
The House That Vanity Built by Nancy Cole Silverman

katreader's review against another edition

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The Second Misty Dawn Mystery

When two young women come to Misty Dawn's door, the psychic knows there's more going on than a lost engagement ring. Amy, a wholesome girl new to town, is engaged to the rich son from a beauty product empire, but her companion has a more worldly edge. Although Misty reassures her the ring is merely misplaced, she knows something much darker is at play. When Amy calls the next day, devastated that her fiance has died, Misty knows she has to help the naive young woman. What she finds are lots of secrets behind a rich barricade.

All that glitters is not gold and beauty products can hide a multitude of sins. Such is the case in the second Misty Dawn Mystery. Once a decadent playboy, Doctor Conroy has little faith that his son can take over the business, but would he actually kill him, now that there's an heir on the way? If a reaction to bee venom is the cause of death, could the beekeeper be guilty, especially if you take into account his past with Amy? A hired henchman and the doctor's deceased wife and mistress make Misty's investigation even more challenging... and dangerous.

I really like the themes at play in THE HOUSE THAT VANITY BUILT and the title really does say it all. Greed, glory, self involvement, and vanity can destroy everything. I love how Misty plays the old lady card and love her interactions with Wilson. I also appreciate that Wilson may be going down a dangerous path. It's concerning, but realistic. Not everything can go well, temptation may be too great. The options are ominous and captivating leaving me eager to see what happens next.

THE HOUSE THAT VANITY BUILT is a compelling mystery. While there is no doubt that this second Misty Dawn Mystery is a cozy, it has a darker edge to it, and I really like that.

FTC Disclosure – The publisher sent me a digital ARC provided through Edelweiss, in the hopes I would review it.

hugbandit7's review against another edition

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Misty Dawn isn't what you might expect when you think of a psychic.  She is a matter of fact and doesn't hold anything back when sharing what she learns or what she thinks about people, situations, or cases.  She gets around town with her shade, Winston, that has a flair for the dramatic and doesn't seem to understand that he has some limitations as to what he can or should do as a shade.  Misty is always telling him he shouldn't do certain things or that other spirit beings can be harmful to his progression if he ever wants to leave this world.

In this second in the series, Misty is helping Amy with what seems to be an innocent task - what happened to her engagement ring. While Misty can't tell her exactly where it is, she knows it isn't lost forever.  She never expects to receive a call a day or two later with the news that Amy's fiance is dead.  His father doesn't believe it was an accident and pushes the police to investigate.  Of course with Misty's minor ties to the case, she inserts herself to help discover the true cause of Jared's death.

The case is laid out for the reader with multiple suspects, misdirection, and shenanigans by some luminaries - namely Dr. Conroy's deceased wife and mistress.  The story kept me engaged and just when I thought I might have solved the mystery, a new clue was introduced or my reasonings were proven incorrect.  I was quite surprised at the reveal and how the story ended.

Another great cozy with a paranormal twist.  We give this book 5 paws up.

jen_baroness_mom's review against another edition

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I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.The House That Vanity Built by Nancy Cole Silverman is a humorous mystery, filled with spirits and hope.

Will Misty figure out who murdered Jared or be the killer's next victim?

Misty and Wilson are on the case again. Misty has accepted Amy's request for help, but the living people around this death aren't open for reading, and the spirit of Jared is staying away. I love this due. They play off each other quite well.

Wilson isn't letting the traditional rules limit him. He is determined to be himself and deal with whatever the consequences. Oh, and I love his relationship with his sister. If she only knew the things that Misty doesn't say to her. I do love the way that he drives Misty around in his antique cars. Seriously, who wants to drive in Los Angeles?

Amy Hendersen

Amy is engaged to Jared. She is sweet and down to earth, not the type of girl you would generally meet in Los Angels. Amy recently lost her parents and moved from her small town to Los Angeles to start anew. However, her naivete could end getting her locked up. You see, Amy is pregnant and is carrying the heir to the Conroy Cosmetics dynasty. 

The House That Vanity Built CRThe Mystery

Misty and Wilson are trying to figure out who killed Jared before anyone else is murdered. But, this time, they need more proof than just Misty's premotions and hunches. Wilson isn't able to connect with Jared, but he does find Jared's mother and Christina, their former housekeeper (and Doctor Conroy's mistress). They aren't ghosts, but shades still on this plane to mess with the person they both accuse of killing them. Since they are shades, they have different rules than ghosts. Misty and Wilson are narrowing in on the culprit, but they are hard-pressed to find actual proof. 
Five Stars

I love this cross between old Hollywood rumors, the here-and-natural, and our current time. Ms. Silverman does a fabulous job of adding humor to the story, and I enjoy this series immensely. Therefore, my rating for The House That Vanity Built by Nancy Cole Silverman is five stars. I highly recommend this book and the first book in the series. 

The First Book in the Series:



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dollycas's review against another edition

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Dollycas’s Thoughts

Hollywood psychic Misty Dawn meets a young woman upset because she has lost her engagement ring but Misty thinks there is more to the story. When the groom dies at his bachelor party she knows it was no accident. She has a lot of questions regarding the death of the son of the world’s biggest cosmetics empire. With her “shade” Wilson’s help, she is determined to find answers and the killer.

This second book in the Misty Dawn trilogy takes us to the House that Vanity Built current owed by Doctor Conroy who hasn’t always seen eye to eye with his son Jared but he thinks his son will settle down when he marries Amy. Again, the author takes time to develop these new characters throughout the entire book and allows the original cast to grow as well. Wilson makes some interesting new friends while Misty digs into those still living. The dialogue is crisp and at times will have you chuckling out loud.

The mystery is so well written and plotted out. She has created a real tangled mystery with twists, conflicts, and secrets. The lengths some people will go to for greed and vanity.

The author’s descriptive writing style really draws the reader into the story. While the book does have a serious tone, there is also plenty of humor within these pages, imagine the ethereal Wilson as Misty’s chauffeur and him flitting around unseen.

The vanity house does sound like an incredible estate making it a wonderful setting. It gives the book a real old-time cinema feel.

I found The House that Vanity Built to be captivating and entertaining. I am excited to read the third book in the trilogy to see where the author takes these characters and wraps up this very entertaining series.

3no7's review against another edition

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“The House That Vanity Built” is book two in the “Misty Dawn Mystery” series, but new readers will easily get up to speed on Dawn’s adventures and outlook on life, death, and life after death. She is the leading “Psychic to the Stars” with a clientele that has included the elite of Hollywood and sometimes even the FBI. She lives in a nice quiet house with the recently deceased former owner, Wilson Thorne, Hollywood set designer. Dawn’s adventures unfold in her first person narrative filled with conversations and personal reflections so readers know what she hears, sees, and thinks.

Dawn’s new client, Carlene Muller, has lost her engagement ring the week before the wedding. Dawn normally just wants to help people help themselves, but she knows this girl is in trouble, and not just about the ring. When the girl’s rich fiancé shows up dead, she is set to inherit “The Estate” and the accompanying cosmetics fortune, and things get complicated. Dawn tries to manage relationships, both in life and on the other side of the veil, but finds both love and vengeance complicate everything. Clues are uncovered, but the detectives on the case are only interested in information that can be taken to a jury.

“The House That Vanity Built” is entertaining and easy to read. It has suspense, excitement, and some danger but without blood and gore. The characters are likeable and funny. The plot moves purposefully and systematically to a satisfying end. I received a review copy of “The House That Vanity Built” from Nancy Cole Silverman, and Henery Press. For those who read the first book in the series, the “Academy Award” doorstop is still there.

annarella's review against another edition

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This series is becoming a favorite and I think that Misty and Wilson are great characters.
The plot is well crafted and I read this story as fast as I could. The characters are interesting and well thought.
The mystery is solid, full of twists and turns, and kept me guessing.
I love the humour and the style of writing.
I can't wait to read the next instalment.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to Henery Press and Edelweiss for this ARC, all opinions are mine