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D・N・ANGEL 1 by Yukiru Sugisaki

cherylph's review against another edition

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While I give it three stars because I feel it lacks in a lot of parts, it's a very pretty, well-characterized manga. The mangaka seems to have been very slow in the past few years about producing new volumes, but the first ten volumes are quite good, even sad sometimes. I say, if you want some light shoujo reading, this is definitely a good piece. For one thing, the females aren't shown as absolute ninnies. B( that's one thing I really dislike about a lot of shonen manga... but I digress.

chelseaface's review against another edition

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Honestly, I bought the first 5 volumes of this manga a long time ago when I was in high school or middle school...I wanted to re-read it to see if I wished to continue and finish the series. BUT, I have now learned that I do not in fact want to continue. It is too childish for me. The kids are in middle school and it just feels a bit silly for me. The plot is strange, and I am curious about how it ends, but also, it sounds like pure torture to have to read all those books to get to the very end so I might just look it up and spoil it for myself to find out. Either way, I can't say I recommend if you are over the age of 16. Not for me! Will be unhauling, but the art is really cute, so that's why I gave it 2 stars.

konvineo's review against another edition

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This is so nostalgic to reread. I used to take part of this series with me on summer vacation as kid (maybe the first like 6-7 books). I loved this series. And reading it now it's still really charming. The art style is really pretty, and from what little I've seen the art gets even better later on, but the artist was already so skilled from volume one.
As for the story, it's an interesting concept with the whole magical cat burglar in the family thing. I do remember that I kind of reached a point where the story got a bit muddled for me as a kid. Anyway, it was nice and easy to read.

kim_kjeldsen47's review against another edition

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adventurous funny lighthearted


yopoydan_kirjat's review against another edition

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Vaikka lukiossa ollessani, vuoden 2004 paikkeilla, pidinkin todella paljon D.N.Angel animesta, ei tämä mangana oikein toiminut. Alkuteos on vuodelta 1997 ja piirrosjälki näyttääkin tosi ysäriltä, eikä aina hyvällä tavalla. Olin myös onnistunut unohtamaan kaiken sisällöstä. Wiz oli edelleen söpö.

Päähenkilö on 14-vuotias Daisuke Niwa, joka on ihastunut Risa-nimiseen tyttöön, jolla on kaksossisko Riku. Daisuke on kertonut Risalle tunteistaan kirjeessä, mutta ei saa vastakaikua. Daisuke saa pian tämän jälkeen kuulla, että on perinyt sukunsa vuosisataisen kyvyn muuttua Dark-nimiseksi mestarivarkaaksi ja vaikka voikin muuttua omaksi itsekseen keikan jälkeen, hän voi palata kokonaan tavalliseksi nuoreksi vasta kun ensirakkautensa vastaa hänen tunteisiinsa.

mittland's review against another edition

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this is bad but i remember it as SO GOOD and im not sure which viewpoint is the most accurate one

animelanie's review against another edition

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Loved the anime when I watched it 13 years ago, excited to read the manga.

starlighticarus's review against another edition

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queenkath32's review against another edition

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lighthearted mysterious


hviid's review against another edition

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