
Doctor's Secret by Lyz Kelley

amz101's review

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Another outstanding read by Lyz Kelley.
This is only my second book by her, but she has become a fast favorite for me. Her books are different but yet they hold a lot of the things I love most about romances.

Doctor's Secret is about McKenzie who is Wes's sister (Wes was the hero in Billionaire's Secret)... Well, this story is his sisters and it's about her journey of recovery from a tragic time in her life. After going through something traumatic in her life, McKenzie is against anything to do with relationships and getting involved with any man really. She grew up with everything she's ever wanted, luxuries that most people only dream of having, but what seems like the perfect life to most people, hasn't been for her. She has been through torment and pain that no one should ever go through, and the only people that really know the truth are her family members.

Dr. Garrett Branston is an expert surgeon in robotic technology that works at a hospital her family supports. His passion is to help children who have or could go through physical and/or mental harm, it's also something he has had to go through as a young child himself and though he may be a doctor, he lacks a certain manner with people/patients.

Wes and Liam come up with a bright idea that she should become engaged Garrett, in a way to make his transition into the hospital a little easier... What starts out at a fake engagement and McKenzie naturally disliking Garrett from the first impression turns into so much more and as the story got deeper, the connection between the two did as well and passion and lust became to blossom and what was once just a fake agreement, may quite possibly turn be the real deal. But will McKenize allow herself to feel these things for Garrett? Will she be able to? But it's not just her that battles demons in her life, he has them too and he needs to learn a way to move forward from them so he can be the man he truly wants to be for McKenzie.

These two were opposites, yet that played in their favorite and made it an interesting connection between the two. The chemistry build up and passion was intense, yet slow and steady... It was a mixture of both and I was completely smitten with these two.

I loved this book. The emotions I got both Garrett and Mckenzie's pasts hit me like a ton of bricks, it pulled at my heartstrings, it made twisted up inside, but in a good way. I've said this before about the author, and I will say it again. The way she tackles some of these more sensitive subjects in her books is amazing. She knows her stuff and she explains it well. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and will be re-reading it in the near future.

5 Stars