
Now and forever - weil ich dich liebe: Roman by Gennifer Albin, Geneva Lee

itsme_lori's review against another edition

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I have to start this review by stating that while I enjoy New Adult books and the issues they bring to the table over Young Adult books, I don't read very many of them. But I was seriously hooked by the premise for this one. Not only does it switch up the typical gender roles but it also seemed that none of the characters come from a violent past. And I liked that. There seem to be plenty of NA books that deal with those issues (and many are amazing books!). I just liked that Catching Liam took a different approach. And I'm so glad I read this book. I can't wait for the rest in this series!

My favorite thing about this book without a doubt was the characters. Liam is studying abroad for the year from Scotland and is handsome, smart, optimistic, and fun. We first meet him in the morning at Jillian's apartment while he's making waffles in his underwear. Jillian is a junior in college who still hasn't declared a major and is smart, sarcastic, strong, and vulnerable. We first meet her that morning as well, as she's trying to figure out who the guy in her apartment is and why he's still there. Their relationship continues from there with many ups and downs but I really loved them together. Liam was sweet and kind and honestly interested in Jillian and Jillian worked hard to keep up her tough exterior and hide her secret from him, but she couldn't control her heart like she thought she could. Jillian never apologized for what she wanted or for who she was. And Liam worked hard to prove he'd be there for her when she needed him. Together, they were great.

I also really enjoyed the focus on friendship in this book. Jillian has two close friends who had also adopted this catch and release game but both had recently fallen for guys of their own. They supported Jillian is her desire to keep up the game for herself, they were there for her when she needed them, and they took care of her in ways her family didn't. In regards to college friendships, I think Sophia Bleu really nailed these relationships. Living together, friends become family and I can't wait to read more about these two (they each get their own Good Girls Don't book!).

Final Thoughts: I really loved this book. I stayed up way into the night just so I could finish it and find out what would happen between Liam and Jillian. I promise you, it was worth it. This book is everything New Adult should be. It deals with relationships, friendships, sex, living on your own, thinking about the future, accepting who you are, and figuring out how to change the parts of your life that you want to. Jillian is dealing with some issues (that don't originate from a violent or horrible past) and she's discovering how to be an adult and handle them herself. Her friends support her throughout the book but it's Liam and their relationship that end up helping her grow the most. I highly recommend this book as a New Adult contemporary romance and I hope you'll give it a chance.

mary_05's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this. It managed to be serious and light at the same time. Liam was absolutely swoon worthy and I would have jumped at the chance to have him make me pancakes every morning. I found it slightly predictable, but I liked I none the less.

paddlefoot55's review against another edition

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Copy received for honest review

Monday night has been 'Boy Catching Night" since freshman year for Jillian, Jess and Cassie. But it isn't much fun now that Jess and Cassie have "boyfriended up".

In a true role reversal from most books, Jillian is the 'catch and release' kinda girl, and they guys are disposable.

One night, Jillian catches more than she bargained for in sexy Scotsman, Liam McAvoy (can I say "swoon" I definitely have a thing for that Scottish accent). This could be why I connected with his character straight off the bat.

The next morning, Jillian wakes up to her worst nightmare - Liam is still there, in her kitchen, cooking waffles - naked!

And boy does the boy make a mean waffle!

I cut into the waffle and took a big bite. Butter. Syrup. Vanilla. Despite myself, I moaned.

“Somebody likes your waffles,” Jess said, smirking at me.

“I have a high proficiency in moan-inducing,” Liam said without missing a beat.

He sure does like to make them waffles a lot. Everytime it is mentioned, my mind automatically goes to Donkey from Shrek "In the morning, I'm making waffles!"

Damn, now I want waffles!!

Jillian - now her I had a harder time connecting with. I know she has been brow-beaten by her mother - there is no other word for Tara than that she is a bitch - and that she had been made to feel like nothing forever, but ugh -I don't know!

I adored Jillian's best friend Jess - smart, sassy, and she defends her friends however and whenever needed. There is also something behind Jess' relationship with one of her ex-Professors, I hope we find out more about it in Book 2 (Teaching Roman) out later this year.

I was cheering for Liam to get under Jillian's skin, stuck in her mind and into her heart right from the start.

Jillian also has a secret that only her parents and best friends know about, and she uses this to keep out of relationships.

This a quite a light hearted read, but it also delves into darker places and into how secrets can destroy relationships.

It is a book about lust, secrets, love, friendships and relationships.

I very much enjoyed Chasing Liam, and am certainly going to read more of this series.

Sophie Bleu, you had me at Scotsman!

Oh yeah, we also find out the answer to that age old question - what does a Scotsman wear under his kilt ;-)

lenoreo's review against another edition

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3.5 stars -- OK, Liam was fantastic. Just absolutely adorable, deliciously yummy, want to take him home and cuddle him. But I just didn't always feel it for Jillian. I think my personality just didn't mesh. I honestly can't figure out what bothered me about her, just that I was only half on board. I LOVED the bits about her disease, and how that all was handled. Even really enjoyed Jess. Cassie, on the other hand...I don't know. In the end I guess I had higher expectations from reading reviews, and that probably tainted it. Or I don't know...whatever...I've got nothing. Probably won't read the next one. NOt that I wouldn't enjoy it, just that I might enjoy others more...

izziede's review against another edition

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This book is a rewrite of an earlier book written by the author under a different name as she writes under that name for YA.
I have liked some of this author's work but I don't find she writes YA as a young person.
Some of the behaviour of the characters is childish and reminds me it is YA but other things about their conversation or outlook is older than their years.
The heroine seems to be a bed hopper but that said there are no intimate scenes other than the Hero and heroine.
It is said she doesn't do relationships and there is a good reason for her being reluctant.
Liam is a dream, he is totally besotted with the heroine and is beyond patient.
Pushing away from heroine.
Small other woman and man drama, nothing significant.
The Hero buys another girl a drink.
The heroine dances with another man but it's very brief.
There are secondary characters that have their own stories in the next books in the series.


The Hero and heroine in this book have a HFN in this book as he is returning to Scotland after his studies end.

lifeandliterature's review against another edition

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I felt a bit like I was back in high school - giddy and wild and hoping Liam would press me against a locker after class. Too bad there were no lockers on campus.

I've had my suspicions about why those Scottish men wear Kilts. And finally those suspicions have been confirmed thanks to the gorgeously, sexy Liam McAvoy.

Jillian Nichols motto is catch and release. That's her mantra when it comes to boys. She's not interested in relationships. Buy her a drink, dance with her and maybe, if you play your cards right she'll take you home for the night. After one such night she wakes up and discovers the deliciously naked scottish boy she brought home last night is in her kitchen making her waffles. Jillian's first instinct is to get rid of him as quickly as possible but Liam won't be got rid of so easily and the two find themselves unable to stay away from each other.

At first glance Catching Liam looks like a nice fluffy romance with a little bit of angst thrown in for good measure. But in actual fact it goes so much deeper than that. It actually explores quite a deep subject matter. I can't really go into too much detail without giving things away. I will say that it involves Jillian but it touches all those who love her. I had a little bit of a hard time connecting with and liking Jillian at the start. She seemed quite self centred and distanced herself from people. But once her storyline played out a little bit, things fell into place and I was able to like her that much more.

The problem was that I already knew I didn't have the strength to stay away from him. I had tried that, but Liam pulled me to him like a magnet. The more I resisted, the harder it became.

Oh dear lord how much did I love Liam. I love a man with an accent!! And Liam has the personality and sexiness to go with it. The book is called Catching Liam but I really think it was Liam who fought and did the catching. If he wasn't as persistent and as unwilling to give up we would have had a much different read. The connection between Liam and Jillian was apparent right from the get go and as the reader you just knew that Jillian wasn't going to be able to stay immune to Liam's charms for very long. And really who would be able to!! But even then things don't run smoothly.

I love an author who can write a sexy and steamy romance but weave in real life issues that impact on peoples lives daily. I love that it dealt with something that I hadn't read in New Adult before. I loved the struggles that both Liam and Jillian went through in both dealing with those issues. I loved their passion and the depth of their feelings. Catching Liam was a great read and if you're looking for something a little bit different in your next NA read, then I would definitely recommend this one!!

bookbitereviews's review against another edition

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There were a few things that didn't click well in this story, like how fast the relationship formed, how quickly Jillian changed her ways, how they avoided the issues of Liam being on Visa, and how crazy Jillian's mom was, but I really did enjoy the rest of the story a lot. It was a very cute story that had a lot of characters that were weaved very well together. I think this story had the right amount of complexity, but just really needs to be polished a bit more. Regardless, I enjoyed the story a lot and I plan to read more from Gennifer Albin in the future, especially the future stories in this series.

nverjudgeabook's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars. I really enjoyed this book, fantastic!

Full Review to come...


When I signed up for this tour I was in my element of NA fiction and I completely forgot about this tour until I started reading this book. It didn't take me long to read it... with its cute and happy cover all you can see is true love with a hint of passion. (Was that too much... well you'll see in my review, why I came to that conclusion)

The story begins with Jillian a Uni Student facing her decision of her major along with a night of passion, what she didn't know was that this innocent guy known as Liam would stay longer than the night. Thus beginning a very emotional and complicated relationship ahead of them. It wasn't a unique or refreshing take on a NA plotline, however like many NA fiction it's addictive so you can't let it stop there and I didn't for me. It opened my eyes in some ways and it made me understand life from a very different angle. I'm writing very little on the story as this particular NA novel is based on the strengths and weakness of the human body both physically and metaphorically.

The first 40% of the book, life, love and happiness surrounded Jillian. She was getting to grips with dating and having a relationship with Liam, which is very un-Jillian of her. But the body and the home-made waffles must have gotten to her deeply. With Liam being her Communication Partner as well its hard for her to speak honestly and from the heart. Her parents haven't helped either, they criticise her decisions, only adding to her burden of college life. With Sophia planting clues here and there, there is something wrong with Jillian that will occur, but I didn't realise it would come with such a bang to your system. Having this medical condition has made her put her life on hold or at least it should in her mother's eyes. Jillian is trying to control, only when it doesn't it effects her relationship with Liam. Sophia creates such an immense relationships with the characters that you are looking more and more like Liam when your on the outside looking in...

Now Liam, a Scottish guy who can make home-made waffles for breakfast and has a very easy natural ability to look and sound very hot and delicious.

Fun Fact: Apparently according to Liam, a Kilt is worn to aerate their lower extremities to the hip. If you get my meaning...That's made me laugh ever since I've seen one! Ha!

Who can ask for more. I know I can't... With the beginning of their relationship their is a few snags that will intervene with a long lasting one; 1) He's Scottish and lives in Scotland. 2) He only stays until August after his intership ends. Is it true love and do they end up going too fast. Answer: Yes. But what I'd admired about Liam's characters was that he never gave up, even in the toughest conditions. What Sophia does quite cleverly is that everything that we, the reader see and hear so does Liam. The most seamless connection in this novel is through Liam, we are both on the outside looking into such a emotional and complicated relationship between himself and Jillian.

Catching Liam focused on the immense relationships between, family, friends, lovers and the reader. I admire Sophia for her intelligence and research that has gone in to producing this novel and I commend her.

Rating - 4 Stars

ursula_uriarte's review against another edition

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4.5 stars :)
Absolutely in love with this book! It's one of those that it's 3:30am and you are drowning in tears yet you cant make yourself put it down. Liam is in my top 5 of swoontastic lead characters for 2013. he couldnt possibly be any more perfect, he is hot, Scottish (which = swoon-worthy accent, 10 brownie points right there), the boy can cook, has the patience of a saint, is great in bed, loves the ocean and is a natural with kids and to top it off likes yoga... I mean that's exactly what the Dr. ordered! is it not?
Jillian at first was hard to relate to and a bit annoying, of course this could be because I couldn't understand why anyone would want to push Liam away. But as the story grows along, her family life and a secret, she is very much trying to keep hidden, tugs at your heart and you finally understand her dettachment and little desire to build long lasting relationships aside from her two best friends, it's easy then to see why catching and releasing guys works almost as a defense mechanism for Jillian.
The story is a rollercoaster of emotions, from laughs to super hot sex to heart break that brings you to tears because you can truly understand the pain on both sides, you can really feel it.
I think every woman would want a guy like Liam trying his best to catch her... now the question is will Jillian allow herself to be caught and will she realize that while trying to chase Liam away she's only falling harder for him before it's to late?
One of the best romance novels I've read so far this year, Sophia reels you in from page 1 and allows you to sink right into Jillian's life, and cry, laugh, swoon and fall in love right along with her.
Cant wait for book #2 of Good Girls Dont :)

vicisbookblog's review against another edition

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emotional funny inspiring tense fast-paced
