
Snowed In by Teodora Kostova

drez80's review

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This book started off so well. I love the sibling's BFF trope, but Quinn's reason for disappearing and having no contact or telling Nate why he was leaving?! Ummm... yeah. That just ruined the entire story for me. Also, Nate being so forgiving of the dumbest reason for disappearing with zero contact for two years annoyed me. It was like I read two different stories. I was really enjoying this one until the reason came out. Then I was so disappointed, and then I just became angry that the whole story was ruined by the last like 20%.

randalena's review

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Nah man. Count me out. Dont communicate for 2 years, except you’re clearly talking to his brother, Brandon, and then pop back up and make demands. Nate rolled over way too easy.

missysreadingcorner's review

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I really didn't care for Quinn before and after he left Nate the way he did. He could have told him what was going on. It shouldn't have taken two years for him to talk to Nate. I'm also disappointed Nate would forgive Quinn so damn fast after the emotional crap Quinn put him through. It was an okay quick romance novel. I wish Nate could have held onto his anger a little longer.

ellelainey's review

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Book – Snowed In
Author – Teodora Kostova
Star rating - ★★★★☆
No. of Pages – 108 (using locations, I'm guessing that about 14 of these were adverts at the end)
Ease of reading – very easy to read
Would I read it again – Yes!


I was lucky enough to win a copy of this from the Diverse Reader blog and it has been my first book by Teodora Kostova.


I can sum up how I feel about this book in just a few words, so don't expect this to be one of my usual 'essay' type reviews.
I loved it.
It made me cry.
It hurt.

To start with, we have Nate, who is this sad, desperate, on the verge of a big life changing decision, college guy, just twenty and madly in love with his oblivious best friend. I fell for him right away. I loved him, wanted to be his friend, wanted to take care of him and all of it, in just a few pages.

Then Quinn, the hot best friend, comes into the picture and you know something isn't right, right away. He appears ill, acts strangely and even Nate notices that something is wrong.

Oh, it's definitely wrong.

This is where I can't tell you any more about the plot. I can't. It would ruin all the mad, crazy, heartbreaking moments that you need to feel and experience, to enjoy this story. So go read it and then you'll understand why I can't tell you what happens.

Needless to say, it's something bad.

I still love Nate. He tugs at my heart strings like I actually know and love him. There isn't a minute when I don't feel his pain and know exactly why he's so furious with Quinn, when his stupid friend messes up so royally.

But here's my problem: at about 30% of the book, we enter Part II and Bye Bye Nate. His POV's are gone. Never to return. This really made me sad, because there were some great opportunities to let us see his side of things, without giving anything away. I mean, we mostly see his reactions through Quinn's eyes, so we get the gist of the Nate of the rest of the book – angry, unforgiving, vindictive and a hot mess – but I would have liked to see that from Nate's POV. You get glimpses of the emotional turmoil he's in, when he's quiet, withdrawn and cries, though he doesn't want Quinn to see it, and you can imagine what he's thinking. But I don't want to imagine it. Nate is an amazing character and he's mostly told through another person's skewed POV.

As for Quinn, I can't like him. I don't hate him, but I can never like him, after what he did to Nate. Personally, I wouldn't have forgiven him for what he did. I understand his reasons, but coming back the way he did, expecting Nate to welcome him and eventually forgive him makes me homicidal. The guy is a class A idiot and I will never like him.

I spent most of the book asking why the hell Quinn thought he deserved to be treated nicely, when he comes back into Nate's life TWO YEARS LATER! I mean, a few months, fine. A year, makes less sense, but Nate's more likely to forgive him. But two years? Even knowing the reason why, I'm struggling to think of why he's gone so long, because it's not really explained. Part of the situation is, but not the reason for the length of time, because we're told that the 'incident' that messed everything up had already started by that point. I, personally, would have liked a more logical explanation.

Quinn also has to be some kind of stupid to be surprised that Nate had grown angry and vindictive, after what he'd done. Even I knew he had a reason for what he did (I'm not telling you what!) but I also know that Nate didn't! Nate had no clue, except a lousy, empty apologise and regrets expressed in a note. Not even a letter! Nate didn't have the first idea why Quinn did what he did, so he reacted as anyone else would. In fact, better than some people would have.

Inevitably, as the title suggests, the 'Snowed In' event brings it all to a head. However, though I applaud the author for not making it one blow out scene and then instant forgiveness, I do have to question Nate's forgiveness. He was devastated – heartbroken and gutted – when Quinn did what he did. The way he acts throughout the entire story suggests that although forgiveness is possible, it will never be easy nor quick. Yet, that's exactly what we get. I can't accept that.

As Nate said “I hate that I resented you for so long, making my soul shrivel and slowly die”. I mean, who can forgive in just a few days, after experiencing that? Sure, they both acknowledge that it will take a long time to fully build back trust, but Nate suddenly becomes so at ease with Quinn again, after two brief – unsatisfying, to me – discussions about the 'incident'. He practically becomes a sex slave and lap dog to Quinn, obeying without question when he asks him to run the showed water, baking and showing guilt about things that are never his fault. But Quinn makes him feel like it's fault, for not understanding, for not instantly accepting that he must have had a good reason to do what he did.

Ugh. As you can probably tell, Quinn drives me insane. For that reason – because I really dislike him and what he did to Nate – I'm giving this just 4 stars, because I don't get the forgiveness at all. It makes no sense, after everything my poor Nate went through.

I only have one thing left to say about this and I'm using Nate's own words:

“Fuck. Me. That was intense.”

myzanm's review

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A really sweet Christmas story about second chances.
Nate has been in love with Quinn for years when he finally tells him how he feels. They share a perfect night together, but Quinn flees in the middle of the night without an explanation leaving Nate heartbroken. Two years later Quinn is back and wants a second chance with Nate.
This is where it got dicey for me. I kept thinking Quinn had to have a really good reason to be gone that long without ever contacting the man he claims to love. I was thinking something like undercover job in Russia or something like that.
Yeah, well I wasn't even close! And for the reason he gives 2 years seems a bit excessive. Something like that tends to be quicker and I just couldn't understand the lack of communication.
In the light of that I certainly thought Quinn got back in Nate's good graces a bit too easy. Where was the grovelling? No, not the sex scenes - The grovelling that was supposed to come before them!
Let just say the reason and the fact that the grovelling was non existent left me with any choice but to just give an otherwise good story the mediocre rating of only 3 stars.

wickedwitchofthewords's review

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I could definitely use more drama here! More anger & hurt!
I mean Quinn left Nate soooooo heartbroken! Nate forgave him too early too soon. Not good! Also, Quinn leaving Nate because of Kai like that?! Not good enough.

But I actually loved the story & the characters. Well, Quinn & Nate. I mean, as a short read it was lovable.

katereads2much's review

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Fluffy like snoooooow, warm like sitting in front of a fire.

Shut up, don't judge me.

zelda75's review

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colleen_m's review

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Short sweet second chance story between two long time friends. After finally admitting their feelings for each other, Quinn leaves Nate alone in bed with no explanation. Two years later, Quinn comes back to make things right, but Nate still has too much anger to work through.

bfdbookblog's review

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***Audiobook Review***

I didn’t care for the sound of the vocal performer’s voice but he did have different voices for most of the characters and wasn’t totally monotone. He sounded very young and was hard for me to listen to (and yes I’m an EXTREMELY prickly audiobook listener).

This wasn’t my favorite story by Ms. Kostova. I like the idea of the story – an almost second chance romance, getting snowed in to face and hopefully reconcile their past. But I had a few issues with the book.

I wasn’t crazy about either character although I think I liked Nate better. Nate is pretty immature but he is young so I can’t fault him too much for that. I think he gave in to and forgave Quinn way too quickly which I attribute to his bone deep love for him that never faded. Quinn was just selfish coward and really self-absorbed. The reason for ceasing all communication after basically treating Nate like a trick was absolutely anticlimactic and didn’t warrant Quinn cutting Nate out of his life. I just couldn’t believe that he couldn’t communicate AT ALL with him in those two years. They do get what I consider a HFN. I don’t feel their relationship is totally resolved and steady for the long haul so I’d have to see more to be convinced of that. They do have good chemistry and their intimacy was endearing.

This story did have some good moments and it is a quick read or listen for a snowy cold day.