
Hard Magic by T. Jackson King

pjonsson's review

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This is the sequel to Girl Magic and it is pretty much the same stuff as the first book.

It’s simple and fast reading. Lot’s of flashy magic, fast talking and ass kicking. That’s really what these books are about. The story is really there only to tie these elements together and kind of serve as a mechanism to deliver them. It’s obviously a fairly fast read.

I’m trying to find something more to write actually but there is not much more to it really. If you liked the first one you will like this one. If you didn’t like the first one then you won’t like this one.

Well, I should perhaps mention that the author, again, dabbles in things he doesn’t know much about. For instance, this time he ventures into the realm of chili peppers and their strength.

He got it right as far as the fact that the strength of peppers are measured in Scoville degrees but that’s about it. It’s nit-picking but since I like to cook and like Mexican and other spicy food this latest blunder of his kind of stuck out for me.

Dear author, 2000 SHU is NOT by any means strong. It’s about as mild as it gets. Tabasco, which you mentioned, weighs in at 25 000 to 50 000 SHU and the real monster peppers are above 500 000 (even above one million) SHU.

It really annoys me when authors whacks in terms and expressions but cannot bother to do proper research.

Anyway, it was still a fairly fun read.