
Planetes, Volume 1 by Makoto Yukimura

juliemawesome's review

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Planetes is about a guy and his coworkers who fly around the Earth collecting space junk. Because there's a lot of it. And it's a hazard.

And one of his coworkers is all moody and broody because he lost his wife several years earlier. And.. out of nowhere, he finds her pocketwatch floating out in space.

And meanwhile eco-terrorists are blowing up the cigarette vending machines and smoking rooms about the space stations. Yea, seriously. Astronauts smoke. What the frell?

All in all, interesting enough. Nothing wow-y.

And they can invoke Tsiolkovsky and give us a short bio of him all they want, but to me, that name is still Wesley Crusher's finest moment!

yopoydan_kirjat's review against another edition

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Mielenkiintoinen sarjan avaus. Planetes seuraa Maapallon kiertoradalla työskenteleviä romunkerääjiä. Kansainvälisiin päähenkilöihin (Juri, Hachimaki ja Fee) pääsi yllätävän paljon sisällekin, ei tarvinnut lukea kymmentä osaa ennen kuin heistä kerrotaan näin paljon.

Erityisen mieleenpainuva kohta oli seuraava monologi:

"Jos Jumala tai joku sellainen on olemassa, se varmaankin inhoaa meitä ihmisiä. Ensin kulutamme oman planeetan luonnonvarat loppuun ja sitten kehtaamme vielä tulla tänne [Kuuhun] rohmuamaan harvinaisia metalleja, helium kolmea ja muuta kuin mitkäkin universumin herrat. Taidamme olla vaivalloisia vieraita, jotka eivät ymmärrä hienovaraisia vihjeitä, että nyt olisi aika lähteä. Ja läksiäislahjaksi jätimme avaruuden täyteen romua. "

jjamy55's review

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I didn't know what to expect going into this and since the mangaka who drew this is the mangaka who draws Vinland Saga, so I've decided to go in blind. The artwork totally blew my mind, the details on space, the spaceship and the space station. With this, Yukimura-sensei created a great setting for the plot. I like Yuri and Fee the best, however, Hakaimachi had developed the most, as a character and a protagonist, from a fresh debris collector to an ambitious astronaut. Even though the series is a scifi series, it is also a series that dealt with the idea between ambition and compassion, it is a manga worth-reading and collecting. 4.5 stars!

meepelous's review

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While this volume was full of pretty interesting ideas and great art, the author's immaturity when it came to relationships with and depiction of women did end up knocking it down a star. While this is certainly in part due to personal bias, calling out Yukimura;s propensity towards cliche in this area is a fairly objective criticism IMHO.

That said, I really did enjoy a lot that this manga had to offer both graphically and idea wise. I will probably pick up the next volume.

cindyc3689's review

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Cerita masa depan saat jelajah ruang angkasa sdh bukan jadi mimpi lagi, dan uniknya diceritakan dr sudut pandang sekelompok pekerja pembersih debris/puing2/sampah di ruang angkasa bumi. Kisahnya lumayan oke, tp aku kurang suka artwork dan gaya bahasa (terjemahannya).

aoutrance's review

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Despite the lackluster space initiatives in the past two decades, there's already just a crapton of junk floating in orbit around the Earth. It's incredibly plausible to me that astronaut garbagemen could be a thing in the future. Especially if we 1. finally allocate more money to our space programs and 2. keep up our wasteful human habits while doing so.

The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?

There's some really excellent technical art in this series, from the junker shuttles to the bits and bobs that make up their atmospheric suits.

Yuri's Level Four Tragic Backstory gets me right in the feels. His wife (presumably) dies in a traumatic crash and he spends the next six years tirelessly looking for her body, likely floating in the wilds of space. He avoids moving on at all costs. Yuri serendipitously finds her talisman during the course of a routine mission and in an emotionally charged moment, he lets her go. He realized that while she's forever lost to him, he has found a new space family in Fi and Hachimaki ... lots of dust in my eyes, okay. It happens.

P.S. Yuri and Hachimaki seemed to have switched hair colors starting in the third chapter?? Am I crazy? what heck