
At the Pleasure of the President by Shayla Black, Lexi Blake

liz7kathleen's review against another edition

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I had to suspend my disbelief way too many times.

amz101's review against another edition

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At The Pleasure Of The President is the 5th and final book to The Perfect Gentlemen series and what a damn good ending it was. When I got word that book five was to be released, I immediately pre-ordered this bad boy. I knew for sure these two incredible authors would not disappoint and did they? NOPE!
Book five was a long time coming and the wait was torture but it was so worth it. Shayla and Lexi delivered such a compelling story and finished this series off perfectly. The cherry on top of the cake. I spent 95% of the book on the edge of my seat, flipping page by page wanting answers, wanting to know each and every detail that I had and was obsessing over since book four and I finally got those answers!

Book five focuses on Zack and Liz and their intense, all-consuming story.

President Zack is alpha, has always been the smarter and level headed of his group of friends, he always managed to keep himself in control, even when his friends did not. He was busy mapping his future carefully and he always had his eyes on the ultimate prize. Anyone who knows me, knows I am a sucker for a powerful controlling alpha and Zack was just that, and more! My perfect fantasy.

Liz worked with Zack as his press secretary, she worked hard at her job, and knew the moment she met Zack that he was something special, like no other male she had met before. She admired him from afar, and over the years they grew closer and closer. They became friends that relied on each other, that came to each other in time of need, but that all came crashing down around Liz and Zack started to push her away and her world came to a standstill. The bond they shared becoming non-existent, and Zack turned away from her. So everything she thought was between the two of them came apart around her.

I'm trying to think of how I can review this storyline without giving anything away, and honestly? I don't think I can. All I can say is everything I thought I had pieced together in the previous books, everything I thought I knew... I had gotten wrong, I was almost certain of some things, only to find out that I wasn't even close to the answers I had in my own head. So much happened in this book, so much came to light, so many questions were answered. Things became clearer in this installment, yet they didn't... It was almost confusing but in the best way possible. I had high hopes coming into this book and the authors did not disappoint. It is bittersweet really. This was an end to an incredible series of books, amazing characters, and a plot that continued to throw me through twists and turns and consumed me completely right from the very start.

Although this book can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend it's read from book one to get a better feel of the characters, and their back story, and to get some understanding on this plot.

5 amazing stars!

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loverofromance's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

At The Pleasure of the President is the last book in the "Perfect Gentleman" series and dang I adored this book, it might be one of my favorites of the whole series. Which in hindsight is actually a real relief to be honest because I was so worried because this is a book I have been most looking forward to ever since I read the first book not too long ago. Now I do want to point out this review is going to have spoilers so if you haven't read the previous book especially or don't care for spoiler skip to the bottom of the review because due to certain elements I will have to reveal certain aspects that will spoil it if you don't want any surprises.

At The Pleasure of the President is the final installment and in this book it takes off right after the big reveal in Smoke and Sin. At the ending of Smoke and Sin, Zack Hayes, the President, has a shock of his life, because his number one secret service agent who is his most trusted leads him to his limo and lo and behold a man he thought was dead is very much alive...Maddox. Maddox we saw the funeral for in the first book and throughout the previous books, the group of friends have grieved and mourned him and trying to find who killed him and who is after Zack especially. But then we see that he is alive, faked his death and now has returned to help his friends because they are in trouble. We see two stories lay out Maddox and Sara and their reconnecting and Zack and Liz finally come together and let go of their fears and reservations and face off an enemy who will stop at nothing to destroy them all...

That was Zack, always putting others first, even when his whole world was falling apart. Even when he needed so desperately for himself.

This book was one whirlwind of a read and I had such a blast with this book here, and I just couldn't get enough of this one. I found myself truly stunned at it, and I have to say it might be my favorite. And boy all the ANGST and drama but seriously I am adoring it. Its the type of drama you get a kick out of and it makes sense the drama, you can relate to it or anyone can that has been in a romantic relationship and has suffered pain or grief. So first off we have two romance plot lines. One with Maddox and one with Zack and their lovely counterparts. So lets cover Maddox first. Maddox and Sara fell in love very quickly, it started out as a fling but turned into something deeper and it happened fast. And right when Maddox was going to propose and Sara found herself pregnant, Maddox's life was threatened and to protect Sara he broke it off with her and faked his death. And for months he has been tortured knowing the pain he has brought to Sara. But now he is back to fight for his brotherhood, and the woman he loves and his unborn daughter. But it will take lots of groveling and work to gain Sara's trust. I will say I adored this story line. I love these whole groveling scenarios especially when you can see both sides of the pairing. I see why Maddox did it and I can see why Sara is so hurt and angry at the same time. But these authors really handled their story so delicately and really impressed me seeing them find their way back to each other again.

“I’ll never leave you again.” He turned and cupped her face. “I promise. No matter what happens now, I will put you first, even above my friends. You and Maddie are my whole world now, and there is nothing I want more than to take you to bed.”

Now as for Zack and Liz's story, theirs is much more complicated as is their history. They have been wanting to be together for years. Right before Zack's late wife was killed, and a divorce was in the works, Zack knew he had found his soulmate and it was in Liz. She was everything he never thought he needed but hoped for. But then his wife was killed and then he found out about the Russian plot and couldn't risk anyone knowing of the depth of his feelings for Liz or it would put her at risk. But now Liz is fighting back and his enemies know more about them and Zack is going to fight for his woman but right when their relationship is getting going with power and passion .....evidence comes to light that Liz might be a spy and now Zack is divided on his loyalties. I found this line to be the one I was gravitating towards the most. And man I just knew how this would end and Zack and Roman deserved every bit of backlash. Liz is such a relatable character in many ways. She has such strength but also is soft and kind and feminine too. And Zack ...whew....I suspected it but he is one alpha especially in the bedroom. Just gives you the shivers thinking about his vibe that he displays in this story.

He sent her a feral smile and sauntered closer, pure need coursing through his veins as he tore off that strangling mental leash that had held him back for so long and reached for her.

Quite frankly I couldn't get enough of this finale and didn't want to put it down but at the same time I NEVER wanted it to end because that meant that it would be the end with these perfect gentlemen and their wonderful spirited ladies. And I love how this was a political book but it wasn't political. LOL I know that is confusing but it showed the complex portrayal of politics without sending political messages in the book and I LOVED that. I have noticed that romance has been very political leaning of late, and this wasn't at all. It showed what politicians have to go through day to day especially the solid good ones and the sacrifices they do. I really appreciated seeing these authors handle this so well and with such balance. Which is very difficult to do I am sure especially with two authors and TWO romance plot lines.

Life was as easy or as hard as she chose to make it.

Overall I found AT The Pleasure of the President to be a epic finale that brings together friendship and family bonds, with a complex thrilling plot packed with suspense and political intrigue and secrets abound...a story that will captivate the reader and addict you in ways you can't imagine....STUNNING IN ITS PORTRAYAL!

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jonetta's review against another edition

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Zack Hayes is the President of the United States, a position he and his family planned for him seemingly since birth. But now he’s in turmoil as revelations about the conspiracy involving the Russian cartel and his past begin to reach a climax that threaten his presidency. Elizabeth (Liz) Matthews, his press secretary and the woman he’s secretly loved for years, stands steadfastly by his side but may not be who she appears to be.

First, this is a series that must be read in order as there is a continuing story arc that builds with each book, revealing a little bit more about the mystery each time. This is the final one in the series and provides the answers I’ve waited for since the beginning. Zack and Liz’s romance finally gets the attention both have deserved and yearned for and it became the worst kept secret within the White House. In the meantime, the other Perfect Gentlemen and the women in their lives all collaborate to encircle and protect Zack while they work to solve the conspiracy, flesh out the inside traitors and bring down the cartel.

The narrator brought these characters to life and I was especially pleased with the voice given to Liz. It’s not often that a male narrator handles female characters that well. Boudreaux was exceptional with all of them. I loved the story and where it led. Most of my theories were proven true and there were some new revelations I hadn’t foreseen. It was filled with humor, mystery, romance, suspense and intrigue, yielding an outcome I found satisfying. The epilogue was priceless and this is how you end a series, one that I thoroughly enjoyed.

labraden's review

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The conspiracy that has surrounded President Zack Hayes and his friends is finally coming to a head. His suspicions about his birth and his dead wife are becoming more clear as he decides to make changes in the nature of his relationship with his press secretary, Elizabeth Matthews. As he and his friends get closer to the truth, Zack begins to suspect everyone around him except The Perfect Gentlemen who have always been there for him whenever he had needed help. They work together to find out who is trying to control Zack, while he tries to incorporate love into his life for the first time.

At the Pleasure of the President is the final installment of The Perfect Gentlemen series and answers all of the questions raised in the four previous books. Even though this is supposed to be Zack and Liz's story, their relationship really takes a back seat to the resolution of the mystery. It just seems that this story couldn't decide whether to be a romance or a mystery and wasn't really successful at either one. Overall, At the Pleasure of the President provides a satisfying ending to the series-long mystery, but doesn't really bring very much more than that to the table.

caseemiller's review against another edition

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mltola67's review against another edition

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Bonito final para esta serie

laprofedelengua's review against another edition

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Este es el final de la saga y cuenta tanto la historia de Mad y Sara como la de Zack y Liz. Lo cual es un poco injusto a mi entender porque en las demás historias se centraba solo en una pareja. Quizás por eso este libro no me gustó tanto, aunque el epílogo con todos sus hijos haciendo lío en la escuela fue genial.

doris1310's review against another edition

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Cool ending to an awesome series 👍🏻
But Liz forgave him far too quickly for his accusations!!! Would have loved more resistence.

pennyrob's review against another edition

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Wow! Fantastic ending to a great series. It kept me guessing the whole time; I can usually tell how a story will play out, but couldn't see how this one would. Loved it!