
Master of Solitude by Cherise Sinclair

booklvrkat's review

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Every once in awhile you'll find an author that just makes your heart melt. This is one of my favorites. Cherise just gets women, and men. If this story doesn't make you feel right, then she's not the author for you. These characters really spoke to me (so many of hers do) because they are "real".

kodom251999's review

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Wow just wow! I realized how much I've missed these characters! This book was so well written! The hero so dominant and sweet, and the heroine so peaceful it was the perfect match! It managed to make me smile, and cry can't ask for more!

athene_srq's review

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I'm going to give it a 3 1/2 it was kind of blah. I love Cherise's books but this one wasn't one of the better ones.

deanie's review

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Ex-Navy SEAL Sawyer Ware has had a rough few years. After leaving the military, he suffered from severe PTSD. He went to prison for driving drunk in an accident that killed his (even more drunk) friend. And he survived being attacked defending his (female) psychologist from escaping prisoners, only to face prejudice against ex-cons upon his release. Contractor Mallory McCabe has never been particularly feminine, but being around Sawyer makes her feel things she's never felt before. But his walls and resistance are challenging to break through.

Sawyer Ware, introduced in Master of Freedom is a complex and interesting character. He's made serious mistakes and now is facing the consequences -- some deserved, some not. Mallory McCabe is usually seen as "one of the guys," but her relationship with Sawyer opens her up to new ideas and challenges. Their relationship is really great, especially given all the obstacles they have to overcome.

nelsonseye's review

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[b:Master of Solitude|35103641|Master of Solitude (Mountain Masters & Dark Haven, #8)|Cherise Sinclair||56410289] is hovering between three and four stars, and I may upgrade later. I liked both Mal and Sawyer, and I am especially glad that Sawyer's misunderstandings were not too drawn out, and that he apologized for his actions. Perhaps Mallory was a bit too forgiving, but that could just be me. I also appreciated that certain scenes (in the second last chapter) were not too drawn out; some of Ms. Sinclair's villains can be pretty awful. These men were awful, but the situation was less horrific than those in other books. Finally, I got the not-so-subtle sense that Morgan (and possibly Wyatt) have a book on the horizon, so I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for that.

sandreea's review

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4 stars

I've been looking through my notes about this book and all of them are me just raving about how much I love Mallory and appreciate Cherise Sinclair in gracing us with the wonder that is Mallory McCabe. Bless. You tell me that there are characters that are not only empathetic, smart, courageous, that show their emotions in an open and honest manner, that can also be rational at the same time? I didn't know that was a thing we did in the romance genre. But now seriously, I was so surprised by the maturity and just general understanding and sheer common sense Mallory showed throughout the whole book. I'm speechless. I don't know if some of it can be attributed to Mallory's religion, but I would like to believe it's just because she's that awesome. On the other hand, Sawyer was an okay male lead. Kinda unremarkable in the whole pool of Doms. Also a bit of an idiot at times, which I guess Mallory can balance his dumbassery with her common sense, so there's that at least.
Sawyer pulls a Batman after Atticus is attacked. Mallory recruits almost all of the goddamn village to take care of the problem with the gang. Do you see what I'm getting at?

Another surprise was the climax of the story.
I was fully expecting Mallory to get taken hostage in the end by the gang members. Mallory knows she's a lover and not a fighter, and stayed put and away from armed criminals. Yay! We love a smart and self-aware female lead.
So relieved that we didn't get that particular cliche one more time. I also very much appreciated that we didn't end the book with a sex scene. I liked that there were moments of fluff and moments that pulled on my heart strings.
Unfortunately, I can't give this book a higher rating since I found the male lead kinda bland, especially in comparison with the female lead. Peace out.✌

crystalisreading's review

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Well, I finally finished this story, after picking it up and putting it down for months on end. This book was a disappointment to me. The last few of Sinclair's novels in general haven't captured me like her earlier work. I appreciate that she tries to expand her character repertoire, so having Mallory be a strong, undamaged female not particularly in need of rescuing (most of the time), while the male has plenty of issues instead, was nice. I got frustrated with her and Sawyer, though, mostly because of Sawyer. He blew hot and cold, couldn't seem to understand how to communicate with Mal, and put her as well as himself in danger with his stupid behavior (and lack of communication about it). His behavior. Ugh. That whole vigilante aspect of the book was very tiresome to me, as was the repetitious use of the word "gangbangers", and all their cartoony evil. I appreciate that they were white supremacists--I'm one of the Americans still OK with Nazis being bad ALL. THE. TIME. But the villains were still so over the top exaggerated. They didn't just knock down a female pedestrian. They knocked down a sweet, frail old lady! And the great big show down at the end was just more of the same.
Also, I got SO TIRED in this story of the repetition about "women do this" and "men do that" and blah blah stereotypical gender roles. I get this is a rural mountain town, and people there may be more traditional, but it felt like Sinclair was beating readers over the head with 'men are like this' and 'women are like that'. Clearly all her characters agreed, as they made comments like that repeatedly. Doesn't it undermine having strong independent characters like Kallie and Mal if they are constantly relegated to the kitchen and housework and babies, and kept out of harms way when shit goes down? Because it sure felt like it to me. One of the things I appreciate about most of the BDSM novels I read is the openness to different gender roles and identities and sexual preferences. Sinclair's writing is starting to feel more and more like BDSM for conservative white people, and it makes me crazy.
Also, in what is fairly important in a BDSM erotic romance, I found the sex scenes relatively tame, almost vanilla, and sparsely scattered throughout the book. Sure, there was some kinky play, but a lot different in nature than many of her previous stories. there's enough BDSM-lite novels out there already, isn't there?
Based on this book, as well as Sinclair's last couple of stories, I'm moving her off my "auto purchase" list and onto my "I'll see how the reviews are" list instead.

mrsbatts610's review

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Finally a good book. I thoughtI was broken there for awhile, I wasn't able to get into anything, but Cherise Sinclair to the rescue!

I liked this book. I probably should have refreshed myself with Atticus and Gin's book first, because I forgot what Sawyer was in jail for. But eventually we learned it. And I have to give props to the author, she didn't give a rundown of what happened in previous books all at once. It came out in bits and pieces, sort of naturally. I can't stand when an author, in an attempt to refresh the reader just comes out of nowhere with the reminders.

I like Mallory. I really liked that Ms. Sinclair listened to her readers about having a character who was into BDSM just because they liked it. The aura stuff was cool and not overdone.

Sawyer was also likable. He had his little jerky moments but nothing over the top.

I really liked that the BDSM that they enjoyed was somewhat tame. I've seen some authors trying up the kink level in each book and sometimes enough is enough.

The writing was excellent, I enjoyed the suspense as well as the romance.

relly's review

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Reread 2022
Probably liked this one more on the reread
I liked Mallory and her attitude, she just got on with it, understood when things didn’t go the way she wanted and just moved on. Sawyers back and forth while understandable did annoy it a little.
I enjoyed the town getting together for a common goal.

Good end

3.75 ⭐️

I really liked Sawyer and Mallory’s vibe – they had a very adult relationship. No hysterics just acceptance and working together. When Mallory appeared during the fight, he didn’t have a kitten, he just moved on and worked towards to common goal. Same when he did something she didn’t like. 
I liked that they mainly only used bondage as it gave another side to the BDSM lifestyle, it doesn’t have to be all whips and chains, it’s what works for each couple, and I also liked that with Sawyers past that he didn’t like hitting women. I enjoyed the story line with the town working together.
While it didn’t change my rating I felt like this one dragged on and even though I was enjoying it, it felt like it took a long time to read

asreadbycourtney's review

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Basically any book Cherise Sinclair puts out is an automatic read for me, especially in this series and her Shadowlands series. Her books always have an amazing plot and usually have a crap ton of twists. The relationships Cherise Sinclair writes never fail to make me laugh, cry, or just get that warm feeling in my heart. And it's not just the romantic relationships either, the friendships and familial relationships she writes about are also extremely endearing.

Cherise's stories almost always involve BDSM, so if that's not your thing don't pick up one of her books. I will say that this was certainly a lightweight BDSM book, mostly just bondage and D/s stuff.

I loved the fact that Mallory was a construction worker, her character was so strong and very diverse from the usual heroines. Sawyer was pretty much your average Cherise Sinclair Dom, amazing, attentive, understanding, and compassionate.