bad, but wasn't good by any stretch.

jessreads82's review

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raciethereader's review

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Eric and Megan had a relationship before Eric spent 3 years in jail. Now he is out and living with Megan's brother who is stepdad to Eric's niece. The book is told in alternating POVs. It deals with Eric trying to go straight from gang life. Eric has impressive work record though he makes mistakes. Megan is in an abusive relationship and the ending of it results in more violence. Overall, a quick enjoyable read.

emilyhei's review

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Eric Hernandez just got out of jail and has no plans on ever going back. Staying with his pregnant sister and her homicide detective husband is not ideal, but he wants to start his new life right. Getting a chance to become a tattoo artist is a dream come true, but he as to work from the bottom up to get his shot. The one regret he does have is losing Meghan Young, he pushed her away and now that he is back she has a boyfriend.

Meghan remembers what it was like with Eric, she also needs to get the letter she wrote to him while he was in prison, it was returned unread. Her relationship with her current boyfriend though is not as rosy as it appears and hiding it is becoming more difficult. She wants Eric back but she doesn't realize he is between a rock and a hard place when it comes to her. Chemistry sizzles and the inevitable happens, they combust. Can they truly build something or will it be another regret.

There is a lot to this story, had layers upon layers of depth. I liked Eric, he is trying so hard and it is not an easy path. Meghan was an intriguing character, everything about her story you can easily picture. If your wanting to sink into a good book, this is one to pick up.

jaimereadsromance's review

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Like most people I read to escape reality and part of that escape means I'll inevitably think to myself, "That would NOT happen in real life!" But every once in a while I'll come across a story that I could 100% believe to be non-fiction. This is one of those stories.

Eric Hernandez could be a friend of mine. A guy with good intentions but a knack for finding himself in the thick of trouble. A guy whose only light comes from a niece he adores, her mother and the girl he pushed away years ago. Meghan comes from a different background than Eric but she doesn't shy away from him just because of it. Their sexual chemistry is off the charts but it's the emotional connection they share that makes you want to root for them.

What makes this story more realistic for me? First it's Eric's honesty about still being sexually attracted to other girls even though he's in love with Meghan. He doesn't suddenly go blind from love and not see other girls, even Meghan's best friend, but he isn't using that attraction excuse to walk around banging every girl he meets. Second, there is a thing that happens between Meghan and Eric and the way that it's handled is probably more realistic than any other story tells it. No cliché easy way outs here. Finally, the whole gang storyline feels more authentic because it wasn't over the top just for the sake of drama and Eric wasn't made out to be just some sort of hardcore gangster thug. He's just a kid who grew up on the streets and has had to keep himself safe by any means necessary. He's also the kid who's grown into a man who wants better for himself.

If you are looking for an over the top drama full of angst and sweetness, this isn't the book you are looking for. If you want to read a story of two people who are trying to get their HEA while weeding through the bs we call life, pick this one up.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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sideglancer's review

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3.5 stars *Advance Reads Copy (ARC) was provided via NetGalley by LoveSwept; in exchange for an honest review*

If you have read the previous book, The Edge of Night, you will know who some of the background characters are. I did not know about the first book (this is the sequel), but it was written well enough that I didn't have to read the first book to know enough about the characters to distinguish who's who. This book features Eric Hernandez, a young man who was recently finished a three year sentence in prison for murder. The setting is Chula Vista, in the gangster-influenced sections. Despite being a resident of California since I was born and live in an area with Latin influences, I know nothing about Latin gangsters and what areas are their territories. Back to the story, Eric's former "sister-in-law" April and her new cop hubby Noah, throw him a homecoming party. For those of you who read The Edge of Night, April and Noah were the main characters. They make an appearance among the cast of Against the Wall. Now this is where things get a little complicated. Eric's deceased brother, Raul, was April's abusive partner. After his death, April and Noah got married and raise Jenny (April and Raul's daughter). Eric's ex-girlfriend and first love, Meghan, happens to be Noah's younger sister. Eric and Meghan got together around the same time that April and Noah did, but unfortunately Eric was sent to prison soon after. After a three year absence, Meghan has moved on with her life and with someone else. First speed bump here, let's talk about Chip. Chip is a misogynistic stereotypical jock; all brawn and no brains. It was no hardship disliking this character; not because I knew the endgame was Eric, but because of his ego and obliviousness to Meghan's needs and wants (though Meghan should have said something) I just found him too unlikeable.

Let's address the elephant in the room. Before Chip knew about Eric, Chip's behavior as a boyfriend gave me the impression that Chip saw Meghan (tall, leggy, busty blond) as a status symbol, especially among the other jocks at school. From Meghan's accounts, it seemed like he could care less about her pleasures and was selfish in bed. Not to mention the high-handed behavior when they were in public. When Chip met Eric, his actions toward Meghan could be passed off as possessive, but I thought they were the signs of a potentially abusive partner. When their relationship finally came to the first physical strike, I did feel a bit sympathetic towards Chip (it didn't last long). I think he personally believed that he was everything Meghan could want in a boyfriend and that he genuinely loved and wanted her, but his self-doubt and anger towards Meghan and her inability to love him, warped him into someone capable of hitting a woman. After he hit Meghan, he took out his anger on the apartment they shared together and ultimately ashamed at his actions to the point of sobbing (mourning his former self?). I am not saying that Meghan did not play a part in the destruction of their relationship, but she let their relationship carry on for way longer than she should have. Now before the comments about me "victim blaming" Meghan start flowing in, just remember it takes two to tango. Meghan herself said that she wasn't even invested in her relationship with Chip and just went along with what he wanted because it was easier to go with the flow than to fight against it. Their relationship was doomed from the start, but Chip seemed to be way more invested in the relationship than Meghan.

The moment Eric is back on the scene, Meghan and Chip's relationship deteriorated even faster. Not that Eric encouraged Meghan into torching her relationship. He actually thought it was best if they didn't get back together. He has a lot going on. Readjusting to life outside a cell is hard, from what I've heard. Finding a job and a place to stay is paramount. He's temporarily staying with April and Noah; Noah does not approve of Eric as a potential partner for Meghan. On top of everything, his old gang affiliations are sniffing around to settle out scores. Eric is trying is best to stay on the straight and narrow, but you know what they say about best laid plans. Eric is a complex character. While in prison, Eric honed his skills as an artist, trading tattoos in exchange for a leave off. While he wants Meghan (a lot), he feels that he might taint her with the darkness he feels that is still inside him. He's realistic about his life and the options he currently has. As an ex-con, you are disqualified from certain government programs and have to admit to serving jail time on job applications.

Life can be hard inside prison, but it can be even harder on the outside. Unlike most ex-cons, Eric has a safety net on the outside. He has his sister-in-law to provide a roof over his head and his sister-in-law's new husband who lined up a job and vouched for him. The few highlights of this book were the scenes between Eric and Meghan near the end of the book. Overall the book was a good read, but I thought Eric and Meghan's characters could have been more developed, but considering they are still in their 20s and have more maturing to do, everything was okay. I did appreciate that the author used (authentic?) Spanish slang in the book to make the characters more real, but despite growing up in California and surrounded by lots of Spanish speakers, I did not know any of it. There are still things in the book that were left hanging, but it's not that important.

noveladdiction's review

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Review to come.

beckymmoe's review

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Once again Ms. Sorenson ([b:Aftershock|15801563|Aftershock (Aftershock, #1)|Jill Sorenson||21524931]) does a fantastic job of giving us a non-traditional hero--Eric's a former gang member who's just gotten out of prison on a manslaughter sentence--and making me believe in him 110%. The alternating first person POV chapters really pulled me into both Eric and Meghan's heads and swept me right into their chaotic lives. I didn't even realize until the author's note at the end that this was a sequel of sorts to [b:The Edge of Night|28053038|The Edge of Night|Jill Sorenson||13433857], a book which I've had on my TBR but haven't yet had the chance to read. You know right from the beginning that Eric and Meghan have a past, but we're given enough details about what had gone down before Eric went away that it never even occurred to me that there'd been another book with these characters.

Though of course now I *have* to read it, because, Noah and April! But I digress...

I was completely invested in this story from the very first chapter. It was impossible not to root for Eric and Meghan, both in their individual lives and as a couple. Eric's story was especially heartbreaking--could he ever truly be free of the gang life? What kind of a future is an ex-con going to have, really? Is he strong enough to completely break free from his past?--and right up until the end, I wasn't sure how he'd manage to pull through. Meghan's got her own problems as well--graduation is looming, and she's not completely sure of where to go from there. Her once-perfect relationship is showing more than a few cracks, and she and her best friend are facing threats at the women's resource center where they volunteer. (That storyline isn't ever fully resolved--dare we hope that Kelsea will get her own story so we can find out what was going on there?) So, yeah, on their own they've got plenty going on. But put them together, and whoa.

This book had me tearing up more than once, and I can't even tell you how many involuntary utterances the last few chapters wrung from me. Let's just say the kids are going to ban me from reading in the car while they're driving in the future ;) We were all relieved when I finally got to the end.

If you enjoy gritty, realistic romances, then this is definitely one to try.

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

cheryls's review

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This is a second chance story. A second chance at life and at love. After doing three years in prison for manslaughter, Eric Hernandez is ready to start again. He soon realizes how difficult starting over will be. The most difficult is staying away from the woman he loves, Megan Young. He thinks she deserves more but she wants him...BAD! When his past threatens his future, Eric must make some important difficult decisions.

This is a good read that kept my attention throughout. Eric's life outside of prison is the main focus, with the romance coming in second. I think the reader MUST remember that Eric is an ex-gang member and still carries that mentality. There's a huge shocker towards the end that involves Junior! I wasn't expecting that one!

Received a copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I was not compensated for my review.
I was not required to write a positive review.
The opinion expressed is my own.

thepassionatereader's review

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This might be my favorite book by Ms. Sorenson. I picked it up and didn't put it down until I was down. I loved Eric, loved he and Meghan as a couple--this is a remarkably sexy read--and felt the limitations that Eric's past placed on his future were realistically portrayed.

Plus, the use of birth control in this book should win an award. At the very least, I'd offer it as one of the best in contemporary romance. People, this is how it's done.