
The Hour of Dust and Ashes by Kelly Gay

book_hoarding_dragon's review

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Thank goodness there's a book four coming out next year.

I'm giving five stars to this bad boy and also five additional stars to Christian McGrath, the brilliant mind behind this awesome cover. I didn't really realize it till I got the book but Hank! On the cover! *Glomp*

I have to admit I am a huge Hank fan and I absolutely adore Rex. So, if you're fans of them get ready for some good times. Like the other books in this series there is ALOT going on.
~Hanks Smexyness towards Charlie and vice versa
~Will being trapped inside of his body with Rex in the pilot seat (Read book One to understand)
~Bryn's addiction to Ash and her possession
~The Blackness blob stuff over Atlanta
~Hanks Past (Big/Great reveal in this book. If you like Hank buy it just for this. I was so not expecting it! I was thinking along the lines of him being some sort of Elysian royalty or lordish or something.)
~The Jinn leader, Tennin, evilness

There is probably more to it, but I can't think of more at this stage. There are a few matters resolved here, but others are opened up (as River Song says, "sshhh, spoilers"). But Gays world-building is excellent and I really hope that we get to see more of Charbydon, I've been excited to see that one or Elysian ever since book one. It did not disappoint.

alexiachantel's review

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Hi, my name is Lexi. And I am an ash addict.

Well not exactly, but it would be much more of a mouthful to say Charlie Madigan series addict.

The Charlie Madigan series started out strong with book one, delivered a solid hit with book two. Now The Hour of Dust and Ashes manages packs in more action and deep emotion than the previous books. Can Urban Fantasy get any better than this?

Picking up right where book two left off, with Charlie right in the middle of potential inter species war and enemies on every side. With out such a strong group of friends, or paid oracles, Charlie would possibly be dust. Instead she meets the sylphs who give her four gifts. Who would willingly take a gift that basically kills you first, Charlie, knowing it will be her ticket to saving her sister. Bring on the unknown powers, see who is left standing in the end.

Urban Fantasy usually has some bit of romance in it, this series has always had a little hint but not much more than a flirty smile or heated gaze. Finally we get to see Hank and Charlie reacting stronger to each other, raw emotions coming out. Hank’s character and background is revealed, and you will not be able to help but fall for this siren.

If you haven’t picked up this series yet you are missing out. Kelly Gay knows her urban fantasy, do you?

Review posted at Reading Between the Wines:
(copy courtesy of publisher)

audiobookmel's review

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Review originally posted at

I read the first two books in this series a few years ago while on vacation. I read them both back to back and really enjoyed them. I came home from vacation to new releases from other authors and series that made me have shiny object syndrome. These books fell off my radar. I have no idea why, because I really enjoyed them. I was going through my TBR list on Goodreads to find books to take with me on my vacation this year and I saw these. I requested both books three and four from the library to take with me. I’m really glad that I did. I had forgotten how much I loved this series.

Charlie Madigan lives in Atlanta, but not the same Atlanta we know today. There are now off-worlders who exists from alternate dimensions. There are many different creatures that we know from mythologies from these dimensions. From the heaven-like dimension of Elysia there are sirens and angel-like, Adoni. From the hell-like Charbydon dimension, there are hellhounds, jinns and goblins, just to name a few. Charlie is a single, divorced mother and a member of the police force (though by this book she isn’t part of the regular Atlanta PD anymore). Her partner is a male siren named Hank.

In this book, some humans that are addicted an off-world drug which makes them very susceptible to possession. They are also committing suicide. On top of this, Charlie’s sister is one of the people addicted to this drug. Charlie, Hank and Rex, a Revenant, all venture to the hell-like dimension of Charbydon to prevent any more deaths, including Charlie’s sister and one of her daughter’s best friends.

There is a little bit of romance in this story, but no sex. There has been somewhat of a relationship building between Charlie and Hank. It takes an even bigger leap in this book. And I completely approve of this relationship development. I love Hank. He is so good for Charlie and her daughter. There is no awkwardness when they work together as partners. You can really tell that they are both willing to lay their lives on the line for each other, but have tons of fun together too.

While this series is on the darker side, there is still humor mixed in to lighten things up at time. Not only is Hank funny, but the Revenant Rex is really funny and provides a lot of comic relief. This is great urban fantasy series that brings all the aspects I expect to see in a series that I love. The heroine is strong and independent, but can take help from her friends when it is needed. I don’t require romance in my urban fantasies, but I don’t mind if it is there. This one is slowly building, which has been great to follow. I do love that even though this series is dark, there is humor mixed in with it. Like most urban fantasies, I would recommend that you start this series from the beginning.

“For the record,” he said, looking up at me with a crooked smile, “this is not how I pictured removing your pants for the first time.”
“That confidant, are we?”
His smiled filled out, deep and brimming with humor. “When something is this inevitable. Yes.”

He tossed my wet pants into the pile with the rest of my soiled clothes, then turned back and froze.
“You’re wearing SpongeBob underwear.”
My gaze flew downward and my mortification was finally complete. “Emma got them for me…for my birthday.” What the hell. I might as well get it over with. “Patrick is on my ass.”

drey72's review

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drey’s thoughts:
The job never stops when you’re Charlie Madigan. Now that the fate of the world is in good hands (for the time being!), she’s got to track down the reason ash addicts are committing suicide, preferably before anything happens to Bryn… In the course of her investigation, she finds that not all is as it seems, and the fate of the world may not be quite as happily-ever-after as she’d thought.

Charlie is one of my favorite female characters in an urban fantasy. (Now why does that sound like an award category? Hmm…) She’s not perfect, but she’ll do the right thing no matter what it takes–and if it involves her family or her friends just doing the right thing isn’t going to be enough.

In this third installment she goes all out to help her sister and in doing so finds out that there’s so much out there she doesn’t know. She gets to meet sylphs (eek!) and go to hell. Literally. How much more fun can she have? Shall we talk about the shadowy creature who shows up whenever she uses her power? Or how about Hank’s past–that comes back to bite him in the behind, as pasts are wont to do? Never mind that he didn’t do anything wrong.

Juggling everything takes a lot out of Charlie, and the ending leaves even more for her to pick up in book four. Which I want to get my hands on, like right now!

drey’s rating: Excellent! Kelly Gay does not disappoint with the action in The Hour of Dust and Ashes, or with the story and character development. And I love that her cover girl’s covered up (except for the lil’ midriff shot in The Better Part of Darkness)!

amyextradot's review against another edition

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This is the first time in a long time that I've had ALL THREE books of a series in my house at the same time. :)

Yes, this yet another book in the urban fantasy genre, but this one is a bit different...which is why I think I like it. Instead of your vampires and werewolves, and zombies, (oh my!) we have the angelic people from Elysia and the "demonic" creatures from Charbydon, yet nothing is black and white. There are evil Elysians and people who are from Charbydon that do good...even if it is for their gain.

Great characters, the budding romance is intriguing, and who doesn't love a cuddly hellhound in their stories?

thenia's review against another edition

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I'm really enjoying Charlie's story so far.

She is a very realistic character and apart from her tendency to avoid her problems sometimes, I find little to dislike about her. Hank is also a very well liked character and we finally get to learn some things about his past
Spoilerthat, unfortunately catches up to him and he ends up back in Elysia and the enslavement he'd once managed to escape from

By the end of this book our heroes have gone through a great deal - they traveled to Carbydon, or what's close to hell in their world in order to save Charlie's sister, solved some of their problems and discovered a couple of new ones.

I'm really looking forward to reading [b:Shadows Before the Sun|12504228|Shadows Before the Sun (Charlie Madigan #4)|Kelly Gay||17489716] next and seeing how things turn out.

aracherry's review against another edition

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I Loved it! love the whole Charlie/Hank relationship. I was sad when she had to leave Hank :( I can't wait for the next installment, Charlie needs to get her butt over to Fiallan and save Hank!

veronica87's review against another edition

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I'm still really enjoying this series. Charlie continues to be a likeable heroine who doesn't walk around acting like she's some total badass all the time. She's smart enough and mature enough to know when she should be scared out of her mind and, despite her growing powers, she never just assumes that she can overpower anyone. Hank continues to be deliciously sexy. What a flirt! We learn more about him as the consequences of his past come home to roost and it looks like the next book will expand on that even more. Rex, everyone's favorite Jinn-turned-Revenant, continues to be outrageously hilarious. Ever since he charmed me in book one I've been afraid of how Charlie would resolve things. Rex's special situation does get resolved in this book and I was pleased with how it turned out. My only complaint about it was how the related outcome of a character that we haven't seen since midway through book one ended up overshadowing what happened to Hank. Lastly, while romance is not a huge focal point in this series it is in there and the Hank/Charlie dynamic remains fresh and fun. I almost can't believe that this is the third book in the series and there is no, I repeat NO, love triangle drama. Seriously. I'm definitely looking forward to the next book.

mcummings's review

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This was almost going to be a 5 star review until I got near the end. (more on that later).

I love the world that Kelly Gay has created, I love the pacing in the story (I never feel like I need to skip past anything) and I love Charlie Madigan, her daughter Emma, her sister Bryn, her partner Hank and her pseudo ex-husband Rex. If you haven't read the first two books in the series, get them now.

In this installment, Charlie is trying to deal with the fact that her sister may be possessed, and we learn about Sylphs, there is a trip to Charybdon, and we learn alot about Hank's backstory. I love the developing relationship between Charlie and Hank, as well as the mythological creatures that populate these books - Jinn and sirens and nymphs and sylphs. Not your standard paranormal creatures.

***********Mini spoiler alert about what I did not like.*****************

The reason I knocked this down to 4 stars is that I didn't like how the author forced Charlie to choose between her sister and Hank. I get that this is a plot device, which allows Charlie to visit Elysia, and we all hope rescue him, from his matrix-like situation. And I know that she really could make no other choice but rescue her sister, but I still don't like it. I'm not criticizing how the author chose to writer her story, because it is hers, just expressing my frustration!