
Soul of Smoke by Caitlyn McFarland

cranberrytarts's review

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Ever since I read Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison I've been craving dragon romances. The description for this one caught me so I decided to give it a go. While there are aspects I truly liked, the heroine pretty much killed the story for me.

At first I really felt for Kai. She ends up in an unimaginable situation and has to wrap her head around the fact that 1) Dragons exist and 2) she's going to be "married" to one...and she didn't get a choice about it. The problem is, she acted like an immature brat about it. Her constant whining and her refusal to look past her own issues was really frustrating. I get it. You don't want to give up your entire life and walk away from your family and friends. But even when faced with Rhys' physical pain over the separation between them (he was literally in excruciating pain because he was Heartsworn and she wasn't) and the possible end of humanity, she still only thought of herself. Even when her best friend comes back and ends up heartsworn to one of the other dragons, she still only thought of herself. If she left Rhys and walked away from it all, her best friend would have surely died. And still she didn't hesitate. She didn't even attempt to compromise or talk to Rhys about her situation..she just flat out refused to consider it.

I really liked Rhys. He was doing his best to lead his people and keep his dragons alive, yet he didn't try to force Kai. He wanted to be chosen for himself, yes, but he also wanted Kai to be as comfortable as possible. I thought he was sweet and understanding. Having said that, he didn't act like a thousands of years old dragon. He acted like a 20-something who had a lot of responsibility thrust on him. I expected more maturity out of him.

The world is imaginative and I really liked the secondary characters. The other dragons in Rhys' V (essentially his personal guard) and Juli really brought life to the story. I really became invested in their fight against Rhys' cousin, who wants to take over the dragons, the council, and their interpersonal dramas.

Which brings me to my biggest complaint...this ended in a cliffhanger. I didn't expect the war to be fought and won in a single book, but I did think the series was going to feature the different dragons, rather than focusing solely on Kai and Rhys. I want to continue the series to find out what happens, but I don't know if I can stomach two more full length books with Kai as the main protag. I bought book two, but I'm going to hold off on reading it for now.

cozykrysti's review

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I am so, SO glad that I got the opportunity to read Soul of Smoke. This book kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. McFarland increases the tension, both in action and romance, steadily throughout the novel.

The cast of characters is incredibly dynamic. The dialogue and banter between Rhys and his dragon cohorts is fun and highly entertaining. You'll absolutely want to become part of their "vee."

I really enjoyed Kai as a main character. I loved that she questioned and fought against her situation throughout the story, which was a very authentic response to the type of situation she found herself in. I also loved that she had a bit of feistiness to her and was definitely not afraid to stand up for herself.

Rhys is an incredibly swoony love interest. Despite his culture, his feelings, and the way he was raised, he commits to his decision to always respect Kai's wishes even when it causes him intense physical suffering. He's also a loyal friend and definitely the type of guy you want to have on your side in a fight.

The romance in this book is just so well done. It seems like it's going to be an insta-love story, but it is not. It is so much more beautifully complex than that. The heat between Kai and Rhys is off the charts, and McFarland does a phenomenal job of constantly upping the romantic tension between them throughout the novel!

I also enjoyed that this was a story about dragons but still set in the real world. Being a Rocky Mountain girl myself, the setting certainly came alive for me, and I really enjoyed that McFarland included scenic elements that were obviously very familiar and important to her.

I am always a huge fan of epic fantasies that actually make me feel something with character deaths. There was a specific character death in this book that utterly wrecked me, and I was SO thrilled that I was that connected with this story that it had that kind of impact on me.

Also, ten points to McFarland's Hogwarts House of choice for an excellent Harry Potter reference and ten more for a Mr. Darcy reference. :)

I am so excited to read the next book in this series, Shadow of Flame! The full series is out now, so I highly recommend this to all you fantasy lovers out there who hate waiting for the next book in a series to come out...and who also love some dragons and rom

sleepyjoe7's review

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I hardly ever write reviews but for this book I will make an exception. I am so lucky to have been privileged to read this prior to release and all I will say is it's addictive. I can't wait for it to come out so that I can own a copy and officially start shouting from the rooftops for the character that I am totally in love with!

Caitlyn is amazingly talented at making you fall for these characters and then almost Game of Thrones esq evil at tearing it all down around them. She does not disappoint!

novelsallnight's review

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I’ve been trying to read books that are a little out of my comfort zone, and I started with Soul of Smoke. The book starts out with Kai Monahan hiking in the Rocky Mountains with her slightly reluctant friends. When they come across an injured girl. Kai stays behind while her friends hike back for help. While waiting for her friends to get back with help, the girl wakes up. She insists on going back to her camp to help her brother, who she says is in danger. What choice does Kai have but to help her get to the camp? Once they arrive Kai witnesses something unbelievable…the camp is under attack…by dragons! As if that wasn’t crazy enough the people she has just met are also turning into dragons! When the injured girl’s brother Rhys is under attack and is nearly killed she does the only thing someone does in that situation…she grabs a sword and helps him. Afterwards, she’s taken to their base while Rhys recovers. While she’s there she gets to know all the people that are part of their group of dragons and she begins to learn about their world. She gets some firsthand knowledge about being heartsworn….does she complete the bond and give up her normal life? Does she have a choice when humanity might be at stake? Oh the drama!!

If that quick little summary didn’t convince you to read this book yet then keep reading because there are so many things to love about this book. For some reason I have always avoided books about dragons. I always imagined stories about dragons would be all… in a time long long ago there was a kingdom blah blah princes blah blah dragons… ok maybe I’m being a little harsh there but that’s not really my thing. Luckily, I chose this as my first book about dragons because it is nothing like that. It’s set in the contemporary world and I thought it would be intriguing to see how the author explained the existence of people who can shift into dragons in this world. The answer is satisfying and made me wish it was true. The more I read, the more I became invested in this secret, magical world and all the characters in it.

Now the magical world where people who turn into dragons was enough to keep me reading but then you have to throw in some romance… and I mean mega romance. Kai and Rhys clearly have some chemistry right from the start but when you throw in heartswearing all bets are off. Being heartsworn is, as Kai put it, like marriage…but dragon style. Basically, you don’t really get a choice of who it’s with…you find out by touching someone. When the bond is completed they’re both stronger and have a connection. If Kai chooses not to kiss Rhys in order to complete the bond then she may be able to go back to her old life but Rhys would probably die. If that wasn’t enough, his death could mean that the dragon war would spill into the human world causing the end of humanity. Clearly having romantic feelings for a cute guy who you find out is a dragon is not enough drama!

So far we have a fantastic magical world hidden from society, a mega romance filled with all kinds of drama…what more could you want from a book? Well don’t worry Soul of Smoke has even more. No life altering decision would be complete without some action and drama. Rhys and his friends are currently at war with some pretty evil dragons who basically want to take over the world. Learning about this war and how these dragons prepare and fight kept me turning the pages just as much as the romance did. Getting to know everyone made me invested in their struggle and we get to see how this affects Kai as well. I can keep going with the praise for this book but where would the fun in that be. The last bit of wisdom that I have is to say that if you find any aspects of this book interesting then pick up this book! Add it to the top of all your lists because the author, Caitlyn McFarland, does a spectacular job of drawing you into the magic, romance, and the drama.

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**

krystimuggle's review

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I am so, SO glad that I got the opportunity to read Soul of Smoke. This book kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. McFarland increases the tension, both in action and romance, steadily throughout the novel.

The cast of characters is incredibly dynamic. The dialogue and banter between Rhys and his dragon cohorts is fun and highly entertaining. You'll absolutely want to become part of their "vee."

I really enjoyed Kai as a main character. I loved that she questioned and fought against her situation throughout the story, which was a very authentic response to the type of situation she found herself in. I also loved that she had a bit of feistiness to her and was definitely not afraid to stand up for herself.

Rhys is an incredibly swoony love interest. Despite his culture, his feelings, and the way he was raised, he commits to his decision to always respect Kai's wishes even when it causes him intense physical suffering. He's also a loyal friend and definitely the type of guy you want to have on your side in a fight.

The romance in this book is just so well done. It seems like it's going to be an insta-love story, but it is not. It is so much more beautifully complex than that. The heat between Kai and Rhys is off the charts, and McFarland does a phenomenal job of constantly upping the romantic tension between them throughout the novel!

I also enjoyed that this was a story about dragons but still set in the real world. Being a Rocky Mountain girl myself, the setting certainly came alive for me, and I really enjoyed that McFarland included scenic elements that were obviously very familiar and important to her.

I am always a huge fan of epic fantasies that actually make me feel something with character deaths. There was a specific character death in this book that utterly wrecked me, and I was SO thrilled that I was that connected with this story that it had that kind of impact on me.

Also, ten points to McFarland's Hogwarts House of choice for an excellent Harry Potter reference and ten more for a Mr. Darcy reference. :)

I am so excited to read the next book in this series, Shadow of Flame! The full series is out now, so I highly recommend this to all you fantasy lovers out there who hate waiting for the next book in a series to come out...and who also love some dragons and rom

krystimeyer's review

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I am so, SO glad that I got the opportunity to read Soul of Smoke. This book kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. McFarland increases the tension, both in action and romance, steadily throughout the novel.

The cast of characters is incredibly dynamic. The dialogue and banter between Rhys and his dragon cohorts is fun and highly entertaining. You'll absolutely want to become part of their "vee."

I really enjoyed Kai as a main character. I loved that she questioned and fought against her situation throughout the story, which was a very authentic response to the type of situation she found herself in. I also loved that she had a bit of feistiness to her and was definitely not afraid to stand up for herself.

Rhys is an incredibly swoony love interest. Despite his culture, his feelings, and the way he was raised, he commits to his decision to always respect Kai's wishes even when it causes him intense physical suffering. He's also a loyal friend and definitely the type of guy you want to have on your side in a fight.

The romance in this book is just so well done. It seems like it's going to be an insta-love story, but it is not. It is so much more beautifully complex than that. The heat between Kai and Rhys is off the charts, and McFarland does a phenomenal job of constantly upping the romantic tension between them throughout the novel!

I also enjoyed that this was a story about dragons but still set in the real world. Being a Rocky Mountain girl myself, the setting certainly came alive for me, and I really enjoyed that McFarland included scenic elements that were obviously very familiar and important to her.

I am always a huge fan of epic fantasies that actually make me feel something with character deaths. There was a specific character death in this book that utterly wrecked me, and I was SO thrilled that I was that connected with this story that it had that kind of impact on me.

Also, ten points to McFarland's Hogwarts House of choice for an excellent Harry Potter reference and ten more for a Mr. Darcy reference. :)

I am so excited to read the next book in this series, Shadow of Flame! The full series is out now, so I highly recommend this to all you fantasy lovers out there who hate waiting for the next book in a series to come out...and who also love some dragons and rom

poisonivy70's review

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Kai Monahan, human, is drawn into the dragon’s world through circumstances beyond her control. When she’s accidentally heartsworn to Rhys, the dragon king (it only takes a touch), they have to figure out if they can go through with completing the bond while dodging the big bad dragon’s that’s trying to kill Rhys and eventually, the human race. You know, that old chestnut.

More urban fantasy/paranormal than romance: The writing is good and the world building is done well. There is alot to process though, so the first half of the book lagged a bit while I adjusted to all the bits of info being thrown at me. That said, I read this pretty quickly because the overarching storyline of the big bad who’s trying to usurp the dragon throne kept me intrigued.

I think this works much more as an urban fantasy than the romance, but it’s the first book in a trilogy, so I can only hope that the romance gets stronger as it goes along. Regardless, I am interested in many of the secondary characters (#teamCadoc!), so they are what’s keeping me coming back for more.

About that romance….: In an interesting ‘verse, it was the weakest part of it. I really wish that more time and attention had been spent in really making the reader feel some chemistry between Kai and Rhys. For the first third of the book, they barely interact, and quite frankly, I thought Kai had more chemistry with Cadoc (who breaks my heart and needs a HEA stat). Rhys waffled alot, clearly didn’t want a mate, but even when he’s heartsworn, it felt more like an obligation than any kind of real feelings for Kai.

Kai could be frustrating as a heroine, and as immature as you’d expect a 20 year old to be, thrust into a very strange world where no one wants to explain anything to her. I was hard pressed to hold it against her though, because the dragons were lacking in any kind of empathy for her and how strange this all was. Deryn, Rhys’ sister, in particular, irked me alot. She was saved by Kai, more than once, and barely acknowledged it - she just came off as a jerk. I thought Ashem and Juli had the best chemistry of them all, and they’re a small part of the overall story.

I liked it, but more as an urban fantasy more than a romance. I would recommend for fans of UF who don't need a strong romantic angle. I’d be interested in the next book.

**ARC provided by publisher via netgalley for review**

hstone's review

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DNF - 24%

I received this ARC via Netgalley in return for an honest review.

I tried hard to enjoy this book. The writing is not bad—there are actually some lovely descriptions of the setting. The world-building is also original, thorough, and interesting. I mean, dragon culture! What's not to love there? The characters themselves, however, were two-dimensional and lackluster, especially with so many introduced at once. It was easy to lose track of who was who, and why we should care.

As previous reviewers have mentioned, the main character, Kai, was also irritating, mostly for the fact that her reactions seemed completely inappropriate for the situation. I can suspend my belief concerning the secret existence of dragons, but Kai's personality made me constantly aware that I was reading a fictional story. In the end, it's possible I am simply not the target audience for a book about draconic love triangles. Which makes me sad. Oh, well.

Shout-out to Ashem, though. I liked him a lot.