
On Anarchism by Noam Chomsky

cazxxx's review

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challenging informative inspiring reflective slow-paced


emma_ireland's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. Disjointed and dry to read but interesting, particularly the analysis of the analyses of the Spanish civil war.

phai___'s review

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challenging informative reflective slow-paced
work in progress for the rating cause I've passed it to a friend and we will talk and think more about this together, but i learned A LOT, even if it very US centric

learns2trust's review against another edition

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challenging informative medium-paced


kris10reading's review

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informative reflective slow-paced


senseioftheinternet's review against another edition

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informative inspiring tense slow-paced


terryjstokes's review against another edition

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informative inspiring medium-paced


solid introduction to anarchism. I appreciate Chomsky's analsyis of the Spanish Civil War.

elaniaa's review against another edition

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I wish Chomsky’s writing was more accessible, love what he has to say and how he talks and I learnt a lot from this but his language is a challenge.

pavram's review

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Ključna knjižica za svaki ’Ja ne verujem u državu’ starter pack. Neironično piti kafu i čitati ovo na VERANDI je nešto što svako treba u nekom trenutku doživeti jer donosi sasvim adekvatan nivo samoprezira sa sobom.

U suštini, ovo je zbirka odlomaka iz nekih drugih dela Čomskog, na temu anarhizma i izvornog libertarijanizma. Ti odlomci variraju po kvalitetu: deo o Španskom gradjanskom ratu je anarhistička istoriografija prvog stepena; dva intervjua zanimljiv su prikaz Čomskog kao govornika (i na neki način propovednika); poslednji deo na temu ’Jezik i sloboda’ mogao bi komotno da se preimenuje samo u ’Sloboda’ jer Čomski tu vezu praktično nijednom u tih dvadesetak stranica nije istražio. Prijalo mi je kao uvodnik u neko drugo, obimnije i ozbiljnije čitanje. Moj stav o anarhizmu ostao je manje više isti – pokret u uskoj vezi sa privilegovanim intelektualizmom i (nažalost) daleko od stvarnosti. Voleo bih da se Čomski više bavio zašto je baš tako, zašto je baš ovako ispalo, a manje antikapitalističkim onanisanjem.


hollyevaallen's review

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A good introduction to anarchism for those that don’t know much at all. The book definitely helps dispel some confusion about what the term anarchism really means. It is very derivative however, and refers to famous anarchist works and essays constantly, so, if you’re already familiar with other Anarchist works by people like Proudhon and Kropotkin then I would honestly say you can pass this one up. While Chomsky makes a good argument for Anarchism, I personally believe in that the book is a bit verbose and that even certain older words (The Conquest of Bread, for example) would be a better introduction for people who don’t like heavy vocabulary.