debbiebarr's review against another edition

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This book made me laugh, quite literally, out loud. I've been in several high school plays, and it epitomized pretty much everything that you can experience in one. Really great. I love Rallison's voice in her writing, and the way the characters are absolutely humiliate themselves, but still manage to get back on their feet and keep trying. The opening scene was really great, too.

lilrongal's review against another edition

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This book went between "fun" and frustrating to me. Now I realize it was published in 2005, so some of the stuff that's just not cool now (like calling the boy character "exotic" because he had some Native American blood) was probably more acceptable, though not less wrong.

valeriew's review against another edition

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Ok this was pretty funny!!! I did feel bad for Jordan thigh. The girl was only ok to me

stephjo26's review against another edition

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A little hard to keep going for awhile but amusing in the end.

lopez880's review against another edition

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Funny glad i read it.

cinephilegirl_'s review against another edition

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Algunas veces necesitas que las cosas vayan mal en orden para que las cosas resulten bien. Después de todo el timing es todo.

Linda frase que (mal) traduje del final de esta novela que no es de auto ayuda aunque las comedias deberían calificar como respiro para la mente.
Es una novela corta con una protagonista un tanto superficial a la que todo le va resultando mal y que no deja de entretener con ocurrencias sobre una producción de teatro escolar.
Jessica y Jordan son ideales para Disney Channel y no sé cómo no hay adaptación a la tv de esta novela del 2005. Rallinson es muy buena para la comedia y la adoré.

Espero recordar todo para el especial de Romance de Febrero en el blog en donde ampliaré la reseña.

Ideal para algo ligero y enredado que no va por los carriles habituales.

momshenanigans's review against another edition

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vsobaka05's review against another edition

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I was obsessed with this book as a kid and decided to re-read it because of my current Romeo & Juliet kick, but I kinda wish I hadn't. Janette Rallison can be hilarious, don't get me wrong, and I usually try to show grace when it comes things being a product of their time, but wow, this had some really bad parts. The amount of time it spent on complaining about political correctness was really unnecessary. It also had an unexplainable hatred towards feminists? I don't know, maybe I'm being too harsh, but it just rubbed me the wrong way because the politics ended up being so much of the plot, which made it hard to overlook.

flyingsails's review against another edition

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Basic plot:
Girl meets hot new Guy in an embarrassing way. Girl keeps saying how she finds Guy annoying, but still goes to the mall with him and things. Girl tries to set Guy up with Friend, but meanwhile Guy is really falling for Girl. Girl lets it slip that Guy is son of Hot Movie Star. Guy is Deeply Wounded because she ruined his adopted "normal life" in a small town (but how can you be normal in a place named "Three Forks"?), and Guy won't speak to Girl though their whole rehearsal time of Romeo and Juliet (which is the most cliched embarrassing-romance-novel play in the world). After messing up the performance, Girl wins Guy back by helping him with his plan to get his parents back together. It all ends happily.
Basically, you had to enjoy this book because of the outrageous situations, even if they did have predictable outcomes.

smiley7245's review against another edition

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Cute, fast paced read. I really enjoyed the relationship between Jessica and Jordan and how it developed. More than that, I liked how Jessica grew into herself and figured out her priorities. I was not a fan of her, Kate, her best friend. She was rude and oblivious to the needs of her friends. I was also glad that the book ended with Jordan's parents seeming like they were getting back together. This was a very cute story.