
In the Tall World by Angel Van Atta, Angel Van Atta

kate_rescueandreading's review

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Ughhh, this was a hard read. Like a gut punch on repeat. I raged, I cried, I had to stop halfway through to collect my thoughts and give my poor heart a break.

The whole I just wanted to swoop in and save these poor kids. Poor Mella and Megs…

The bad people from Book 1 are still in the picture and Mella and her twin sister are at risk of being taken. Mella has to be brave again to try and save her sister and herself, but it’s hard when you’re a little kid in a tall world.

“The buildings were tall, tall, tall here. They reached up and up all the way to the sky, and there were no stars at all. I missed that so many. The stars that filled the air back home. Back in the tall trees.”

This was such an intense, emotional rollercoaster of a book, one that should definitely be on everyone’s TBR list.

kncx's review

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I just really could not cope with the writing style at all, I ended up skim reading a lot because it annoyed me that much. Repetitive too.

kiirstyanneereads's review

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Angel YOU GOT ME AGAIN. This book 2 carried on the story the perfect way.

You made me sad, You made me mad - I felt my heart ripped out of my chest and you partly put it together again. Your words made me feel all the feelings.

The way it's written is so well done, while tackling issues you have written in a heart breaking but realistic way. Told through the eyes of Mella who I have grown to love so much and I feel I miss already.

Your notes at the end were again so personal and shows what a brave person you are for sharing your story. Thank you for trusting us!

Thank you for the ARC of this book! I have already been telling friends to get onto these books - I cant wait to see what you come up with next

shannonmreviews's review

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This book picks up right where In The Tall Trees finishes and boy is it a wild and emotional ride!

While this book doesn’t bring out the same emotions as the first, the emotions are still incredibly strong. This time, it’s anger. I literally cannot tell you why without spoiling it.

The writing is consistent, not only as we view the story from the perspective of a little girl, but with the previous book too.

I did find one inconsistency however, which is the name of the mom in the story — after speaking with the author we determined I had an old copy of the first book, and the name had been changed after it was published. Originally, the character was named after someone personal to the author, and they no longer felt comfortable with their name being used and Angel immediately changed it everywhere possible — however, there are still some original copies with the now-incorrect name. The Mom’s name is Alice.

This story was great, very interesting, and will definitely be reading more by Angel.

slynn3000's review

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***This review may contain slight spoilers to In The Tall Trees so please do not read any further if you have not read that and don't want any spoilers***

In The Tall World
Angel Van Atta

Mella, her mom and little brother Petey make it out of that tiny house in the tall trees and face new obstacles as she learns to navigate the giant world. Mella soon realizes the bad man is still haunting her but in the form of the bad woman. Mella once again shows just how brave she is and tries to save those important to her just like a superhero. Will Mella once again conquer evil or will she succumb to the monsters that live in the shadows?

When I first found out there was a second installment to little Mella's story, I could not wait to read it. Angel was kind enough to add me to ARC group and allow me the privilege to read it prior to her May release. This story was heart wrenching just like the first one but worse in a lot of ways. Being hurt by those whom are supposed to love and protect you as a child is the ultimate betrayal that any child can endure. Angel manages to encapsulate a gut wrenching story from a child's POV perfectly. Stories of this topic are not for the faint of heart but can also be cathartic for those trying to break the cycles of generational trauma. I loved how we are given more back story to the time before Mella was living in the tiny house as well as fully rounding out to an ending that left me satisfied.

angelramonfrogmaster's review

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This is the second book of Mella's adventure. All I can say is bravo. The only thing I thought of was how much of a demon Lana was. The book is well-written and based on real-life situations. I have to warn you, this one made me cry.

But read it anyway!

mhughes383's review

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Amazing story, can't believe she tells it from the kind of a preschool age child. So much feeling in this book, and the anguish is killer. Just so good.

mamaamanda1's review

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I’m speechless. My heart hurts for little Mella. This book had me feeling all the emotions. I was so livid reading this and wanted to reach into the book and choke a certain someone. This book was phenomenal

candaceonline's review

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Oh man, In the Tall World by Angel Van Atta enraged me. This one picks up almost immediately after the first book. Mella is now with her birth father while her mother is hospitalized. Her papa has moved on while they were gone, now having a live-in girlfriend. This girlfriend, Lana, stays at home with Mella while papa is at work. Mella quickly learns that she not only has to fear the bad man, but also the bad woman. You guys, never has a fictional character made me want to choose violence so badly. After the first book and knowing everything Mella had been through, for her to be in the hands of this absolute trash bag of a woman, LIT me up. Lana is an evil person who deserves all the bad things in the world to happen to her. She should be reincarnated repeatedly just to die a terrible death over and over. The story is well-written. Due to the subject matter it was difficult to read at times. It made me feel sick in some moments, but the overwhelming feeling it gave me was rage. Another intense read showcasing abuse and trauma. Well executed. I wasn’t as invested in this storyline as the first so it doesn’t get as high of a rating, but it is still a good read. 4/5 stars.
Instagram book reviews @CandaceOnline

stwdscrwdntat2d's review

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and then there were two... little adorable girls who were ripped away from their families and eventually brought back together. Wow. What an ending. Mella and Meg going through one thing after another. I also had a step mother who disliked me very much so this hit home.

Thank you Angel Van Atta for an ARC copy. When I finished In the Tall Trees and saw book 2 on Amazon, I jumped right to it and it is available for pre-order I saved it for the release date.. then I mentioned on a review in the BoH FB group that I couldnt wait for the 2nd book and she kindly offered me an ARC.

In the Tall World is only .99 cents until May 22nd for the preorder! I would definitely recommend grabbing this book.