
Burn the Dead: Quarantine by Steven Jenkins

sugar_sylveon's review

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It was great at the beginning but it got extremely boring and way too slow only 50% of the book

jmichellethrasher's review

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I really enjoyed this book. I love all things zombie and thus one had some interesting differences from the typical zombie story.

zombieghoul2707's review

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Yawn.. This book was a bore.

I was so bored throughout reading it.

The premise of the book seemed super cool. Like wow he has a JOB burning zombies? Like what's the world like in this universe.
But it has nothing to do with any of that.

So my biggest issue with this book is why didn't the protag ever notice his wife is infected, you live in a world of zombies!! You know the symptoms so why not go just in case? It boggles my mind that it slipped not only the protags thoughts but also Jennkins (I think that's the bad lady who isn't a zombie's name). I legit spent the better half of the book pissed that he didn't think about it.
He even talks about how paranoid everyone becomes when he discusses the shot. So did he not become paranoid?? In a world full of this disease should it not be the FIRST thing you think of when you vomit? Or you know when you have bite from someone showing symptoms

The cleaners bothered me too. Like they're risking so much to just tie up and subdue zombies. I know in this universe they don't die by removing the head but there definitely has to be better ways then what they are doing to go about it.

What I did like was that they had a name for the disease and had done research on it. It was cool seeing a world that is affected by zombies but still going.

Why didn't the protag ever correlate that his dog was gone because of Jennkins? If he did I must of skimmed that part.

It was slow. I never felt like it ever sped up. I'm pretty surprised I pushed through it.

ogrezed's review

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I enjoyed the short story this was based on, but didn't care all that much for this book. I found it a chore to get through. I like larger-than-life heroes in my zombie books, not idiots. I probably had an average of two eye rolls per chapter.

One and done for me.