
Fate by Kate Bonham

catnapsnbooks's review

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Occasionally you will read a book that unexpectedly rips your heart in two but you have been so enraptured in the story that it takes your breath away. This happened for the second time this year when I read Fate by new to me author Kate Bonham.

Fate is a fantasy romance filled with fallen angels, destiny, steamy romance and a twisting plot that will keep you guessing until the end. Ace, the son of Lucifer and head of the Reapers, is perfectly matched with Faye, a human with a muddied past, and I loved their interactions. The author uses skillful language to create beautiful characters and an amazing world in which they inhabited. The story spans Sydney city where they first meet and travels to Purgatory, Heven and Hell as Ace and Faye fight an epic battle to save everything they care about. There are a number of brilliantly written secondary characters in this book, good, bad and grey, that work together to make this story so memorable. I will give warning that this book does end on a cliffhanger and the next book is not released yet so expect your heart to be crushed with no reprieve.

Fate broke my heart. While I understand why Kate Bonham made the choices she did but I still cried, a lot, and will eagerly await the next book to find out what will happen. This book was outstanding and I recommend any fantasy or paranormal reader add this to their tbr.