
Edge of Chaos by Molly E. Lee

amb3reads's review

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4.75 out of 5 Stars

Edge of Chaos is book 1 in the Love on the Edge Series. I really enjoyed Edge of Chaos and can't wait to continue with the series. Edge of Chaos was the first book by Molly E. Lee that I have read and it won't be the last. I loved Blake and Dash.

myntop's review against another edition

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My heart is still racing from the thrill ride that the reading of this book was!

It was a bit hard to read certain parts because of my own history, but cathartic as well. This story takes you on a ride through an abusive relationship, to the realization that one deserves better and more, to finding better and more...all with a background of exciting and thrilling storm chases.

A lot of stories that focus on a girl with a guy who isn't good for her, immediately go to finding that guy who IS good for her...while this story does go to that good first focuses on friendship and I think that is SO much more important in the recovery from a bad relationship...especially one that is controlling and seclusive. I like that the author focused on the main character finding a group of friends outside that relationship BEFORE going to here's the conquering hero mode.

This was my first book by this author, but I'll definitely be reading more!

carey's review

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I started seeing previews for this book on Facebook before it released. I was immediately interested. I’d read one other book with a main character that was a storm chaser and really enjoyed it. Plus my daughter is studying meteorology in college. After I started reading the book I also discovered that Blake’s original college choice was one of my daughter’s top choices. One of the things I saw promoting this book was a contest for ARC copies of the book. I was really hopeful that I would win a copy - I wanted to read it that bad. I didn’t win though. So when the book released and I saw it was only $.99, I one-clicked it without hesitation.

I absolutely loved this book. Blake was in an abusive relationship. Originally I thought it was going to be a physically abusive relationship, but it was more mental abuse. She had known her boyfriend Justin for so long that she had begun to lose herself.

Then she meets Dash whose storm chasing blog she had fan-girled over and quickly becomes friends with him. They are both in relationships so there’s no pressure to be more than friends. They quickly find themselves confiding in each other like a best friend.

Dash quickly realizes how toxic Blake’s relationship with Justin is, but doesn’t want to push too hard to avoid damaging their friendship. The longer Blake is friends with Dash, the more she begins to see how Justin treats her is wrong. She eventually calls it quits with Justin, but still agonizes over his well-being. Dash makes the mistake of pushing Blake too much to show her just what a dirtbag Justin is and pushes her away from him in the process. They do eventually get their happy ending among the tornadoes.

I found nothing not to like about this book. It was a fast-paced read. Blake knew what she wanted for her life as far as careers went and went for it. Dash was a perfect gentleman with a bit of playfulness to him that I immediately fell in love with. I will definitely be reading more of this author’s books when she releases them.

abailey410's review

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Video review now avaialbe at:
Interview with Molly available at:

I loved this book so hard!!!

camillessi's review

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I wanted to love this book so much. Storm chasing? Awesome! Escaping from an abusive relationship? Needed! But unfortunately, it fell short for me. I can't put my finger on what exactly didn't work for me, but here are a few issues I had with it.

1) Although this book is supposed to be empowering, I found there to be some misogyny. Blake judges Dash's girlfriend from the get-go, and consistently looks down on her for things like dressing up and wearing heels. I'm not here for that. I'm also 100% over the "make the hero's girlfriend/ex-girlfriend mean and dumb and all-around horrible." I don't like this pitching women against each other. Why can't the hero's ex be just a normal girl? Wouldn't it be more satisfying that the hero chooses the heroine over someone he could *actually* like? I don't know about anyone else, but I wouldn't feel very good dating a guy who previously had terrible taste in girls. Also, let's stop judging other women for wearing what they want. She likes to wear red lipstick? Cool! She can climb a hill in heels? That's impressive! It's easy to not judge other women. Seriously. Let's stop the girl hate, please.

2) I didn't find the whole storm chasing thing believable. I mean, I don't know much about storm chasers, but I wouldn't have guessed that college students would be successful, professional storm chasers. I hadn't expected Dash to be so young, for whatever reason. So that pulled me out of the story just a little bit.

3) The writing didn't grab me. I kept waiting to feel like, "THIS is a talented writer," but I never got that sense. It's not bad, it just wasn't enough to draw me into the story.

It was likely the misogyny that turned me off the most—it's something I can't compromise on—but all in all, it wasn't a bad book. It just didn't work *for me.* I do think the abusive relationship was handled well. I know someone whose boyfriend has threatened them with the same thing Blake is threatened with in the beginning, so her hesitance to break things off with him made sense. Especially after their backstory was revealed. So if you don't read this book for anything else, you can read it for a story of a girl who does what's best for herself.

hstone's review

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I don't read NA often, but if the genre as a whole is anything like this book, then maybe I should start.

Edge of Chaos is a friendship first romance—one of my favorite types of love stories. Not only that, but the main character, Blake, grows tremendously throughout the course of the novel, escaping an emotionally manipulative relationship, and learning self-worth in the process of finding new love.

I found the book's depiction of the abusive relationship realistic; frequently, I found myself frustrated by the antagonist's actions, and repulsed by his behavior. I had no trouble imagining this man might exist, and likely does somewhere in the world today, and watching Blake treated so poorly proves how even "strong women" can fall into patterns of abuse without realizing it.

Really, Blake was the draw for me. She was funny and sweet, and her vulnerability struck me as relatable. The hero, Dash, was also a sweetheart: understanding, compassionate, if a bit reckless at times. All-in-all, I was satisfied with the way the romance unfolded, and was delighted to see Blake move from an unhealthy relationship into a healthy one.

Last but not least, if you're not sold yet, I have two words for you: storm chasers. Dash and Blake are storm chasers, y'all. 'Nuff said.