Reviews tagging 'Suicidal thoughts'

L'impero del vampiro by Jay Kristoff

16 reviews

straybutterfly's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional funny hopeful inspiring mysterious reflective sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


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vilde_a's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Absolutely devoured this book! Perfect for a holiday when you have time to get into it quickly. The visuals the author manages to tell is absolutely stunning. The world building is believable and felt deep enough. The occasional illustrations in the book is a very nice treat!

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aladybug19's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


Empire of the Vampire is masterfully written. I would gush more about this book but I think going into it with as little information as possible is the best course. This book keeps you at the edge of your seat when it’s not making you weep for the characters.

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booksalacarte's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging dark emotional funny hopeful mysterious reflective sad tense slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Empire of the vampire- 4.75⭐️ 3🌶️

Epic Fantasy
Catholic inspired religion
Storytelling style narration
Secret society 
🏳️‍🌈 side characters

Tw: addiction, homofobia

To break it down to the bare minimal… this was an interview with the vampire styled story with dual timelines and a flawed MC. The story was slow, as journeying can be, but entertaining the whole time.

So often male authors, choose to sanitize the softer emotions in their books, to push the physical. Moving the plot forward for the glory and the heroism of their main character. As a woman, the more sterilized approach to emotion in men’s writing, tends to turn me away… 

This book is anything but emotionally sterile. I found myself enjoying the emotional and spiritual journey of the main character and the friendships and bonds created and broken.

There were so many plot twists. Character flaws were aplenty. 

I must have the humor of a 14 year old boy, because some of the insults and jokes had me chuckling.

The things that I didn’t enjoy include misogyny  standard to European medieval feudalism centered around religious orthodoxy. If you thought a book that was inspired by medieval Catholic Europe was going to be without it being present, I don’t know what to tell you. But it’s there, it’s never fun to have to read in excess. But it’s an adult fantasy, with cursing and I get it.

Bad guys as pedophiles. Yup. Tracks. But the other underage sexualization was not great. A lot of times this is used as a chance to show how disgusting the enemy is. And it’s just gross all around… even when the MC is underage. 

I am so looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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metaphorsandmisc's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


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malreadsthebooks's review against another edition

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adventurous dark mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Masterful writing. Hilarious and truly epic insults. Great storyline with twists and turns and depth and character development. Original and imaginative and dark and tragic and beautiful. Wonderful Witcher vibes. Super gory and graphic, be warned

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garrettcz's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional funny inspiring mysterious sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


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andromeda_1998's review against another edition

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dark emotional sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


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roxxie's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional mysterious sad tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


 A Tale of Blood and Darkness ♦ Jay Kristoff | Rezension

Mit A Tale of Blood and Darkness beginnt die neue epische Fantasy – Reihe Das Reich der Vampire aus der Feder von Jay Kristoff. Hast du das Buch gelesen, dann wirst du den folgenden Worten sehr wahrscheinlich zustimmen. Hast du es noch vor dir, dann nehme dir meine Worte zu Herzen.
Für diesen Wälzer, mit über 1.000 Seiten, solltest du deine wirkliche Welt anhalten, bevor du den Fantasy – Zug besteigst. Denn ab dann heißt es Anschnallen für eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt in ein gotisches Blutbad!

A Tale of Blood and Darkness ♦ Jay Kristoff


Ich hätte nicht im Entferntesten daran gedacht, dass mich dieses Buch so gefangen nehmen wird, dass ich schon fast von Besessenheit sprechen könnte. Gleich zu Beginn muss ich klarstellen, dass ich jede Zeile, jeden Abschnitt, jede Seite eines Kapitels liebe. Ich werde wohl auch sehr bald die englische Ausgabe zur Hand nehmen, um die Tiefe des Buches noch einmal im Original erleben zu können. Dies wird meine Sehnsucht auf den zweiten Band nur leider nicht mindern.

Nach Dracula wird dieses Buch nun wohl endgültig Interview mit einem Vampir vom zweiten Platz meiner liebsten Vampirbücher stoßen. A Tale of Blood and Darkness hat es in sich. Es ist rund, es ist spannend, es besitzt Tiefe, Emotionen und Charaktere, die einen vollkommen einnehmen. Das Worldbuilding verzaubert. Aber alles der Reihe nach.

»Fragt mich nicht, ob Gott existiert, fragt mich lieber, wieso er so ein Arschloch ist.«

Die Handlung

Die Geschichte nimmt die Legende des Heiligen Grals und den Mythos der Vampire auf, verwebt beide so stark miteinander, dass dieser völlig originelle und blutige Weg nur gemeinsam bestritten werden kann. Es ist düster, brutal und stellenweise profan. Während der gesamte Lesedauer hatte ich ein bedrückendes, teils erdrückendes Gefühl auf meiner Brust.

Von Seite eins an wurde ich in eine paranormale, apokalyptische Welt voller Vampire und unerschrockener Helden entführt. Vor mir offenbarte sich ein grausames Spektakel des Bösen, gepaart mit schrecklichen Gelübden, unendlich viel Tod, einer sündigen Liebe. Ich musste einem tiefen Verlust in die Augen sehen, der mich wahrhaftig zu Tränen rührte. Ich traf auf ein Schicksal, so unverrückbar, wie die Chinesische Mauer und eine Prophezeiung, welche die Grundfesten dieser fiktiven Welt ins Wanken brachte. Dieses Buch wird mich lange nicht loslassen.

Ich möchte hier nicht weiter auf die Handlung eingehen. Der Klappentext des Buches ist ausreichend, alles andere würde in Spoiler eskalieren und davon möchte ich einfach Abstand nehmen.

»In Qualen fand ich die Glückseligkeit, im Leid Erlösung.«

Die Charaktere

Die Charaktere, vom Protagonisten bis hin zur kleinsten Nebenfigur, sind einfach faszinierend. Dabei ist es völlig irrelevant, ob ich sie geliebt oder verachtet habe. Normalerweise braucht es, meiner Erfahrung nach, bei einer Trilogie meist bis zum letzten Band, bis sich alle Charaktere voll entwickelt haben. Doch Jay Kristoff hat hier einen Spagat hingelegt, den ich bewundere. Die Entwicklung seiner Figuren, besonders des Protagonisten Gabriel de Léon, sind schon fast Perfektion. Grandios führte mich der Autor durch diverse Lebensabschnitte der Hauptfigur und wirklich jeder Schritt war stimmig.

Das Setting

Die Welt von Elidaen ist so detailreich beschrieben, dass es fast authentisch wirkt und die Zahnräder des Kopfkinos auf Heavy Rotation laufen. Es ist die Art von Welt, die mich einfach nicht mehr losgelassen hat und ich die Fortsetzung nur schwer abwarten kann. Jay Kristoff hat in seinen Vampirmythos nicht viel Neues verarbeitet. Vielmehr hat er die uns bereits bekannte Legendenbildung dieser paranormalen Wesen nur ein wenig ausgearbeitet und sie in verschiedene, sogenannte Blutsippen unterteilt. Die Zugehörigkeit bestimmt auch über die übernatürlichen Fähigkeiten und wie sie sich Elidaen versuchen zu Eigen zu machen.
Auch das Ereignis der plötzlich auftretenden Dunkelheit, auch bekannt als der Tagestod, verflechtet sich meisterlich mit dem Schauplatz und drückt der Szenerie eine schaurige Atmosphäre auf. Das Worldbuilding ist zum Sterben schön.

Der Schreibstil

Ich habe bereits viele positive Aspekte des Buches aufgezeigt, doch der Schreibstil ist das i-Tüpfelchen. Es hebt das Buch auf eine neues Level im High Fantasy – Genre und lässt die Geschichte merklich herausstechen. Obwohl die teils obszöne Ausdrucksweise hemmungslos daherkommt, ist es für dieses Buch einfach absolut prägnant. Denn die Sprache ist an vielen Stellen zwar sehr schroff, aber auch poetisch.

Neben dem sagenhaften Schreibstil traf ich auch auf dutzende, malerisch düstere Illustrationen von Bon Orthwick, welche die Seele des Buches eindrucksvoll darstellen.

»In der Asche dessen, was ich einmal gewesen war, flammte es auf wie ein Phoenix. Ein Feuer, das lange geschlafen hatte.«



Im ersten Moment mag das Buch nur so vor Verachtung triefen. Doch beim genaueren Hinsehen, fand ich mich in einer Geschichte wieder, welche das Vertrauen in Freunde und einen unverrückbaren Glauben in die Menschheit trägt. Eine Geschichte, welche weniger einer fiktionalen Erzählung nahe kommt, sondern eher einer Biografie ähnelt. Komme der zweite Teil, wird es für mich kein Halten geben.

A Tale of Blood and Darkness ist mein ungeschlagenes Jahreshighlight.

»Von seinem Ausguck beobachtete der Königsmörder, wie die Sonne sich von ihrer unverdienten Ruhe erhob, und während er die dünne Knochenpfeife an seine Lippen setzte, erinnerte er sich, wie gut die Hölle schmeckte.«

This review was first published at The Art of Reading (also in English). 

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leonormsousa's review against another edition

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adventurous dark mysterious sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


Although I’ve been reading a lot of fantasy, it’s been a while since I read such an epic adventure book as Empire of the Vampire, and what an amazing experience it was! I came in with great expectations and despite being surprised with some aspects of the book, I was absolutely not let down! 
󠁰󠁰󠁰󠁰First of all, a warning: this is definitely a very adult and a very violent book! Some scenes are very descriptive and can be quite appalling if you’re not expecting them. On the other end, it’s also a much more emotional book than it lets on. I shed some tears on more than one moment and there’s one particular chapter that it’s just completely heartbreaking. I would definitely recommend reading the trigger warnings if you are more sensitive to some kinds of topics. 
Now, for the book itself, it was amazing! Although it’s quite a big one (700+ pages), the pace is just right, keeping you completely hooked to the story. The book contains three main timelines: in the present, the MC, Gabriel, is telling his story to his captors and he does so alternating between his younger self story (15-16 yo) and his quest adventure in his 32. Sometimes with the intercalation of different timelines (or POVs), I sometimes find myself wanting to skip the “less interesting” one(s), but in this case, there was a perfect balance. I was always super invested in all of the timelines, and the way in which you uncovered the secrets in each one was just so well matched! 
I also thought that the “present timeline”, although “not necessary”, gave something very special and unique to the book. At the same time, the comparison between the 3 Gabriels allows this book to be so much more than just an adventure story: it becomes a story about humans and how we deal with war, faith, grief, glory, treason and love, not just on the short term but also throughout the years. 
Gabriel, although a bit of a bastard and despite me not liking him very much in the beginning, revealed himself to be a great companion but Astrid was the character I fell in love with the most, closely followed by Dior. But even when the characters were not that likeable, they were all super well constructed and developed and right in that grey area where I love them to be (well, maybe the vampires were just really on the black side 😝). It was that kind of “I love to hate you!” 
Now, to my one little critique (that is really just one small point): there were some plot twists that weren't that surprising for me personally. I wasn’t necessarily expecting them but at the same time when they did happen, I felt like I had read them somewhere else (and I had, I checked later 😝). But it was really just a minor point! 
And apparently, we’re doing sandwich feedback cause we’re coming back to the good 😝 First of all: loved the queer representation! Second: absolutely freaking loved the illustrations! They made so much sense in the context of the story and they were so helpful to visualize some scenes. I think I’ve never seen illustrations make so much sense in a book. Big shout out to Bon Orthwick (also known as @monolimeart)! Third: loved the french vibes! Especially since I’m currently living in France, it just added to my whole experience. Fourth: loved the reference to the important part that women play in wars. No, wars are not and never were just fought by men! For me personally, it was so important! Even if it’s not something huge (not all books need to focus on these topics), I think is super relevant when authors make their MCs act, say or just even think about the kind of inequalities they see. It raises awareness and that’s always the starting point to something more. 
Finally (and before I run out of space), I must say I was not expecting at all a book with so much religion in it (I identified a lot of Christianity but that is the one religion I had the most contact with by far so it could also be based on others). It didn’t particularly bother me, I was just surprised. But I gotta say: I thought it was done in the most tasteful and graceful way! There was never any attempt to defend either the existence or inexistence of God, or anything similar, so, in my opinion, it’s a book that doesn’t intend to criticize or support either believers or non-believers of any religion. It mainly focuses on faith and how it affects our actions, even our thoughts. It also addresses a bit the clash of religions and intolerance. But once again, all done in a way that is not to discredit anyone or anything, but more to maybe display the effects of religion in our lives and the ones of others. 
Ok, now that I’ve clearly written too much (this is always the problem: never know what to write and then I start and I write way too much), a quick conclusion: if you’re the kind of person that enjoys a good old dark and epic fantasy adventure, read this! I honestly can’t wait to read book 2 in this series. There’s so much more to uncover, I loved how the first one ended and I heard we’re getting a second POV 🤭 Officially a fan of Jay Kristoff and I’m super curious to read some of his older books as well! 

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